801.95 K141u 1973 : Kaplan, Morton.
The unspoken motive : a guide to psychoanalytic literary criticism / Morton Kaplan, Robert Kloss.
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801.95 K893t : Krieger, Murray,
Theory of criticism : a tradition and its system / Murray Krieger.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95 K898p : Kristeva, Julia,
The portable Kristeva / Kelly Oliver, editor.
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801.95 L236h : Landow, George P.
Hypertext : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology / George P. Landow.
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801.95 L489Dbo : Boyers, Robert.
F. R. Leavis, judgment and the discipline of thought / Robert Boyers.
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801.95 M834t : Morris, Wesley.
Toward a new historicism.
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801.95 N792d : Norris, Christopher,
Deconstruction, theory and practice / Christopher Norris.
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801.95 N829 2001
The Norton anthology of theory and criticism / Vincent B. Leitch, general editor.
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801.95 R118t 2003 : Radhakrishnan, R.
Theory in an uneven world / R. Radhakrishnan.
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801.95 R18l 2011 : Rapaport, Herman,
The literary theory toolkit : a compendium of concepts and methods / Herman Rapaport.
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801.95 R2268
The reader in the text : essays on audience and interpretation / edited by Susan Suleiman and Inge Cr
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801.95 R227
Reader-response criticism : from formalism to post-structuralism / edited by Jane P. Tompkins.
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801.95 R391p : Richards, I. A.
Principles of literary criticism / by I.A. Richards.
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801.95 R538l 2000 : Robbins, Ruth,
Literary feminisms / Ruth Robbins.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95 Sa21w : Said, Edward W.
The world, the text, and the critic / Edward W. Said.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95 Sa38c : Salusinszky, Imre,
Criticism in society : interviews with Jacques Derrida, Northrop Frye, Harold Bloom, Geoffrey Hartman
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801.95 T314
Textual strategies : perspectives in post-structuralist criticism / edited and with an introd. by Jos
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801.95 T343 2005
Theory's empire : an anthology of dissent / edited by Daphne Patai and Will H. Corral.
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801.95 T348
Third force psychology and the study of literature / edited and with an introduction by Bernard J. Pa
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801.95 Un8
Untying the text : a post-structuralist reader / edited and introduced by Robert Young.
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801.95 W333l 1962 : Watson, George,
The literary critics : a study of English descriptive criticism / George Watson.
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801.95 W379c
A comparative study of the critical theories of George Jean Nathan and Stark Young / by Bruce J. Weav
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
A comparative study of the critical theories of George Jean Nathan and Stark Young / by Bruce J. Weav
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
801.95 W931p : Wright, Elizabeth E.
Psychoanalytic criticism : theory in practice / Elizabeth Wright.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95014 H318g 2000 : Hawthorn, Jeremy.
A glossary of contemporary literary theory / Jeremy Hawthorn.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95016 B877g : Bullock, Chris,
Guide to Marxist literary criticism / compiled by Chris Bullock and David Peck.
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801.9507 P977l : Purves, Alan C.,
Literature and the reader: research in response to literature, reading interests, and the teaching of
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801.950711 T22
Teaching contemporary theory to undergraduates / edited by Dianne F. Sadoff and William E. Cain.
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801.950712 M117r : McAlpine, Gwen.
Reader-response approaches to teaching literature / by Gwen McAlpine and Janice Warren.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95082 F336w : Felman, Shoshana.
What does a woman want? : reading and sexual difference / Shoshana Felman.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95082 M727s 2002 : Moi, Toril.
Sexual/textual politics : feminist literary theory / Toril Moi.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95082 N174f 2014 : Nash, Katherine Saunders,
Feminist narrative ethics : tacit persuasion in modernist form / Katherine Saunders Nash.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.95082 W842
Women critics 1660-1820 : an anthology / edited by the Folger Collective on Early Women Critics.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509 C144 1989
The Cambridge history of literary criticism.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509 C897l 2009 : Culler, Jonathan D.
Literary theory / Jonathan Culler.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509 H284m : Hathaway, Baxter,
Marvels and commonplaces; Renaissance literary criticism.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509 L414c : Lawall, Sarah N.
Critics of consciousness; the existential structures of literature [by] Sarah N. Lawall.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509 R249
Redrawing the boundaries : the transformation of English and American literary studies / edited by St
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801.950904 C767m
Contemporary Marxist literary criticism / edited and introduced by Francis Mulhern.
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801.950904 C7675
Contemporary literary theory / edited by G. Douglas Atkins and Laura Morrow.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.950904 L535t 2003 : Leitch, Vincent B.,
Theory matters / Vincent B. Leitch.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.950904 M582s 2004 : Michaels, Walter Benn.
The shape of the signifier : 1967 to the end of history / Walter Benn Michaels.
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801.950904 M72cr 2008
Modern criticism and theory : a reader / edited by David Lodge and Nigel Wood.
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801.950904 Se48r 1993 : Selden, Raman.
A reader's guide to contemporary literary theory.
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801.950904 T918
Twentieth-century literary theory : a reader / edited and introduced by K. M. Newton.
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801.950904 T918c
Twentieth-century literary movements dictionary : a compendium to more than 500 literary, critical, a
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801.950904 W558 2000
What's left of theory? : new work on the politics of literary theory / edited by Judith Butler, John
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.950904 Y2d : Yarbrough, Stephen R.
Deliberate criticism : toward a postmodern humanism / Stephen R. Yarbrough.
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801.950904 Y86a : Young, R. V.,
At war with the word : literary theory and liberal education / R. V. Young.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509045 B538t 2010 : Birns, Nicholas.
Theory after theory : an intellectual history of literary theory from 1950 to the early twenty-first
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
801.9509045 M725l : Mohanty, Satya P.
Literary theory and the claims of history : postmodernism, objectivity, multicultural politics / Saty
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