J 027 Far : Farmer, Bonnie,
ABC letters in the library / written by Bonnie Farmer ; illustrated by Chum McLeod.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 027 Pet : Peterson, Christy,
A trip to the library with Sesame Street / Christy Peterson.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 027 Pri : Prieto, Anita C.,
B is for bookworm : a library alphabet / written by Anita C. Prieto and illustrated by Renee Graef.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 027.0769 App : Appelt, Kathi,
Down Cut Shin Creek : the pack horse librarians of Kentucky / by Kathi Appelt & Jeanne Cannella Schmi
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 027.4 Gle : Glenn, Sharlee Mullins,
Library on wheels : Mary Lemist Titcomb and America's first bookmobile / Sharlee Glenn.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 027.4 Ruu : Ruurs, Margriet.
My librarian is a camel : how books are brought to children around the world / Margriet Ruurs.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 027.47 Kin : King, M. G.
Librarian on the roof! : a true story / M.G. King ; illustrated by Stephen Gilpin.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031 Chi
Our amazing bodies : a supplement to Childcraft--the how and why library.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Once upon a time: Childcraft [vol.1]--the how and why library.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 07-06-22 Billed
Insects, spiders, and creepy crawlers : a supplement to Childcraft, the how and why library.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
World adventure : a supplement to Childcraft--the how and why library.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
33 additional entries
J 031 Gui
Guinness world records 2002 / [managing editor, Antonia Cunningham].
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 08-04-17 Billed
Guinness world records, 2006 / [editor, Craig Glenday].
PCMS Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Non-Fiction:Billed, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 07-15-16 Billed, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
The Guinness 1999 book of records.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 08-04-17 Billed
Guinness world records 2017.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Lost and Paid, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available
13 additional entries
J 031 Wor
World Book discovery encyclopedia.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 02-14-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
World Book discovery encyclopedia.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 02-14-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
World Book discovery encyclopedia.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 02-14-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
World Book discovery encyclopedia.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 02-14-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
31 additional entries
J 031.02 Bry : Bryant, Chuck,
Stuff kids should know : the mind-blowing histories of (almost) everything / Chuck Bryant and Josh Cl
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Dis
5,000 amazing facts : incredible but true facts about everything.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Esb : Esbaum, Jill,
Little kids first big book of why 2 / Jill Esbaum.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Gui
Guinness World Records, 2013 / [editor-in-chief, Craig Glenday].
Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 08-04-15 Billed
Guinness world records 2019.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Lakeside Non-Fiction:DUE 02-24-25, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available
Guinness world records 2020.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:DUE 02-04-25, Lakeside Non-Fiction:DUE 02-24-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 02-17-25, Westside Non-Fiction:Lost and Paid
Guinness world records 2021.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Non-Fiction:DUE 05-09-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available
Guinness world records 2021.
Lakeside Non-Fiction:Available, Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Nettels Non-Fiction:Available, PCMS Non-Fiction:DUE 05-09-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Gut : Gutman, Dan,
Mummies, myths, and mysteries / Dan Gutman ; pictures by Jim Paillot.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:Available
J 031.02 Jen : Jenkins, Steve,
One day by the numbers : a book of infographics / Steve Jenkins.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Men
Mental floss presents Instant knowledge / edited by Will Pearson and Mangesh Hattikudur.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Nat
5,000 awesome facts 2 (about everything!).
Lakeside Non-Fiction:DUE 01-27-25, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Ultimate weird but true! 3.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Weird but true! 10 : 350 outrageous facts.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
National geographic kids almanac 2020.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
4 additional entries
J 031.02 Paq
Two truths and a lie : Histories and mysteries / Ammi-Joan Paquette and Laurie Ann Thompson.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Two truths and a lie : forces of nature / Ammi-Joan Paquette and Laurie Ann Thompson.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Rip
Ripley's believe it or not! : expect-- the unexpected.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 01-03-15 Billed
Ripley's believe it or not! : out of this world edition 2018.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Ripley's Believe It or Not! : escape the ordinary / [text, Geoff Tibballs].
