943.086 H638Dj : Jackel, Eberhard.
Hitler in history / Eberhard Jackel.
Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 H638s
Speeches and proclamations, 1932-1945 / Hitler ; [edited by] Max Domarus ; [translated from the Germa
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Speeches and proclamations, 1932-1945 / Hitler ; [edited by] Max Domarus ; [translated from the Germa
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Speeches and proclamations, 1932-1945 / Hitler ; [edited by] Max Domarus ; [translated from the Germa
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 H638sp
The speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939; An English translation of representative passag
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
The speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939; An English translation of representative passag
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 H675g : Hoffmann, Peter,
German resistance to Hitler / Peter Hoffmann.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 H675h : Hoffmann, Peter,
The history of the German resistance, 1933-1945 / Peter Hoffmann ; translated from the German by Rich
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 H68Bp 2005 : Parparov, Fyodor.
The Hitler book : the secret dossier prepared for Stalin from the interrogations of Hitler's personal
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 H686o 2000 : Höhne, Heinz,
The order of the death's head : the story of Hitler's SS / Heinz Höhne ; translated from the German b
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 H92 2009
Hunting Hitler [videorecording] / a Nigel Turner Production for the History Channel ; written, produc
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
943.086 H963f 1942 : Huss, Pierre J.
The foe we face / by Pierre J. Huss.
Axe Kansas Collection Bruner:Lib Use Only
943.086 Ir8w : Irving, David John Cawdell,
The war path : Hitler's Germany, 1933-1939 / David Irving.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 J266s 1943 : Jansen, Jon B.,
The silent war : the underground movement in Germany / by Jon B. Jansen and Stefan Weyl [pseud.] ; wi
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 J29r : Jarman, Thomas Leckie.
The rise and fall of Nazi Germany.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 J631n : Johnson, Eric A.
Nazi terror : the Gestapo, Jews, and ordinary Germans / Eric A. Johnson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 J631w 2005 : Johnson, Eric A.
What we knew : terror, mass murder and everyday life in Nazi Germany : an oral history / Eric A. John
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 J631w, 2005 : Johnson, Eric A.
What we knew : terror, mass murder and everyday life in Nazi Germany : an oral history / Eric A. John
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 K289Ba 2006
Anti-Nazi [videorecording] : my opposition, the diaries of Friedrich Kellner / a film by Fern Levitt
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
943.086 K476Bk : Kersten, Felix,
The Kersten memoirs, 1940-1945. With an introd. by H.R. Trevor-Roper. Translated from the German by C
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 K676Bk 2001 : Klemperer, Victor,
I will bear witness : a diary of the Nazi years, 1942-1945 / Victor Klemperer ; translated by Martin
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 K676Bk2 1997 : Klemperer, Victor,
Das Tagebuch 1933-1945 : eine Auswahl für junge Leser ; mit Anregungen für den Unterricht / Victor Kl
Axe Special Collections Baron:Lib Use Only
943.086 K83w 1997 : Kolb, Eberhard,
Was Hitler's seizure of power on January 30, 1933, inevitable? / Eberhard Kolb ; [with a comment by H
Axe Special Collections Baron:Lib Use Only
943.086 K868t 2020 : Kraus, Karl,
The third Walpurgis Night : the complete text / Karl Kraus ; translated from the German by Fred Bridg
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Trace
943.086 L584h
Hitler's mistakes / Ronald Lewin.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
Hitler's mistakes / Ronald Lewin.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
943.086 Laq : Laqueur, Walter,
The terrible secret : suppression of the truth about Hitler's "final solution" / Walter Laqueur.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
943.086 Lar : Larson, Erik.
In the garden of beasts : love, terror, and an American family in Hitler's Berlin / Erik Larson.
PHS Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
943.086 Lew : Lewin, Ronald.
Hitler's mistakes / Ronald Lewin.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
943.086 M23t 2009 : McNab, Chris,
Third Reich Databook,1939-45 : the essential facts and figures for Hitler's Germany / Chris McNab.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 M244t : McRandle, James H.,
The track of the wolf : essays on national socialism and its leader, Adolf Hitler / by James H. McRan
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 M319h : Manvell, Roger,
The hundred days to Hitler / by Roger Manvell and Heinrich Fraenkel.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 M319s 1976 : Manvell, Roger,
SS and Gestapo : rule by terror / Roger Manvell advised by Heinrich Fraenkel.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 M452t : Mayer, Milton Sanford,
They thought they were free; the Germans, 1933-45.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 M452t 1974 : Mayer, Milton Sanford,
They thought they were free; the Germans, 1933-45.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 M584s : Middleton, Drew,
The struggle for Germany.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 M694h : Mitchell, Otis C.
Hitler over Germany : the establishment of the Nazi dictatorship (1918-1934) / Otis C. Mitchell.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 N2387 1990
The Nazi years : a documentary history / edited by Joachim Remak.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 N239, 1981
Nazism and the common man : essays in German history (1929-1939) / edited by Otis C. Mitchell.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 N239g 2012
Nazi Germany, the rise & fall [videorecording] : a comprehensive set that illustrates why we fought.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Nazi Germany, the rise & fall [videorecording] : a comprehensive set that illustrates why we fought.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Nazi Germany, the rise & fall [videorecording] : a comprehensive set that illustrates why we fought.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Nazi Germany, the rise & fall [videorecording] : a comprehensive set that illustrates why we fought.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
943.086 N239r
The Nazi revolution : Germany's guilt or Germany's fate? / edited and with an introduction by John L.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Misse:Lib Use Only
The Nazi revolution : Germany's guilt or Germany's fate? / edited and with an introduction by John L.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Special Collections Misse:Lib Use Only
943.086 N398Bh : Heineman, John Louis,
Hitler's first foreign minister : Constantin Freiherr von Neurath, diplomat and statesman / John L. H
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 Ov2d 2004 : Overy, R. J.
The dictators : Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia / Richard Overy.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 P822w 1979 : Pool, James,
Who financed Hitler : the secret funding of Hitler's rise to power, 1919-1933 / James Pool & Suzanne
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
943.086 P939g : Prittie, Terence,
Germans against Hitler [by] Terence Prittie. With a foreword by Hugh Trevor-Roper.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R129Bg 2008 : Graddon, Nigel.
Otto Rahn and the quest for the Holy Grail : the amazing life of the real "Indiana Jones" / Nigel Gra
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R248h 2005 : Redles, David.
Hitler's millennial Reich : apocalyptic belief and the search for salvation / David Redles.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R313 2009
The restless conscience [videorecording] : resistance to Hitler within Germany 1933-1945 / a film by
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
943.086 R375h
Hitler's war aims.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Hitler's war aims.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R446n : Riess, Curt,
The Nazis go underground / Curt Reiss.
Axe Reference 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R545h : Robertson, Esmonde M.
Hitler's pre-war policy and military plans, 1933-1939 [by] E. M. Robertson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R618p : Rodnick, David,
Postwar Germans, an anthropologist's account.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R723Dw : Whisker, James B.,
The social, political, and religious thought of Alfred Rosenberg : an interpretive essay / James Bise
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
943.086 R744g : Rothfels, Hans,
The German opposition to Hitler, an appraisal. Translated from the German by Lawrence Wilson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
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