598.176 R251bw 1910 : Reed, Chester A.
Bird guide : water birds, game birds and birds of prey east of the Rockies / by Chester A. Reed.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.1760978 K133, 1977
Kansas birds [filmstrip] : waterfowl / L. Harold Caldwell.
Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
598.2 Au77b 1961 : Austin, Oliver Luther,
Birds of the world : a survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and fifty-five families / by
Axe 2nd Floor Oversize Stacks:Available
598.2 B152h7 : Bailey, Florence Augusta Merriam,
Handbook of birds of the Western United States, including the Great Plains, Great Basin, Pacific Slop
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 B444l 1963 : Bent, Arthur Cleveland,
Life histories of North American marsh birds / Arthur Cleveland Bent.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 B5323
Birds : readings from Scientific American / with introductions by Barry W. Wilson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 Brown : Brown, Mary Barrett.
Wings along the waterway / Mary Barrett Brown.
PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available
598.2 C366w
The warblers of North America / by Frank M. Chapman ; with the cooperation of other ornithologists ;
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
The warblers of North America / by Frank M. Chapman ; with the cooperation of other ornithologists ;
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2 C888q 1976 : Cruickshank, Allan D.,
1001 questions answered about birds / Allan D. Cruickshank and Helen G. Cruickshank ; with photograph
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 Ed83
Educational leaflets.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 G374s : Gilbert, Miriam.
Starting a terrarium. Illus. by Walter Ferguson [and others]
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 G411l
Living birds of the world / by E. Thomas Gilliard ; photographs by Eliot Porter ... [et al.].
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
Living birds of the world / by E. Thomas Gilliard ; photographs by Eliot Porter ... [et al.].
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2 G615g : Gooders, John.
The great book of birds / John Gooders ; foreword by Roger Tory Peterson.
Axe 2nd Floor Oversize Stacks:Available
598.2 G855e : Greenway, James Cowan,
Extinct and vanishing birds of the world / by James C. Greenway, Jr.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2 GANS : Gans, Roma,
How do birds find their way? / by Roma Gans ; illustrated by Paul Mirocha.
Nettels Non-Fiction:Available
598.2 H526g 1943 : Hickey, Joseph J.
A guide to bird watching / by Joseph J. Hickey ; with illustrations by Francis Lee Jaques and bird tr
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2 M423 : Mathews, Edward Bennett,
Field book of wild birds and their music; a description of the character and music of birds, intended
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 M455b : Mayr, Ernst,
Birds of the southwest Pacific : a field guide to the birds of the area between Samoa, New Caledonia,
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2 Og1a 1976 : Ogburn, Charlton,
The adventure of birds / by Charlton Ogburn ; with drawings by Matthew Kalmenoff.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2 P443Bd : Devlin, John C.
The world of Roger Tory Peterson : an authorized biography / by John C. Devlin and Grace Naismith ; f
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 St82s 1918 : Stratton-Porter, Gene,
The song of the cardinal / by Gene Stratton-Porter.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
598.2 TEKIELA : Tekiela, Stan.
Birds of Kansas : field guide / by Stan Tekiela.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, PCMS Non-Fiction:Available
598.2 Thompson : Thompson, Max C.
Birds in Kansas / Max C. Thompson & Charles Ely ; foreword by John E. Hayes, Jr.
Axe Archives Kansas Documents:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Kansas Docs:Lib Use Only, PCMS Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Kansas Collection:Available
598.2 V368f2 : Van Tyne, Josselyn,
Fundamentals of ornithology / Josselyn Van Tyne and Andrew J. Berger.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 W934 : Wright, Mabel Osgood,
Gray lady and the birds; stories of the bird year for home and school, by Mabel Osgood Wright. Twelve
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2 WALTERS : Walters, Michael,
Birds' eggs / Michael Walters ; photography by Harry Taylor ; editorial consultant, Mark Robbins.
Nettels Non-Fiction:Available
598.2 ZIM : Zim, Herbert S.
Birds : a guide to familiar American birds / by Herbert S. Zim and Ira N. Gabrielson ; revised and up
PCMS Non-Fiction:Available
598.203 Am35c 1957 : American Ornithologists' Union.
Check-list of North American birds / prepared by a committee of the American Ornithologists' Union.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.203 C152d : Campbell, Bruce,
The dictionary of birds in color / Bruce Campbell ; American consultant editor, Richard T. Holmes ; p
Axe 2nd Floor Oversize Stacks:Available
598.203 H246fi
A field guide to birds' nests of 285 species found breeding in the United States east of the Mississi
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
A field guide to birds' nests of 285 species found breeding in the United States east of the Mississi
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2073 B152b : Bailey, Florence Augusta Merriam,
Birds through an opera glass; by Florence A. Merriam.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
598.2073 M154h : McElroy, Thomas P.,
The habitat guide to birding [by] Thomas P. McElroy, Jr. Illustrated by Matthew Kalmenoff.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2073 P265w : Pasquier, Roger F.
Watching birds : an introduction to ornithology / by Roger F. Pasquier ; illustrated by Margaret La F
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2073 R423g 1978 : Rickert, Jon E.,
A guide to North American bird clubs / compiled and edited by Jon E. Rickert, Sr.
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2092 B751o : Brenner, Barbara.
On the frontier with Mr. Audubon / by Barbara Brenner.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.21 Av51 1976
Avian physiology / P. D. Sturkie, editor ; with contributions by T. B. Bolton ... [et al.].
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.21 M355b
Biology and comparative physiology of birds.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Biology and comparative physiology of birds.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.22 St89s 1964
Stroud's digest on the diseases of birds / by Robert Stroud.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
Stroud's digest on the diseases of birds / by Robert Stroud.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
598.24 F765
Form and function in birds / edited by A. S. King, J. McLelland.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.247 V878f : Voitkevich, Anatolii Anatolevich.
The feathers and plumage of birds [by] A. A. Voitkevich. [Translated by Scripta-Technica]
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.25 Ar28h : Ardley, Neil.
How birds behave. Illustrated by David Andrews.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.25 B532
Birds as monitors of environmental change / edited by R. W. Furness and J. J. D. Greenwood.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.252 G875b : Griffin, Donald R.
Bird migration, by Donald R. Griffin.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.25248 R553b 1986 : Robbins, Chandler S.
The breeding bird survey : its first fifteen years, 1965-1979 / by Chandler S. Robbins, Danny Bystrak
Axe Kansas Collection Sperry:Lib Use Only
598.2525 G875s
A Study of bird migration in the Pittsburg, Kansas area ; for the months of November and December, 19
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
A Study of bird migration in the Pittsburg, Kansas area ; for the months of November and December, 19
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
598.2525 M432b 1968 : Matthews, Geoffrey Vernon Townsend.
Bird navigation, by G. V. T. Matthews.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2525 T27w : Terborgh, John,
Where have all the birds gone? : essays on the biology and conservation of birds that migrate to the
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.256 B813h : Brown, Jerram L.
Helping and communal breeding in birds : ecology and evolution / Jerram L. Brown.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.256 Sk76h : Skutch, Alexander Frank,
Helpers at birds' nests : a worldwide survey of cooperative breeding and related behavior / by Alexan
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
598.2564 C69n : Collias, Nicholas E.
Nest building and bird behavior / Nicholas E. Collias and Elsie C. Collias.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
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