970.01 H789v 2008 : Horwitz, Tony,
A voyage long and strange : rediscovering the new world / Tony Horwitz.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 H911r 1966 : Hunt, David Curtis.
Reports from the New World.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.01 HER : Herr, Melody.
Exploring the new world : an interactive history adventure / by Melody Herr.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 JAN : January, Brendan,
Explorers of North America / by Brendan January.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 K26t 2016 : Kehoe, Alice Beck,
Traveling prehistoric seas : critical thinking on ancient transoceanic voyages / Alice Beck Kehoe.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 K536r 2003 : Kicza, John E.,
Resilient cultures : America's native peoples confront European colonization, 1500-1800 / John E. Kic
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.01 L963a 1990 : Lucena Salmoral, Manuel.
America 1492 : portrait of a continent 500 years ago / Manuel Lucena Salmoral.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.01 M496f 2009 : Meltzer, David J.
First peoples in a new world : colonizing ice age America / David J. Meltzer.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 M826e 1974 : Morison, Samuel Eliot,
The European discovery of America : the southern voyages, A.D. 1492-1616 / Samuel Eliot Morison.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.01 M999 1986
Mysteries of the ancient Americas : the New World before Columbus.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 Man : Mann, Charles C.
Before Columbus : the Americas of 1491 / Charles C. Mann ; [adapted by] Rebecca Stefoff.
Nettels Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 Mys
Mysteries of the ancient Americas : the New World before Columbus.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 N42
New American world : a documentary history of North America to 1612 / edited, with a commentary by Da
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
New American world : a documentary history of North America to 1612 / edited, with a commentary by Da
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
New American world : a documentary history of North America to 1612 / edited, with a commentary by Da
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
New American world : a documentary history of North America to 1612 / edited, with a commentary by Da
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
New American world : a documentary history of North America to 1612 / edited, with a commentary by Da
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 Q44n : Quinn, David B.
North America from earliest discovery to first settlements : the Norse voyages to 1612 / by David B.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 Q44n 1978 : Quinn, David B.
North America from earliest discovery to first settlements : the Norse voyages to 1612 / by David B.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.01 SAT : Sattler, Helen Roney.
The earliest Americans / by Helen Roney Sattler ; illustrated by Jean Day Zallinger.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 SATTLER : Sattler, Helen Roney.
The earliest Americans / by Helen Roney Sattler ; illustrated by Jean Day Zallinger.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 Se32 1991
Seeds of change : a quincentennial commemoration / edited by Herman J. Viola and Carolyn Margolis.
Axe Archives Fed Docs:Available, Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only, Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only, Axe Special Collections Whitehead FD:Lib Use Only
Seeds of change : a quincentennial commemoration / edited by Herman J. Viola and Carolyn Margolis.
Axe Archives Fed Docs:Available, Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only, Axe Special Collections Eucalyptus:Lib Use Only, Axe Special Collections Whitehead FD:Lib Use Only
970.01 Sh21o : Shao, Paul,
The origin of ancient American cultures / Paul Shao.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 Sm69 1986
The Smithsonian book of North American Indians : before the coming of the Europeans / by Philip Koppe
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 SPE : Spencer, Eve.
Three ships for Columbus / by Eve Spencer ; illustrations by Tom Sperling.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 Stu : Stuart, Gene S.
America's ancient cities / by Gene S. Stuart ; photographed by Richard Alexander Cooke III ; painting
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 T723s 1979 : Trento, Salvatore Michael.
The search for lost America : mysteries of the stone ruins in the United States / Salvatore Michael T
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
970.01 Tan : Tankersley, Kenneth B.,
In search of Ice Age Americans / by Kenneth B. Tankersley ; foreword by Douglas Preston.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 11-15-24 Billed
970.01 Tho
Exploring Native North America / David Hurst Thomas.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:DUE 01-02-25
Exploring ancient native America : an archaeological guide / David Hurst Thomas.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.01 W587o 2011 : Whitehead, Neil L.
Of cannibals and kings : primal anthropology in the Americas / Neil L. Whitehead.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.01 WALKER
Their skeletons speak : Kennewick man and the Paleoamerican world / Sally M. Walker, Douglas W. Owsle
PCMS Non-Fiction:Available
Their skeletons speak : Kennewick man and the Paleoamerican world / Sally M. Walker, Douglas W. Owsle
PCMS Non-Fiction:Available
970.011 Am35 1993
America in 1492 : the world of the Indian peoples before the arrival of Columbus / edited and with an
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.011 B728b : Bradley, Michael Anderson,
The Black discovery of America : amazing evidence of daring voyages by ancient West African mariners
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.011 D288v 1979 : Davies, Nigel,
Voyagers to the New World / Nigel Davies.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.011 D582s
The settlement of the Americas : a new prehistory / Thomas D. Dillehay.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
The settlement of the Americas : a new prehistory / Thomas D. Dillehay.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.011 F131k 1991 : Fagan, Brian M.
Kingdoms of gold, kingdoms of jade : the Americas before Columbus / Brian M. Fagan.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.011 H191a 2019 : Hancock, Graham,
America before : the key to Earth's lost civilization / Graham Hancock.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.011 Im1 1979
Image of the New World : the American continent portrayed in native texts / [compiled by] Gordon Brot
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.011 M315f 2005
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / Charles C. Mann.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Harmon:Lib Use Only
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / Charles C. Mann.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection Harmon:Lib Use Only
970.011 M315f, 2006 : Mann, Charles C.
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / Charles C. Mann.
Axe Special Collections Adams:Lib Use Only
970.011 Mor
The European discovery of America / by Samuel Eliot Morison.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
The European discovery of America : the southern voyages, 1492-1616 [by] Samuel Eliot Morison.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.011 Si62Bp : Pohl, Frederick Julius,
Prince Henry Sinclair : his expedition to the New World in 1398 / by Frederick J. Pohl.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.011 Stu : Stuart, George E.
Ancient pioneers : the first Americans / by George E. Stuart.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
970.011 W969u : Wuthenau, Alexander von.
Unexpected faces in ancient America (1500 B.C.-A.D. 1500) : the historical testimony of pre-Columbian
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.013 F335b : Fell, Barry.
Bronze age America / Barry Fell.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.013 In4v 2001 : Ingstad, Helge,
The Viking discovery of America : the excavation of a Norse settlement in L'Anse aux Meadows, Newfoun
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.015 C466 1992
Christopher Columbus and his legacy : opposing viewpoints / Mary Ellen Jones, book editor.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.015 C723Bb 1952 : Baker, Nina Brown,
The story of Christopher Columbus / by Nina Brown Baker ; illustrated by David Hendrickson.
Axe Kansas Collection:Lib Use Only
970.015 C723Bba 1992 : Barreto, Mascarenhas.
The Portuguese Columbus, secret agent of King John II / Mascarenhas Barreto ; translated by Reginald
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.015 C723Bbr 1973 : Bradford, Ernle Dusgate Selby.
Christopher Columbus / Ernle Bradford.
Axe Kansas Collection J Schick:Lib Use Only
970.015 C723Bc : Colon, Fernando,
The life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus by his son, Ferdinand. Translated and annotated by Benja
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.015 C723Bch 2005
Christopher Columbus [videorecording] : explorer of the New World / produced by Greystone Communicati
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
970.015 C723Bcha 1991 : Chapman, Paul H.
Discovering Columbus / by Paul H. Chapman.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
970.015 C723Bco : Columbus, Christopher.
The log of Christopher Columbus / translated by Robert H. Fuson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
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