973.931 H83 2005
How should the United States treat prisoners in the war on terror? / Lauri S. Friedman, book editor.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 H863b 2006 : Huberman, Jack.
Bushit! : an A-Z guide to the Bush attack on truth, justice, equality, and the American way / Jack Hu
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 Hig : Hightower, Jim,
Thieves in high places : they've stolen our country--and its time to take it back / Jim Hightower.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 Im7 2004
Imperial crusades : Iraq, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia : a diary of three wars / by Alexander Cockburn
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 In7n 2005
Inside 9/11 [videorecording] / NGC, Inc.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Inside 9/11 [videorecording] / NGC, Inc.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
973.931 Iv5d 2005 : Ivie, Robert L.
Democracy and America's war on terror / Robert L. Ivie.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 Ivi : Ivins, Molly.
Bushwhacked : life in George W. Bush's America / Molly Ivins and Lou Dubose.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 J159a 2008 : Jacobson, Sidney.
After 9/11 : America's war on terror (2001- ) / Sid Jacobson and Ernie Colon.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 J287a 2008 : Jarecki, Eugene.
The American way of war : guided missiles, misguided men, and a republic in peril / Eugene Jarecki.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 J63n 2006 : Johnson, Chalmers A.
Nemesis : the last days of the American Republic / Chalmers Johnson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 J631b 2004 : Johnson, Dennis Loy,
The big chill : the great, unreported story of the Bush inauguration protest / Dennis Loy Johnson.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K196w 2006 : Kean, Thomas H.
Without precedent : the inside story of the 9/11 Commission / Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton, wit
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K283t 2007 : Keller, Michael.
Torture central : e-mails from Abu Ghraib / Michael Keller.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K289f 2003 : Kellner, Douglas,
From 9/11 to terror war : the dangers of the Bush legacy / Douglas Kellner.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K469Bo 2004 : O'Neill, John E.
Unfit for command : swift boat veterans speak out against John Kerry / John E. O'Neill and Jerome R.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K485c 2003 : Kessler, Ronald,
The CIA at war : inside the secret campaign against terror / Ronald Kessler.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K939f : Krugman, Paul R.
Fuzzy math : the essential guide to the Bush tax plan / Paul Krugman.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 K964t 2006 : Kuo, J. David,
Tempting faith : an inside story of political seduction / David Kuo.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L111f 2010 : Labash, Matt.
Fly fishing with Darth Vader : and other adventures with evangelical wrestlers, political hitmen, and
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L231p 2003 : Landau, Saul.
The pre-emptive empire : a guide to Bush's kingdom / Saul Landau.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L243t 2006 : Lance, Peter.
Triple cross : how Bin Laden's master spy penetrated the CIA, the Green Berets, and the FBI--and why
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L314c 2006 : Lapham, Lewis H.
The case for impeachment : why we can no longer afford George W. Bush / by Lewis H. Lapham.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L314p 2006 : Lapham, Lewis H.
Pretensions to empire : notes on the criminal folly of the Bush administration / by Lewis Lapham.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L314t : Lapham, Lewis H.
Theater of war / Lewis Lapham.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L349s 2009 : Latimer, Matt.
Speech less : tales of a White House survivor / Matt Latimer.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L551r 2005 : Leon, Harmon.
Republican like me : infiltrating red-state, white-ass, and blue-suit America / Harmon Leon.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L615b 2004
Liberty bound [videorecording] / Blue Moose Films ; written, directed & produced by Christine Rose.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
973.931 L626s 2003 : Lifton, Robert Jay,
Superpower syndrome : America's apocalyptic confrontation with the world / Robert Jay Lifton.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L645t 2004 : Lindorff, Dave
This can't be happening! : resisting the disintegration of American democracy / Dave Lindorff.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 L761 2007
Living blue in the red states / edited by David Starkey.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M132w 2008 : McClellan, Scott,
What happened : inside the Bush White House and Washington's culture of deception / Scott McClellan.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 M267h 2008 : Madsen, Wayne.
Overthrow a fascist regime on $15 a day / Wayne Madsen.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M267j 2006 : Madsen, Wayne.
Jaded tasks : brass plates, black ops & big oil : the blood politics of George Bush & Co. / Wayne Mad
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M277w 2002 : Maher, Bill,
When you ride alone you ride with bin Laden : what the government should be telling us to help fight
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M337l 2010 : Margulies, Peter.
Law's detour : justice displaced in the Bush administration / Peter Margulies.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M452d 2008 : Mayer, Jane.
Dark side : the inside story of how the war on terror turned into a war on American ideals / Jane May
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M4528u 2021 : Mayer, William G.,
The uses and misuses of politics : Karl Rove and the Bush presidency / William G. Mayer.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:DUE 05-13-25
973.931 M615c 2002 : Miller, John,
The cell : inside the 9/11 plot and why the FBI and CIA failed to stop it / John Miller and Michael S
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 M616c 2004 : Miller, Mark Crispin.
Cruel and unusual : Bush/Cheney's new world order / Mark Crispin Miller.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M785d 2003 : Moore, Michael,
Dude, where's my country? / Michael Moore.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 M785m 2008 : Moore, Michael,
Mike's election guide, 2008 / by Michael Moore.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M952a 2007 : Murphy, Cullen.
Are we Rome? : the fall of an empire and the fate of America / Cullen Murphy.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 M99t 2012
My trip to al-Qaeda [videorecording] : behind the scenes of the War on Terror / a film by Alex Gibney
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
973.931 M991c 2008 : Mycoff, Jason D.,
Confrontation and compromise : presidential and congressional leadership, 2001-2006 / Jason D. Mycoff
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 McC : McClellan, Scott,
What happened : inside the Bush White House and Washington's culture of deception / Scott McClellan.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 Mil : Miller, John,
The cell : inside the 9/11 plot and why the FBI and CIA failed to stop it / John Miller and Michael S
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 Moo : Moore, Michael,
Stupid white men...and other sorry excuses for the state of the nation! / Michael Moore.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 Mor : Morris, Dick.
Outrage : how illegal immigration, the United Nations, Congressional ripoffs, student loan overcharge
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
973.931 N213n : National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.
The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the Un
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
973.931 N213n 2004 : National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States.
The 9/11 Commission report : final report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the Un
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
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