270.8089 K537f 2006 : Kidd, Colin.
The forging of races : race and scripture in the Protestant Atlantic world, 1600-2000 / Colin Kidd.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
270.81 C475o 1900 : Church, Richard William,
The Oxford movement; twelve years, 1833-1845, by R. W. Church.
Axe Kansas Collection Cliggitt:Lib Use Only
270.82 B149m, 1987 : Baigent, Michael.
The messianic legacy / Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, and Henry Lincoln.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
270.82 G376c : Gilbert, R. A.
Casting the first stone : the hypocrisy of religious fundamentalism and its threat to society / R. A.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
270.82 G761i 2008 : Grainger, Brett.
In the world but not of it : one family's militant faith and the history of fundamentalism in Americ
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
270.82 M534s 2009 : Mercer, Calvin R.
Slaves to faith : a therapist looks inside the fundamentalist mind / Calvin Mercer ; foreword by Mart
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
270.82 Ol4c, 1973 : Oliver, Revilo P.
Christianity and the survival of the West / by Revilo P. Oliver.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
270.8203 D561
Dictionary of Pentecostal and charismatic movements / Stanley M. Burgess and Gary B. McGee, editors ;
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
270.828 H165p 1986 : Halsell, Grace.
Prophecy and politics : militant evangelists on the road to nuclear war / Grace Halsell.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
270.83 M613g 2007
Global Pentecostalism : the new face of Christian social engagement / Donald E. Miller, Tetsunao Yama
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Global Pentecostalism : the new face of Christian social engagement / Donald E. Miller, Tetsunao Yama
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
271 Al55m : Allies, Thomas William,
The monastic life from the fathers of the desert to Charlemagne; eighth volume of The formation of Ch
Axe Kansas Collection Cliggitt:Lib Use Only
271 C831Br
Charles E. Coughlin, the impassioned priest of Royal Oak / by D. Earline Rose
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Charles E. Coughlin, the impassioned priest of Royal Oak / by D. Earline Rose
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
271 Col : Coldstream, Catherine,
Cloistered : my years as a nun / Catherine Coldstream.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
271 M761m
The monks of the West from St. Benedict to St. Bernard, by the Count de Montalembert.
Axe Kansas Collection Cliggitt:Lib Use Only
The monks of the West from St. Benedict to St. Bernard, by the Count de Montalembert.
Axe Kansas Collection Cliggitt:Lib Use Only
271 Se89Bs 1992 : Sewell, Brocard.
The habit of a lifetime / Brocard Sewell.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.00942 F739m 2006 : Foot, Sarah
Monastic life in Anglo-Saxon England, c. 600-900 / Sarah Foot.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.05 Se87m : Seward, Desmond,
The monks of war; the military religious orders.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.09 M855o : Moss, Doley C
Of cell and cloister; Catholic religious orders through the ages. Illustrated by Virginia Broderick.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.0942 Sp32c : Spence-Jones, Henry Donald Maurice,
Cloister life in the days of Coeur de Lion, by the Very Rev. H. D. M. Spence. With illustrations by H
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
271.102 T739Ba 1971 : Arnold, Klaus,
Johannes Trithemius (1462-1516) / von Klaus Arnold.
Axe Special Collections Baron:Lib Use Only
271.102 T739Bb 1981 : Brann, Noel L.
The Abbot Trithemius (1462-1516) : the renaissance of monastic humanism / by Noel L. Brann.
Axe Special Collections Baron:Lib Use Only
271.12 L741Bm : Merton, Thomas,
What are these wounds? : the life of a Cistercian mystic, Saint Lutgarde of Aywieres / by Thomas Mert
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.125 M558Bf : Furlong, Monica.
Merton : a biography / Monica Furlong.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.125 M558Bt
Thomas Merton, monk : a monastic tribute / edited by Patrick Hart.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.125 M558Dt
The Thomas Merton Studies Center, by Thomas Merton, John Howard Griffin & Monsignor Horrigan.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
271.125 M558s : Merton, Thomas,
The sign of Jonas.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.17 C831Bm : Mugglebee, Ruth,
Father Coughlin, the radio priest, of the Shrine of the Little Flower. An account of the life, work a
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
271.309794 B453f : Berger, John Anton,
The Franciscan missions of California / illus. with photos. by Karl Obert.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.5 B275j : Barrett, Edward John Boyd,
The Jesuit enigma, by E. Boyd Barrett.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
271.5 F952p : Fulop-Miller, Rene,
The power and secret of the Jesuits, by Rene Fulop-Miller. Translated by F. S. Flint and D. F. Tait.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
271.5 G191
The Jesuits of the middle United States / by Gilbert J. Garraghan ...
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
The Jesuits of the middle United States / by Gilbert J. Garraghan ...
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
The Jesuits of the middle United States / by Gilbert J. Garraghan ...
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.5 P26p : Pascal, Blaise,
The provincial letters of Blaise Pascal. A new translation with historical introduction and notes by
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
271.5 R359c : Ricci, Matteo,
China in the sixteenth century: the journals of Matthew Ricci, 1583-1610; translated from the Latin b
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.5 W168a : Walsh, James Joseph,
American Jesuits / by James J. Walsh.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.509 H726j : Hollis, Christopher,
The Jesuits; a history.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.509 M123c 1913 : McCabe, Joseph,
A candid history of the Jesuits / by Joseph McCabe.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
271.509 R437j 1938 : Ridley, Francis A.,
The Jesuits : a study in counter-revolution / by F.A. Ridley.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
271.53 D718i : Donne, John,
Ignatius his conclave; an edition of the Latin and English texts with introduction and commentary by
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.53 Ig5Bi 1974 : Ignatius,
The autobiography of St Ignatius Loyola ; [as told to Luis Goncalves da Cāmara], with related documen
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
271.53 Ig5s 1955 : Ignatius,
The spiritual exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola / translated from the Spanish with a commentary a
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.53 Ig5s 1964 : Ignatius,
The spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius / translated by Anthony Mottola ; introd. by Robert W. Gleaso
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
271.53 M364j 1988 : Martin, Malachi.
The Jesuits : the Society of Jesus and the betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church / Malachi Martin.
Axe Special Collections Adams:Lib Use Only
271.53 P218s
The secret history of the Jesuits / Edmond Paris ; translated from the French, 1975.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
The secret history of the Jesuits / Edmond Paris ; translated from the French, 1975.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
271.53042 H217b : Harden, Ben Hardin.
Burning of London : or, History of the London Monument / compiled by Ben Hardin Harden.
Axe Kansas Collection Wayland:Lib Use Only
271.5809 L622f 2004 : Liebreich, Karen.
Fallen order : intrigue, heresy, and scandal in the Rome of Galileo and Caravaggio / Karen Liebreich.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.73 B75s : Brenan, Gerald.
St John of the Cross; his life and poetry. With a translation of his poetry by Lynda Nicholson.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.73 P346h : Peers, E. Allison
Handbook to the life and times of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.79 M187Bl 2012 : Lennon, J. Paul
Fr. Marcial Maciel, pedophile, psychopath, and Legion of Christ founder, from Richard John Neuhaus to
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.79 P258m, 1987 : Partner, Peter.
The murdered magicians : the Templars and their myth / Peter Partner.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
271.791 Haa : Haag, Michael,
The Templars : the history and the myth / Michael Haag.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
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