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 10-28-24 Billed
Ripley's believe it or not! : prepare to be shocked! / [text, Geoff Tibballs].
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
2 additional entries
J 031.02 Seu : Seuss,
The cat's quizzer : are you smarter than the Cat in the Hat? / by Dr. Seuss.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 09-21-22 Billed
J 031.02 Shi : Shields, Amy,
First big book of why / by Amy Shields.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 031.02 Ult
Ultimate Record Breakers: Fascinating facts that'll blow your mind!
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 032 Ver
The very hungry caterpillar's very first encyclopedia.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 09-04-24 Billed
J 032.02 Nat
Weird but true! world 2023 : incredible facts, awesome photos, and weird wonders : for this year and
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 069 Mar : Mark, Jan,
The museum book : a guide to strange and wonderful collections / written by Jan Mark ; illustrated by
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 121.4 Rex : Rex, Michael,
Facts vs. opinions vs. robots / Michael Rex.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available, Westside Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 And
Haunted art / by Elizabeth Andrews.
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Haunted dolls / by Elizabeth Andrews.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Haunted homes / by Elizabeth Andrews.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Haunted jewels? / by Elizabeth Andrews.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Eve : Everett, J. H.
Haunted histories : creepy castles, dark dungeons, and powerful palaces / J.H. Everett and Marilyn Sc
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Far : Farman, John,
The short and bloody history of ghosts / John Farman.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Fin : Finn, Peter,
Do ghosts exist? / Peter Finn.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Hen : Hennessy, B. G.
The scary places map book : seven terrifying tours / B.G. Hennessy ; [illustrated by] Erwin Madrid.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Hig
Haunted houses / by Nadia Higgins.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Ghosts / by Nadia Higgins.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Kre : Krensky, Stephen.
Ghosts / Stephen Krensky.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.1 Osb : Osborne, Mary Pope.
Ghosts : a nonfiction companion to a good night for ghosts / by Mary Pope Osborne and Natalie Pope Bo
Meadowlark Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:DUE 01-21-25
J 133.12 And
Haunted places / by Elizabeth Andrews.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
Haunted ships / by Elizabeth Andrews.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.4 Pip : Pipe, Jim,
You wouldn't want to be a Salem witch! : bizarre accusations you'd rather not face / written by Jim P
PCMS Jumpstart Non-Fiction:Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Series:Available
J 133.4 Wil : Williams, Brandy,
Practical magic for beginners : techniques & rituals to focus magical energy / Brandy Williams.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.43 Sch : Schanzer, Rosalyn.
Witches! : the absolutely true tale of disaster in Salem / by Roaslyn Schanzer.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.43 Yol : Yolen, Jane.
The Salem witch trials : an unsolved mystery from history / by Jane Yolen and Heidi Elisabet Yolen St
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.5 Mit : Mitton, Jacqueline.
Zodiac : celestial circle of the sun / Jacqueline Mitton ; illustrated by Christina Balit.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 133.8 Owi : Owings, Lisa,
ESP / by Lisa Owings.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 152 Piz : Miller, Andy J.,
Invisible things / Andy J. Pizza & Sophie Miller.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 152.14 Ama
Amazing optical illusions / IllusionWorks.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 152.14 Wic : Wick, Walter,
Walter Wick's optical tricks.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 152.3 Wil : Willems, Mo,
Lefty : a story that is not all right / pictures by Dan Santat ; words by Mo Willems.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:DUE 02-18-25
J 152.4 Mad : Madison, Megan,
Together : a first conversation about love / words by Megan Madison & Jessica Ralli ; art by Anne/And
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 153.8 Mac : Mach, Jo Meserve.
Kaitlyn wants to see ducks / /by Jo Meserve Mach and Vera Lynne Stroup-Rentier ; photography by Mary
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 153.9 Mac : Mach, Jo Meserve.
I want to be like Poppin' Joe / by Jo meserve Mach and Vera Lynne Stroup-Rentier ; photography by Mar
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
J 155.4 Par : Parr, Todd,
The don't worry book / Todd Parr.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Non-Fiction:Available
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