500 L234c 2013 : Landgraf, Greg.
Citizen science guide for families : taking part in real science / Greg Landgraf.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 L575w 2008 : LeVay, Simon.
When science goes wrong : twelve tales from the dark side of discovery / Simon LeVay.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 L579b 2011 : Levy, Joel,
A bee in a cathedral and 99 other scientific analogies / Joel Levy.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 M366s 2011 : Martinez, Alberto A.
Science secrets : the truth about Darwin's finches, Einstein's wife, and other myths / Alberto A. Mar
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 MAG
The magic school bus explores the senses / by Joanna Cole ; illustrated by Bruce Degen.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Special Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Kits :Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:Available, Westside Non-Fiction Sets:Available
Scholastic's The magic school bus butterfly and the bog beast : a book about butterfly camouflage / [
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:Available
Scholastic's The magic school bus wet all over : a book about the water cycle / [based on the book se
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:Available, Westside Non-Fiction Sets:Available
Scholastic's The magic school bus going batty : a book about bats / [based on the book series by Joan
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:Available, Westside Non-Fiction Sets:Available
37 additional entries
500 Mun
What if? : serious scientific answers to absurd hypothetical questions / Randall Munroe.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
Thing explainer : complicated stuff in simple words / Randall Munroe.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
500 P223g 1963 : Parker, Bertha Morris.
The golden book of science / by Bertha Morris Parker ; illustrated by Harry McNaught.
Axe Special Collections Misse:Lib Use Only
500 P288p 1974 : Pauwels, Louis,
The planet of impossible possibilities / Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier.
Axe Special Collections Ertman:Lib Use Only
500 P625t 2000 : Pigliucci, Massimo,
Tales of the rational : skeptical essays about nature and science / by Massimo Pigliucci.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
500 P751 1924
The pocket guide to science : a book of questions and answers on the facts of modern science / edited
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
500 R51s 2020 : Ritchie, Stuart
Science fictions : how fraud, bias, negligence, and hype undermine the search for truth / Stuart Ritc
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 Sag : Sagan, Carl,
Billions and billions : thoughts on life and death at the brink of the millennium / Carl Sagan.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
500 SCH : Schreiber, Anne.
The magic school bus answers questions : a book of questions and answers / [TV tie-in adaptation by A
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction Sets:Available
500 Sch63b 1964
Bibliography and index of Transactions, Kansas Academy of Science, volumes 1-65, 1872-1962 / by Walte
Axe Archives Kansas Documents:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
500 Sp32i 2018 : Spellman, Frank R.,
In defense of science : why scientific literacy matters / Frank R. Spellman and Joan Price-Bayer.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 STILLE : Stille, Darlene R.
The case of the soda explosion and other true science mysteries for you to solve / by Darlene R. Stil
PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available
500 Stu : Sturm, Jeanne.
Inventors and discoveries / Jeanne Sturm.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available
500 Su54l 1949 : Sullivan, J. W. N.
The limitations of science / J.W.N. Sullivan.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
500 T71 1945
A treasury of science / edited by Harlow Shapley, Samuel Rapport, Helen Wright ; with an introduction
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
500 THIMMESH : Thimmesh, Catherine.
The sky's the limit : stories of discovery by women and girls / Catherine Thimmesh ; illustrated by M
PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available
500 This
This explains everything : deep, beautiful, and elegant theories of how the world works / edited by J
PHS Non-Fiction:Available
500 TRU : Trumbauer, Lisa,
Everyone is a scientist / by Lisa Trumbauer ; consultant editor, Gail Saunders-Smith.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available
500 V587s : Vergara, William Charles.
Science in everyday things.
Axe Special Collections Grant:Lib Use Only
500 W561 2006 : Wheatley, Margaret J.
Leadership and the new science : discovering order in a chaotic world / Margaret J. Wheatley.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 W587s 1926 : Whitehead, Alfred North,
Science and the modern world / by Alfred North Whitehead.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
500 Zimmer : Zimmer, Marc,
Science and the ske?tic : discerning fact from fiction / Marc Zimmer.
PHS Non-Fiction:Available
500.2 W137m : Wakefield, Priscilla (Bell)
Mental improvement: or The beauties and wonders of nature and art. In a series of instructive convers
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
500.203 En19 2005
Encyclopedia of earth and physical sciences.
Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Lib Use Only
Encyclopedia of earth and physical sciences.
Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Lib Use Only
Encyclopedia of earth and physical sciences.
Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Lib Use Only
Encyclopedia of earth and physical sciences.
Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Lib Use Only
9 additional entries
500.20712 F693f : Foiles, Charles F.
A Fused physical science course for grade 11 / by Charles F. Foiles.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only
500.20712 R543s : Roberts, Paul R.
A Survey on the status of physical science courses in selected northern Kansas secondary schools / by
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only
500.20904 G433p : Gingerich, Owen.
The physical sciences in the twentieth century / Owen Gingerich.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.3233 H814r
A Re-investigation concerning the early stages in the development of the mouse / by Frances H. Houk.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
A Re-investigation concerning the early stages in the development of the mouse / by Frances H. Houk.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
500.5 Am16 2006
Ambient space [videorecording] : the best of NASA photos, Vol. 1.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
500.5 Brake : Brake, Mark.
The science of Star Wars : the scientific facts behind the Force, space travel, and more! / Mark Brak
PHS Non-Fiction:Available
500.5 Pod : Podendorf, Illa.
Space / by Illa Podendorf.
Westside Non-Fiction:Available
500.5 ROYSTON : Royston, Angela.
Space / Angela Royston.
PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available
500.509 Z65c : Zimmerman, Robert,
The chronological encyclopedia of discoveries in space / by Robert Zimmerman.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.712 N793a : Norris, Henry Thomas.
An Audio-visual activity unit in high school general science / by Henry Thomas Norris.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only
500.82 C727Bc 2020 : Colwell, Rita R.,
A lab of one's own : one woman's personal journey through sexism in science / Rita Colwell, PhD, and
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.82 F349
Feminism within the science and health care professions : overcoming resistance / edited by Sue V. Ro
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.82 G681w 1990 : Gornick, Vivian.
Women in science : 100 journeys into the territory / by Vivian Gornick.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
500.82 J826 1997
Journeys of women in science and engineering : no universal constants / Susan A. Ambrose ... [et al.]
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.820922 B153a : Bailey, Martha J.
American women in science : 1950 to the present : a biographical dictionary / Martha J. Bailey.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.82094 M52 2005
Men, women, and the birthing of modern science / edited by Judith P. Zinsser.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.88042 G681w : Gornick, Vivian.
Women in science : portraits from a world in transition / by Vivian Gornick.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.8996073 W397a : Webster, Raymond B.
African American firsts in science & technology / Raymond B. Webster ; guest foreword by Wesley L. Ha
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500.9 Ou7 1969
Our amazing world of Nature; its marvels & mysteries The Reader's Digest Association.
Axe 2nd Floor Oversize Stacks:Available
500.9 STIDWORTHY : Stidworthy, John,
Naturalist / John Stidworthy.
Nettels Non-Fiction:Available
500.906 W271b
Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History.
Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History.
Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
500.978 W151g 1973 : Walker, Bryce S.,
The Great Divide / by Bryce S. Walker, and the editors of Time-Life Books.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead FD:Lib Use Only
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