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636.2 HER    
      Blossom comes home / James Herriot ; illustrated by Ruth Brown. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1988
      Blossom comes home / James Herriot ; illustrated by Ruth Brown. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1988
      Blossom comes home / James Herriot ; illustrated by Ruth Brown. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1988
636.2 HUYNH : Huynh, Quang Nhuong.     
      Water buffalo days : growing up in Vietnam / by Huynh Qyang Nhuong ; pictures by Jean and Mou-sien Ts Nettels Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1999
636.2 L989m 2001 : Lyman, Howard F.     
      Mad cowboy : plain truth from the cattle rancher who won't eat meat / Howard F. Lyman ; with Glen Mer Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 2001
636.2 MAC : Macken, JoAnn Early,     
      Cows / JoAnn Early Macken. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction Easy Book:Available   Print Material 2005
636.2 MCD : McDonald, Mary Ann.     
      Cows / Mary Ann McDonald. Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1998
636.2 MER : Mercer, Abbie.     
      Cows on a farm / Abbie Mercer. Nettels Everybody Book:Available   Print Material 2010
636.2 MIL    
      My cows / by Heather Miller ; [photos by Thaddeus Harden]. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2000
      Cows / by Sara Swan Miller. Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2000
636.2 Pet    
      Century farm : one hundred years on a family farm / by Cris Peterson ; with photographs by Alvis Upit Nettels Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1999
      Clarabelle : making milk and so much more / Cris Peterson ; photographs by David R. Lundquist. Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2013
636.2 Rat : Rath, Sara.     
      The complete cow / Sara Rath. Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1998
636.2 Sa56s 1909 : Sanders, Alvin Howard,     
      Short-horn cattle : a series of historical sketches, memoirs and records of the breed and its develop Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1909
636.2 SCH    
      Cows on the farm / by Mari C. Schuh. Nettels Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2002
      Cows on the farm / by Mari C. Schuh. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2002
636.2 SEX : Sexton, Colleen A.,     
      The life cycle of a cow / by Colleen Sexton. Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2011
636.2 SEXTON : Sexton, Colleen A.,     
      The life cycle of a cow / by Colleen Sexton. Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2011
636.2 STI : Stiefel, Chana,     
      Cows on the family farm / Chana Stiefel. Nettels Biography:Available   Print Material 2013
636.2 STO : Stone, Lynn M.     
      Cows / Lynn M. Stone. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction Animal Sets:Available   Print Material 1990
636.2 STONE : Stone, Lynn M.     
      Cows / Lynn M. Stone. Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction Animal Sets:Available   Print Material 1990
636.2 Van : Van Loon, Dirk.     
      The family cow / Dirk van Loon. Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 1976
636.2 W171r 2003 : Walters, Charles,     
      Reproduction and animal health / Charles Walters, Gearld Fry. Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only   Print Material 2003
636.2 YUN : Yunk, Dan     
      Milk comes from a cow? / by Dan Yunk ; photographs by John Schlageck ; illustrations by Michele Johns Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2007
636.2009 C197c : Carlson, Laurie M.,     
      Cattle : an informal social history / Laurie Winn Carlson. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 2001
636.201 Ed58o    
      The 101 Ranch of Oklahoma, 1879-1936 / by Gerry Keathly Edmondson. Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available   Manuscript 1974
      The 101 Ranch of Oklahoma, 1879-1936 / by Gerry Keathly Edmondson. Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available   Manuscript 1974
636.201 H851c    
      The cattle guard : its history and lore / James F. Hoy. Foreword by Jimmy M. Skaggs. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1982
      The cattle guard : its history and lore / James F. Hoy. Foreword by Jimmy M. Skaggs. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1982
636.201 W211c 1987 : Ward, Fay E.     
      The cowboy at work : all about his job and how he does it / by Fay E. Ward ; with 600 detail drawings Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1987
636.2010978 G82Bg 1969 : Green, Ben K.     
      Wild cow tales / by Ben K. Green ; illustrated by Lorence Bjorklund. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1969
