362.8292 Si74Bs : Sipe, Beth.
I am not your victim : anatomy of domestic violence / Beth Sipe, Evelyn J. Hall.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 Sn92n 2019 : Snyder, Rachel Louise,
No visible bruises : what we don't know about domestic violence can kill us / Rachel Louise Snyder.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
362.8292 So81Bs 2004 : Souad.
Burned alive : a victim of the law of men / Souad, in collaboration with Marie-Therese Cuny.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 St12v : Stacey, William A.
The violent couple / William A. Stacey, Lonnie R. Hazlewood, and Anson Shupe.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 St28c 2007 : Stark, Evan.
Coercive control : the entrapment of women in personal life / Evan Stark.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 St35Bs 2009 : Steiner, Leslie Morgan.
Crazy love : a memoir / Leslie Morgan Steiner.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 T71
Treatment of family violence : a sourcebook / edited by Robert T. Ammerman, Michel Hersen.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 Un3e 2007 : United Nations.
Ending violence against women : from words to action / study of the Secretary-General.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 W152t : Walker, Lenore E.
Terrifying love : why battered women kill and how society responds / Lenore E. Walker.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 W584s 2011 : White, Kelly.
A safe place for women : surviving domestic abuse and creating a successful future / Kelly White.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 W842
Women and domestic violence : an interdisciplinary approach / Lynette Feder, editor.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8292 Wei : Weiss, Elaine.
Family & friends' guide to domestic violence : how to listen, talk, and take action when someone you
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
362.829201 D85r
Review of the typologies of batterers and an attempt to empirically validate a particular typology /
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Review of the typologies of batterers and an attempt to empirically validate a particular typology /
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
362.829203 En19 2007
Encyclopedia of domestic violence / Nicky Ali Jackson, editor.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.829209 B873h 2010
Hershey bars and fraternazis : sexual violence and Allied troops in World War II / LaShawna B. Powers
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Hershey bars and fraternazis : sexual violence and Allied troops in World War II / LaShawna B. Powers
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
362.8292096 D712 2010
Domestic violence and the law in colonial and postcolonial Africa / edited by Emily Burrill, Richard
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82924 En32 2005 : Engel, Beverly.
Breaking the cycle of abuse : how to move beyond your past to create an abuse-free future / Beverly E
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82927 C437
Child abuse, domestic violence, and animal abuse : linking the circles of compassion for prevention a
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82927 In78 2006
Interpersonal violence in the African-American community : evidence-based prevention and treatment pr
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82927 W694w : Wilson, K. J.
When violence begins at home : a comprehensive guide to understanding and ending domestic abuse / K.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82928 L692f : Lissette, Andrea.
Free yourself from an abusive relationship : seven steps to taking back your life / Andrea Lissette &
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82928 N938 1993
Nursing care of survivors of family violence / [edited by] Jacquelyn Campbell, Janice Humphreys.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.82928 R181s 2000 : Raphael, Jody.
Saving Bernice : battered women, welfare, and poverty / Jody Raphael.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.829286 W553c : Whalen, Mollie.
Counseling to end violence against women : a subversive model / Mollie Whalen.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8294 K643s : Kissman, Kris.
Single parent families / Kris Kissman, Jo Ann Allen.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8297 F773m : Forst, Martin Lyle.
Missing children : rhetoric and reality / by Martin L. Forst and Martha-Elin Blomquist.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8297 In8 1987
Investigator's guide to missing child cases for law-enforcement officers locating missing children.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8298 F425g 2006 : Fessler, Ann.
The girls who went away : the hidden history of women who surrendered children for adoption in the de
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8298 Sa17Bs : Saffian, Sarah.
Ithaka : a daughter's memoir of being found / Sarah Saffian.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 Ab83r : Abramovitz, Mimi.
Regulating the lives of women, social welfare policy from colonial times to the present / by Mimi Abr
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 Ab97
The Abusive partner : an analysis of domestic battering / edited by Maria Roy.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 Al79
Alternative social services for women / Naomi Gottlieb, editor.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 B322
Battered women and their families : intervention strategies and treatment programs / Albert R. Robert
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 B644m : Borkowski, Margaret.
Marital violence : the community response / Margaret Borkowski, Mervyn Murch, Val Walker.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 B868 2001
Building on women's strengths : a social work agenda for the twenty-first century / K. Jean Peterson,
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 G394w : Giles-Sims, Jean.
Wife battering, a systems theory approach / Jean Giles-Sims ; foreword by Murray A. Straus.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 K678s : Klerman, Lorraine V.
School-age mothers: problems, programs, & policy, by Lorraine V. Klerman and James F. Jekel.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 M613w : Miller, Dorothy C.
Women and social welfare : a feminist analysis / Dorothy C. Miller.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 N513g, 1986 : NiCarthy, Ginny.
Getting free : a handbook for women in abusive relationships / by Ginny NiCarthy.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 Ok7w : Okun, Lewis,
Woman abuse : facts replacing myths / Lewis Okun.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 R616p : Rodgers, Harrell R.
Poor women, poor families : the economic plight of America's female-headed households / Harrell R. Ro
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 R912r : Russell, Diana E. H.
Rape in marriage / Diana E.H. Russell.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 Si13w : Sidel, Ruth.
Women and children last : the plight of poor women in affluent America / Ruth Sidel.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 St74s 2015 : Storkey, Elaine,
Scars across humanity : understanding and overcoming violence against women / Elaine Storkey.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 W152b : Walker, Lenore E.
The battered woman syndrome / Lenore E. Walker.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83 You
You too? : 25 voices share their #MeToo stories / edited by Janet Gurtler.
PHS Non-Fiction:Missing
362.83 Z76a : Zopf, Paul E.
American women in poverty / Paul E. Zopf, Jr.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.83016 W692v : Wilson, Carolyn F.
Violence against women : an annotated bibliography / Carolyn F. Wilson.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8308694 Al13g : Albelda, Randy Pearl.
Glass ceilings and bottomless pits : women's work, women's poverty / by Randy Albelda and Chris Tilly
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
362.8308694 G565w : Golden, Stephanie.
The women outside : meanings and myths of homelessness / Stephanie Golden.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
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