355.02 B322 2009
Battles B.C. The complete season one [videorecording] / produced by Four in Hand Entertainment Group,
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
355.02 B413d : Bell, J. Bowyer,
Dragonwars : armed struggle & the conventions of modern war / J. Bowyer Bell.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 B439b 2004 : Bennett, D. Scott.
The behavioral origins of war / D. Scott Bennett & Allan C. Stam.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 B473m 2004 : Biddle, Stephen D.
Military power : explaining victory and defeat in modern battle / Stephen Biddle.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 B739p : Brayton, Abbott A.
The politics of war and peace : a survey of thought / Abbott A. Brayton, Stephana J. Landwehr ; forew
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 B756d : Bretnor, Reginald.
Decisive warfare : a study in military theory.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 Beh
Behind the lines : powerful and revealing American and foreign war letters--and one man's search to f
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
355.02 C169u 2003 : Cantrell, Robert L.
Understanding Sun Tzu on the art of war : the oldest military treatise in the world / by Robert L. Ca
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C556s : Clarke, Robin.
The science of war and peace.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C573oDh : Howard, Michael Eliot,
Clausewitz / Michael Howard.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C573oDs 2008 : Sumida, Jon Tetsuro,
Decoding Clausewitz : a new approach to On war / Jon Tetsuro Sumida.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C573oDst 2007 : Strachan, Hew.
Clausewitz's On war : a biography / Hew Strachan.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C669h 2001 : Coker, Christopher.
Humane warfare / Christopher Coker.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C682t : Colin, Jean-Lambert-Alphonse,
The transformations of war / by J. Colin ; translated by L. H. R. Pope-Hennessy.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C735 2005
Command and control / U.S. Marine Corps.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 C869
The Critique of war; contemporary philosophical explorations. Edited by Robert Ginsberg.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 Cof : Coffey, Michael,
Days of infamy : military blunders of the 20th century / by Michael Coffey ; introduction by Mike Wal
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
355.02 D357 2006
Decisive battles. The ancient world [videorecording] : 13 defining moments from the rise and fall of
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Decisive battles. The ancient world [videorecording] : 13 defining moments from the rise and fall of
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Decisive battles. The ancient world [videorecording] : 13 defining moments from the rise and fall of
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
355.02 D444v 2009 : Der Derian, James.
Virtuous war : mapping the military-industrial-media-entertainment network / James Der Derian.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 G916 2010
Ground war [videorecording] / an ITV Studios production for Thirteen in association with ITV Global E
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
355.02 Gra
Grace under fire : letters of faith in times of war / edited by Andrew Carroll.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
355.02 H115t : Hackett, John Winthrop,
The Third World War : a future history / by General Sir John Hackett and others.
Axe Special Collections Cornish:Lib Use Only
355.02 H358w 2002 : Hedges, Chris.
War is a force that gives us meaning / Chris Hedges.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 H835c, 1984 : Howard, Michael Eliot,
The causes of wars and other essays / Michael Howard.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 J238a 2016 : Jameson, Fredric,
An American utopia : dual power and the universal army / Fredric Jameson, Jodi Dean, Saroj Giri, Agon
Axe Special Collections Reitz:Lib Use Only
355.02 K124n : Kaldor, Mary.
New and old wars : organized violence in a global era / Mary Kaldor.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 K243n 1981 : Keegan, John,
The nature of war / John Keegan & Joseph Darracott.
Axe 2nd Floor Oversize Stacks:Available
355.02 K819n 2009 : Koenigsberg, Richard A.
Nations have the right to kill : Hitler, the Holocaust, and war / Richard A. Koenigsberg.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 L621w 2005 : Lieber, Keir A.
War and the engineers : the primacy of politics over technology / Keir A. Lieber.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 L978s 1987 : Luttwak, Edward.
Strategy : the logic of war and peace / Edward N. Luttwak.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 M289
Makers of modern strategy : from Machiavelli to the nuclear age / edited by Peter Paret with the coll
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 Mar : Marlantes, Karl.
What it is like to go to war / Karl Marlantes.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
355.02 Moo : Moore, Michael,
Will they ever trust us again? : letters from the war zone / Michael Moore.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
355.02 P848w 2010 : Potholm, Christian P.,
Winning at war : seven keys to military victory throughout history / Christian P. Potholm.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 P94
Problems of modern strategy. With a foreword by Alastair Buchan.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 PAR : Parker, Steve,
A brief illustrated history of warfare / [by] Steve Parker and David West.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available
355.02 R149j : Ramsey, Paul.
The just war : force and political responsibility / Paul Ramsey.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 R722w 2005 : Rosen, Stephen Peter,
War and human nature / Stephen Peter Rosen.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 Sm64u 2007 : Smith, Rupert,
The utility of force : the art of war in the modern world / Rupert Smith.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 St81u : Strachey, Alix.
The unconscious motives of war; a psycho-analytical contribution.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 Su74a : Sunzi,
The art of war / by Sun Tzu ; edited & with a foreword by James Clavell.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:DUE 03-01-25
355.02 Su74a 1977 : Sunzi,
The art of war / Sun Tzu ; translated and with an introduction by Samuel B. Griffith ; with a forewor
Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only
355.02 Su74a 1994 : Sunzi,
The art of war = [Sunzi bing fa] / Sun-tzu ; translated, with introductions and commentary by Ralph D
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Billed
355.02 Su74a 2000 : Sunzi,
The art of strategy : a new translation of Sun Tzu's classic, the art of war / R.L. Wing.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:DUE 03-01-25
355.02 Su74aDm 2001 : McNeilly, Mark.
Sun Tzu and the art of modern warfare / Mark McNeilly.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:DUE 03-01-25
355.02 Sun
The art of war / Sun Tzu ; translated, edited and introduced by Peter Harris ; with a foreword by Gen
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-23-25, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-19-24 Billed
The art of war / Sun Tzu ; translated, edited and introduced by Peter Harris ; with a foreword by Gen
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-23-25, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-19-24 Billed
The art of war / Sun Tzu ; translated, edited and introduced by Peter Harris ; with a foreword by Gen
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-23-25, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 02-19-24 Billed
355.02 V279f : Van Creveld, Martin,
Fighting power : German and US Army performance, 1939-1945 / Martin van Creveld.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 W195
War and peace / [compiled and edited by the faculty of] Lynchburg College.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 W195o
War : opposing viewpoints / Tamara L. Roleff, book editor.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
355.02 War
War letters : extraordinary correspondence from American wars / edited by Andrew Carroll ; foreword b
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
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