The charities of Springfield, Illinois [microform] : a survey under the direction of the American Association of Societies for organizing charity / [by] Francis H. McLean ; the Springfield survey, Charities section.
New York, N.Y. : Department of Surveys and Exhibits, Russell Sage Foundation, 1915.
Call No.
OPAC Message
Axe Basement Library of American Civilization Microfiche Cabinets
Pamphlet SE11 of the Department of surveys and exhibits, Russell Sage foundation, New York city.
"Survey staff": Francis H. McLean, Florence L. Lattimore and Caroline Bedford. "Miss Lattimore's contribution was the survey of the four children's institutions in Springfield, and her findings are presented in part one of this volume."-Introduction.
Microfiche. Chicago : Library Resources, 1970. 1 microfiche ; 8 x 13 cm. (Library of American civilization ; LAC 13719)