The value of the Otis test as a pre-entrance examination for nursing / by Colletta Myers Nelson.
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The value of the Otis test as a pre-entrance examination for nursing / by Colletta Myers Nelson.
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Cultural competence in nursing students after a short-term cultural immersion / Kyra L. Reichardt.
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Cultural competence in nursing students after a short-term cultural immersion / Kyra L. Reichardt.
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An investigative study of a teaching strategy designed to encourage critical thinking skills / Linda
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An investigative study of a teaching strategy designed to encourage critical thinking skills / Linda
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Identifying predictors of performance in an associate degree nursing program and on the National Coun
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Identifying predictors of performance in an associate degree nursing program and on the National Coun
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Web-based versus face-to-face : a comparison of learning outcomes in an undergraduate community healt
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Web-based versus face-to-face : a comparison of learning outcomes in an undergraduate community healt
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Hardiness and academic performance among senior baccalaureate nursing students / Gena Marie Coomes.
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Hardiness and academic performance among senior baccalaureate nursing students / Gena Marie Coomes.
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A comparison study of liberal education requirements in associate degree and baccalaureate degree nur
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A comparison study of liberal education requirements in associate degree and baccalaureate degree nur
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Self-reported efficacy of cultural competence in nursing students in rural Kansas : a comparison / Ka
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Self-reported efficacy of cultural competence in nursing students in rural Kansas : a comparison / Ka
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Nursing education in public junior colleges / by Sister Mary Xavier Landers.
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Nursing education in public junior colleges / by Sister Mary Xavier Landers.
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