155.2 C168p : Cantor, Nancy.
Personality and social intelligence / Nancy Cantor, John F. Kihlstrom.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 C227p : Carpenter, William Benjamin,
Principles of mental physiology, with their applications to the training and discipline of the mind,
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
155.2 C346h 1990 : Chaet, Eric,
How to change the world forever for better / by Eric Chaet.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
155.2 C43h2 : Chiang, Hung-Min
The healthy personality : readings / edited by Hung-Min Chiang, Abraham H. Maslow.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 C766
The Construing person / edited by James C. Mancuso, Jack R. Adams-Webber.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 C858w 2015 : Crawford, Matthew B.,
The world beyond your head : on becoming an individual in an age of distraction / Matthew B. Crawford
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 C89f 1991 : Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly.
Flow : the psychology of optimal experience / Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 Cai : Cain, Susan,
Bittersweet : how sorrow and longing make us whole / Susan Cain.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
155.2 Cle : Clear, James,
Atomic habits : tiny changes, remarkable results : an easy & proven way to build good habits & break
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
155.2 D357p : Deci, Edward L.
The psychology of self-determination / Edward L. Deci.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 D684a, 1988 : Doi, Takeo,
The anatomy of self : the individual versus society / Takeo Doi ; translated by Mark A. Harbison ; fo
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 D778i 2023 : Doyle-Mekkes, Jessica,
I'm speaking : every woman's guide to finding your voice and using it fearlessly / Jessica Doyle-Mekk
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 D956t : Duval, Shelley.
A theory of objective self awareness [by] Shelley Duval and Robert A. Wicklund.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 Ey73b : Eysenck, H. J.
The biological basis of personality, by H. J. Eysenck.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 Ey73pe : Eysenck, H. J.
Personality and individual differences : a natural science approach / Hans J. Eysenck and Michael W.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 F57t : Fitz, A. W.
Try it! / by A.W. Fitz.
Axe Eva Jessye Collection:Lib Use Only
155.2 F586
The five-factor model of personality : theoretical perspectives / edited by Jerry S. Wiggins.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 F586f 2002
The five-factor model of personality across cultures / edited by Robert R. McCrae and Juri Allik.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 G135j 1997 : Gallagher, Winifred.
Just the way you are : how heredity and experience create the individual / Winifred Gallagher.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 G314s : Gergen, Kenneth J.
The saturated self : dilemmas of identity in contemporary life / Kenneth J. Gergen.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 G596i : Good, Paul.
The individual / by Paul Good and the editors of Time-Life Books.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 G656p : Gordon, Jesse E.,
Personality and behavior.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 H14t : Hall, Calvin S.
Theories of personality / [by] Calvin S. Hall and Gardner Lindzey.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 H191p 2010
Handbook of personality and self-regulation / edited by Rick H. Hoyle.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 H235p : Harre, Rom.
Personal being : a theory for individual psychology / Rom Harre.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 H255b : Hartmann, Ernest.
Boundaries in the mind : a new psychology of personality / Ernest Hartmann.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 H761s 2012 : Hood, Bruce M.
The self illusion : how the social brain creates identity / Bruce Hood.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 Hou
Spy the lie : former CIA officers show you how to detect when someone is lying / Philip Houston, Mich
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
155.2 In8
Interactional psychology and personality / edited with commentary by Norman S. Endler, David Magnusso
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 J159i : Jacoby, Mario.
Individuation and narcissism : the psychology of the self in Jung and Kohut / Mario Jacoby ; translat
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 K142s : Kaplan, Bert,
Studying personality cross-culturally.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 K687m : Klinger, Eric,
Meaning & void : inner experience and the incentives in people's lives / Eric Klinger.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 K885t : Krech, David.
Theoretical models and personality theory, edited by David Krech [and] George S. Klein.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 L144w : Laird, Donald Anderson,
Why we don't like people, by Donald A. Laird.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 L621p, 1987 : Liebert, Robert M.,
Personality : strategies and issues / Robert M. Liebert, Michael D. Spiegler.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 L645t, 1978 : Hall, Calvin S.
Theories of personality / Calvin S. Hall, Gardner Lindzey.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 L645th2 : Lindzey, Gardner.
Theories of personality: primary sources and research. Edited by Gardner Lindzey, Calvin S. Hall [and
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 L972i : Lundberg, Margaret J.
The incomplete adult; social class constraints on personality development [by] Margaret J. Lundberg.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M274t 2002 : Magnavita, Jeffrey J.
Theories of personality : contemporary approaches to the science of personality / Jeffrey J. Magnavit
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M379f 1971 : Maslow, Abraham H.
The farther reaches of human nature / Abraham H. Maslow.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M379r 1994 : Maslow, Abraham H.
Religions, values, and peak-experiences / by Abraham H. Maslow.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M379t : Maslow, Abraham H.
Toward a psychology of being [by] Abraham H. Maslow.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M792
Morality, moral behavior, and moral development / [edited by] William M. Kurtines, Jacob L. Gewirtz.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M867cr : Moustakas, Clark E.
Creative life / Clark E. Moustakas.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 M954e
The effect of benzedrine sulfate on personality adjustment / by John Francis Murphy, Jr.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
The effect of benzedrine sulfate on personality adjustment / by John Francis Murphy, Jr.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
The effect of benzedrine sulfate on personality adjustment / by John Francis Murphy, Jr.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
155.2 Mil : Miller, Marlane.
BrainStyles : change your life without changing who you are / Marlane Miller.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
155.2 On1 2004
On the psychobiology of personality : essays in honor of Marvin Zuckerman / edited by Robert M. Stelm
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 P432
Personality: dynamics, development, and assessment. Irving L. Janis, editor.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 P4326
Personality : basic aspects and current research / edited by Ervin Staub.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
155.2 P435p, 1984 : Pervin, Lawrence A.
Personality : theory and research / Lawrence A. Pervin.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
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