Camacho's wedding feast / Alberto Gerchunoff -- Uncle Facundo / Isidoro Blaisten -- Cecilia's last will and testament / Alicia Steimberg -- Blues in the night / German Rozenmacher -- The passion according to San Martin / Gerardo Mario Goloboff -- The last emigrant / Nora Glickman -- Celeste's heart / Aida Bortnik -- Remembrance of things future / Mario Szichman -- Inside my dirty head ; The holocaust / Moacyr Scliar -- Love / Clarice Lispector -- His moment of glory / Samuel Rawet -- The conversion / Isaac Goldemberg -- Papa's friends / Elisa Lerner -- Kindergarten / Victor Perera -- Bottles / Alcina Lubitch Domecq -- Canillas de leche / David Unger -- Genealogies / Margo Glantz -- The invisible hour / Esther Seligson -- In the name of his name / Angelina Muņiz-Huberman -- The death of Yankos / Ilan Stavans -- Emma Zunz / Jorge Luis Borges -- Death and the compass / Jorge Luis Borges -- The secret miracle / Jorge Luis Borges.