A most unsatisfactory organism / S. S. Hall -- Tracking down defective genes / S. Blakeslee -- Hunting down Huntington's / A. Revkin -- The Human Genome Project / E. Edelson -- Taking stock of the Genome Project / L. Roberts -- The genetics revolution: designer genes / B. Merz -- Genetic attacks on AIDS readied / G. Kolata -- To test or not to test? / L. Roberts -- Use of genetic testing by employers / Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, American Medical Association -- Insurance for the insurers: the use of genetic tests / N. E. Kass -- Privacy rules for DNA databanks / G. J. Annas -- A most unsatisfactory organism / S. S. Hall -- Tracking down defective genes / S. Blakeslee -- Hunting down Huntington's / A. Revkin -- The Human Genome Project / E. Edelson -- Taking stock of the Genome Project / L. Roberts -- The genetics revolution: designer genes / B. Merz -- Genetic attacks on AIDS readied / G. Kolata -- To test or not to test? / L. Roberts -- Use of genetic testing by employers / Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs, American Medical Association -- Insurance for the insurers: the use of genetic tests / N. E. Kass -- Privacy rules for DNA databanks / G. J. Annas --
Uses and abuses of human gene transfer / W. F. Anderson -- DNA goes to court / R. M. Cook-Deegan -- Genetics: the money rush is on / G. Bylinsky -- The organ factory of the future? / D. Concar -- Genetic engineering in food biotechnology / H. Dornenburg and C. Lang-Hinrichs -- Can biotech put bread on third world tables? / J. E. Ellis -- The coming of the high-tech harvest / P. Weintraub -- No human risks: new animal drug increases mild production / K. L. Ropp. Uses and abuses of human gene transfer / W. F. Anderson -- DNA goes to court / R. M. Cook-Deegan -- Genetics: the money rush is on / G. Bylinsky -- The organ factory of the future? / D. Concar -- Genetic engineering in food biotechnology / H. Dornenburg and C. Lang-Hinrichs --Can biotech put bread on third world tables? / J. E. Ellis -- The coming of the high-tech harvest / P. Weintraub -- No human risks: new animal drug increases milk production / K. L. Ropp.