153.15 G122c : Gagne, Robert M.
The conditions of learning [by] Robert M. Gagne.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 G122l : Gagne, Robert M.
Learning and individual differences; a symposium of the Learning Research and Development Center, Uni
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 G135l : Gallagher, Jeannette McCarthy,
The learning theory of Piaget and Inhelder / Jeanette McCarthy Gallagher, D. Kim Reid.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 G875m
Modification of affective state-dependent learning / by Lois E. Griffin.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Modification of affective state-dependent learning / by Lois E. Griffin.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
153.15 H818f, 1986 : Houston, John P.
Fundamentals of learning and memory / John P. Houston.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 L828f, 1981 : Logan, Frank A.
Fundamentals of learning and motivation / Frank A. Logan, William C. Gordon.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 M458l 1998 : Mazur, James E.,
Learning and behavior / James E. Mazur.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 M872l 1960 : Mowrer, Orval Hobart,
Learning theory and the symbolic processes.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 Oh4d 2011 : Ohlsson, Stellan.
Deep learning : how the mind overrides experience / Stellan Ohlsson.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 R334p2 : Reynolds, George Stanley,
A primer of operant conditioning / G. S. Reynolds.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 Sw42t : Swenson, Leland C.
Theories of learning : traditional perspectives/contemporary developments / Leland C. Swenson.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.15 T599p 2003 : Tomporowski, Phillip D.,
The psychology of skill : a life-span approach / Phillip D. Tomporowski.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.152 J954v : Jung, John.
Verbal learning.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.152 L959s 1978 : Lozanov, Georgi.
Suggestology and outlines of suggestopedy / Georgi Lozanov ; translated by Marjorie Hall-Pozharlieva
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.152 V53c
A comparison of learning by trial and error with learning by observation and insight and its bearing
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
A comparison of learning by trial and error with learning by observation and insight and its bearing
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
153.1522 M42
Mathematico-deductive theory of rote learning; a study in scientific methodology, by Clark L. Hull [a
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.1523 M58s : Miami University Symposium on Social Behavior
Social facilitation and imitative behavior; outcome of the 1967 Miami University Symposium on Social
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.1526 H191
Handbook of research methods in human operant behavior / edited by Kennon A. Lattal and Michael Peron
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Missing
153.1526 R742r 1934 : Roth, David Morris,
Roth memory course : a simple and scientific method of improving the memory and increasing mental pow
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
153.1526 Sm67b : Smith, Terry L.
Behavior and its causes : philosophical foundations of operant psychology / by Terry L. Smith.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.1528 Sm64r
Rehearsal of the incorrect response in frequency discrimination / by Russel L. Smith.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Rehearsal of the incorrect response in frequency discrimination / by Russel L. Smith.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
153.153 B39re : Bedell, Ralph Clairon,
The relationship between the ability to recall and the ability to infer in specific learning situatio
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.153 C627r
Rehearsal of the incorrect alternative in verbal discrimination learning / by David L. Clugston.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Rehearsal of the incorrect alternative in verbal discrimination learning / by David L. Clugston.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
153.1534 P655d 2009 : Pink, Daniel H.
Drive : the surprising truth about what motivates us / Daniel H. Pink.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, PHS Non-Fiction:Available
153.2 R251p : Reed, Graham F.
The psychology of anomalous experience: a cognitive approach [by] Graham Reed
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.23 B667h : Bourne, Lyle Eugene,
Human conceptual behavior [by] Lyle E. Bourne, Jr.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.24 B747e : Brehm, Jack Williams.
Explorations in cognitive dissonance [by] Jack W. Brehm [and] Arthur R. Cohen.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Missing
153.3 C17v 2000 : Capacchione, Lucia.
Visioning : ten steps to designing the life of your dreams / Lucia Capacchione.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.3 Ev26s : Everett, Lidia E.,
Seeking the silent stranger : drawing your way into the deeper self / Lidia E. Everett and Hyacinthe
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.3 Gil
Big magic : creative living beyond fear / Elizabeth Gilbert.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Lost and Paid, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 01-28-25
Big magic : creative living beyond fear / Elizabeth Gilbert.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Lost and Paid, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 01-28-25
153.3 Gra : Grant, Adam M,
Originals : how non-conformists move the world / Adam Grant.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
153.3 Pin : Pink, Daniel H.
A whole new mind : why right-brainers will rule the future / Daniel H. Pink.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
153.3 Que : Questlove,
Creative quest / Questlove ; with Ben Greenman.
PHS Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
153.3 Questlove : Questlove,
Creative quest / Questlove ; with Ben Greenman.
PHS Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
153.3 R22i 2023 : Read, Albert
The imagination muscle : where good ideas come from (and how to have more of them) / Albert Read.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.3 Sni : Snider, Grant,
The shape of ideas : an illustrated exploration of creativity / Grant Snider.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, PHS Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
153.3 Snider : Snider, Grant,
The shape of ideas : an illustrated exploration of creativity / Grant Snider.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, PHS Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
153.3 W2491 : Warnock, Mary.
Imagination / Mary Warnock.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.3 Wil : Wilson, Eric,
How to be weird : an off-kilter guide to living a one-of-a-kind life / Eric G. Wilson.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-07-25
153.32 Gaw : Gawain, Shakti,
Creative visualization : use the power of your imagination to create what you want in your life / Sha
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Trace
153.32 W366o : Wayman, Joe.
The other side of reading / Joe Wayman.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 Ar42c : Arieti, Silvano.
Creativity : the magic synthesis / Silvano Arieti.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 Ay15a 1997 : Ayan, Jordan E.
Aha! : 10 ways to free your creative spirit and find your great ideas / Jordan Ayan ; Rick Benzel, ed
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 B278c : Barron, Frank X.,
Creative person and creative process / [by] Frank Barron.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 B632c 2004 : Boden, Margaret A.
The creative mind : myths and mechanisms / Margaret A. Boden.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 B835a : Bruner, Jerome S.
Actual minds, possible worlds / Jerome Bruner.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 C17c, 1989 : Capacchione, Lucia.
The creative journal : the art of finding yourself / by Lucia Capacchione.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
153.35 C763c 2007 : Conrad, Peter,
Creation : artists, gods & origins / Peter Conrad.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead FD:Lib Use Only
153.35 C858 1952
The creative process : a symposium / [edited by] Brewster Ghiselin.
Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only
153.35 C858 1955
The creative process : a symposium / Brewster Ghiselin.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
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