636.2016 Ad19r : Adams, Ramon F.     
      The rampaging herd; a bibliography of books and pamphlets on men and events in the cattle industry. Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1959
636.207 SCH : Schuetz, Kari.     
      Baby cows / by Kari Schuetz. Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available   Print Material 2014
636.2081 D152r : Dale, Edward Everett,     
      The range cattle industry, by Edward Everett Dale. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1930
636.2081 D153r2 : Dale, Edward Everett,     
      The range cattle industry; ranching on the Great Plains from 1865 to 1925. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1960
636.2081 P369 : Pelzer, Louis,     
      The cattlemen's frontier; a record of the trans-Mississippi cattle industry from oxen trains to pooli Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1936
636.2081 W832m : Wolfenstine, Manfred R.     
      The manual of brands and marks, by Manfred R. Wolfenstine. Edited and with an introd. by Ramon F. Ada Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1970
636.2083 T853c 2009 : Turner, F. Newman.     
      Cure your own cattle / F. Newman Turner. Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only   Print Material 2009
636.2089 K957m    
      Mastitis in dairy cows as evidenced by the Bromthymol Blue test and the occurrence of leucocytes and Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available   Manuscript 1937
      Mastitis in dairy cows as evidenced by the Bromthymol Blue test and the occurrence of leucocytes and Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available   Manuscript 1937
636.2089683 L697b 2009 : Lister, Sarah A.     
      Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or "mad cow disease") : current and proposed safeguards / Sara Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 2009
636.209 T661c 1955 : Towne, Charles Wayland,     
      Cattle & men / by Charles Wayland Towne & Edward Norris Wentworth. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1955
636.209469 So85s 1998 : Sousa, Fernando de.     
      Sistemas agrarios e melhoramento dos bovinos de raca mirandesa : o caso da freguesia de paco / Fernan Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1998
636.20978 D934n : Durham, Philip.     
      The Negro cowboys, by Philip Durham and Everett L. Jones. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1965
636.20978 M137h : McCoy, Joseph G.     
      Historic sketches of the cattle trade of the West and Southwest. Kansas City, Mo., Ramsey, Millett & Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1951
636.20978 M137h, 1966 : McCoy, Joseph G.     
      Cattle trade of the West and Southwest. Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1966
636.213 L944p 2002 : Lovenheim, Peter.     
      Portrait of a burger as a young calf : the true story of one man, two cows and the feeding of a natio Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 2002
636.213 M664b 1982 : Minish, Gary L.     
      Beef production and management / Gary Minish, Danny Fox. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1982
636.213 N397b 1977 : Neumann, Alvin Ludwig,     
      Beef cattle / A. L. Neumann. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1977
636.213 N753s7 : Nordby, Julius Edward,     
      Selecting, fitting, and showing beef cattle, by Julius E. Nordby and Herbert E. Lattig. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1962
636.213 Om1c2 : O'Mary, C. C.     
      Commercial beef cattle production / edited by Clayton C. O'Mary and Irwin A. Dyer. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1978
636.213 P429b : Perry, Tilden Wayne.     
      Beef cattle feeding and nutrition / Tilden Wayne Perry. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1980
636.213 Sa93c 1990 : Savage, William W.     
      The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association : federal regulation and the cattleman's last frontier / by Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1990
636.213 Su77r : Surface, William.     
      Roundup at the Double Diamond : the American cowboy today / by Bill Surface ; illustrated by Lorence Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1974
636.213 W85k    
      The Kansas beef industry / Charles L. Wood. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1980
      The Kansas beef industry / Charles L. Wood. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only   Print Material 1980
636.2130994 H328s 2008 : Hayes, Margo     
      Small cattle for small farms / Margo Hayes. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 2008
636.214 En78d : Ensminger, M. Eugene.     
      Dairy cattle science, by M. E. Ensminger. Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available   Print Material 1971
636.214 T853h 2009 : Turner, F. Newman.     
      Herdsmanship : a guide for the herd owner, herdsman and cowman, on the establishment and management o Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only   Print Material 2009
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