808.5 B777 reel 8 item 80 : Walker, John,
A rhetorical grammar = or, Course of lessons in elocution [microform] / by J. Walker.
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 8 item 81 : Walker, John,
Elements of elocution [microform] : in which the principles of reading and speaking are investigated
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 8 item 84 : Walker, John,
The melody of speaking delineated [microform] : or, Elocution taught like music, by visible signs, ad
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 8 item 85 : Walker, John,
The teacher's assistant in English composition = or, Easy rules for writing themes and composing exer
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 8 item 88 : Ward, John,
A system of oratory delivered in a course of lectures publicly read at Gresham College, London [micro
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 9 item 89 : Wilson, Thomas,
The arte of rhetorique for the use of all suche as are studious of eloquence [microform] / sette fort
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 9 item 90
Wilson's arte of rhetorique, 1560. A prolgue to the reader [microform] / ed. by G. H. Mair.
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 9 item 94 : [Arnauld, Antoine,
La logique = ou, L'art de penser [microform] : contenant, outre les regles communes, plusieurs observ
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 reel 9 item 98 : Batteux, Charles,
Principes de la litterature. Tome V, Traite de la construction oratoire [microform] / par M. l'abbe B
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777 Reel 13 no.120 : Jouvency, Joseph de,
Josephi Juvencii Candidatus rhetoricae auctus, et meliori ordini digestus [microform]
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 1, item 2 : Austin, Gilbert.
Chironomia [microform] : or, A Treatise on rhetorical deliverycomprehending many precepts, both anci
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 1, item 5 : Bayly, Anselm,
A practical treatise on singing and playing with just expression and real elegance [microform] / by A
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 1, item 6 : Bayly, Anselm,
An introduction to languages, literary and philosophical [microform] : especially to the English, Lat
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 1, item 8 : Blount, Thomas,
The academy of eloquence [microform] : containing a compleat English rhetorique, exemplified ; common
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, Reel 4, no. 39 : Harvey, Gabriel,
Gabrielis Harueii Rhetor : [microform] vel duorum dierum oratio, de natura, arte, & exercitatione rhe
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 10, item 105 : Cavalcanti, Bartolommeo,
La retorica di M. Bartolomeo Cavalcanti. [microform] Divisa in sette libri: dove si contiene tutto qu
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, Reel 11, no. 107 : Des Courcelles, Pierre.
La rhetorique [microform] / de Pierre de Courcelles.
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, Reel 11, no. 108 : Cressolles, Louis de,
Theatrum veterum rhetorum, oratorum, declamatorum, quos in graecia nominabant... expositum libris qui
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, Reel 11, no. 110 : Cressolles, Louis de,
Vacationes autumnales [microform] ; sive De perfecta oratoris actione et pronunciatione, libri III ;
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 11, no. 111 : Crevier, Jean Baptiste Louis,
Rhetorique francoise [microform] / par M. Crevier.
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 11, item 106 : Comenius, Johann Amos,
Ars ornatoria [microform] : sive Grammatica elegans, et Eruditionis scholasticae atrium, rerum & ling
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 12, item 114 : Ernesti, Johann Christian Gottlieb,
Lexicon technologiae Latinorum rhetoricae [microform] / congessit et animadversionibus illustravit Io
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, Reel 13, no.118 : Gibert,
Jugemens des savans sur les auteurs qui ont traite de la rhetorique [microform] ; avec un precis de l
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, Reel 13, no.121 : Jouvency, Joseph de,
De la maniere d'apprendre et d'enseigner [microform] = De ratione discendi et docendi. Conformement a
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 14, item 124 : Le Jay, Gabriel Francois,
Ars rhethorica [sic] ad Tullianam rationem exacta [microform] : in qua praecepta et exempla complectn
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 14, item 125 : Le Jay, Gabriel Francois,
Bibliotheca rhetorum praecepta et exempla complectens [microform] : quae tam ad oratoriam facultatem,
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B777, reel 15, no.4 : Bayly, Anselm,
The alliance of musick, poetry and oratory [microform] ; under the head of poetry is considered the a
Axe Basement Book Microfilm Cabinets:Available
808.5 B789m : Bronson, C. P.
Manual of elocution: embracing the philosophy of vocalization. By Prof. C.P. Bronson. Ed. by Laura M
Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
808.5 C69s : Collie, James M.
A Speech program for Roosevelt Junior High School in Coffeyville, Kansas / by James M. Collie, Jr.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only
808.5 C872bu : Crocker, Lionel George,
Business and professional speech.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 D646r : Dixon, Peter,
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 D82i
An introduction to communication : a student workbook / Shirley K. Drew, Gil Cooper.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
An introduction to communication : a student workbook / Shirley K. Drew, Gil Cooper.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
808.5 D82i 1998
An introduction to communication : a student workbook / Shirley K. Drew, Gil Cooper.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
An introduction to communication : a student workbook / Shirley K. Drew, Gil Cooper.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
808.5 D82i 2009 : Drew, Shirley K.
An introduction to communication : a student workbook / Shirley K. Drew, Gil Cooper.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 Ed98d 1890 : Edwards, Thomas Charles,
Darllen a siarad : llawlyfr ar "elocution" / gan y parch. T. C. Edwards (Cynonfardd).
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
808.5 Em33e 1908 : Emerson, Charles Wesley,
Evolution of expression / by Charles Wesley Emerson.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
808.5 G274e 2009 : Gehrke, Pat J.,
The ethics and politics of speech : communication and rhetoric in the twentieth century / Pat J. Gehr
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 G951 : Gullan, Marjorie.
The speech choir ; with American poetry and English ballads for choral reading / by Marjorie Gullan.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
808.5 H262 : Harvel, Dorothy.
Approach to social studies through choral speaking; poems correlating group speaking with social stud
Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
808.5 J241g, 1842 : Jamieson, Alexander.
A grammar of rhetoric and polite literature : comprehending the principles of language and style.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
808.5 J417s : Jenkins, Nydia May.
A Semester course in interpersonal communication for Webb City High School / by Nydia May Jenkins.
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only
808.5 K1475h 2006 : Karpf, Anne.
The human voice : how this extraordinary instrument reveals essential clues about who we are / Anne K
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 K38p : Kennedy, Belle Cumming.
Practical aid for the inexperienced speaker.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 K537n : Kidd, Robert.
New elocution and vocal culture / by Robert Kidd.
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
808.5 K586i 1966 : King, Robert G.,
Improving articulation and voice / Robert G. King, Eleanor M. DiMichael.
Axe Kansas Collection Kehle:Lib Use Only
808.5 L329w : Larson, Orvin Prentiss.
When it's your turn to speak.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 L411m
Mastery of speech : a course in eight parts on general speech, business talking and public speaking,
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
Mastery of speech : a course in eight parts on general speech, business talking and public speaking,
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
Mastery of speech : a course in eight parts on general speech, business talking and public speaking,
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
Mastery of speech : a course in eight parts on general speech, business talking and public speaking,
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
10 additional entries
808.5 L566u2 : Lessac, Arthur.
The use and training of the human voice; a practical approach to speech and voice dynamics. Pref. by
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 L648f : Linklater, Kristin.
Freeing the natural voice / Kristin Linklater ; drawings by Douglas Florian.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
808.5 L649s : Linnington, R. T.
The scientific reader and practical elocutionist ; containing original readings in the sciences ; a n
Axe Special Collections:Lib Use Only
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