A political history of the State of New York, 1865-1869 [microform] / by Homer Adolph Stebbins ...
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The life and correspondence of James McHenry [microform] : Secretary of War under Washington and Adam
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The return of the Democratic Party to power in 1884 [microform] / by Harrison Cook Thomas ...
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Party leaders of the time [microform] : character studies of public men at Washington, Senate portrai
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Politics in a democracy [microform] : an essay / by Daniel Greenleaf Thompson ...
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Guarding the mails, or, the secret service of the Post Office Department ; Illustrative sketches [mi
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Report [microform] / [of] the Select Committee of the Senate Appointed to Inquire into the Late Invas
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The record of Hon. C.L. Vallandigham on abolition, the Union, and the Civil War ... [microform]
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Seven decades of the Union [microform] : the humanities and materialism, illustrated by a memoir of J
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The Holy Bible containing the Old and New Testaments [microform] / translated out of the original ton
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American politics (non-partisan) from the beginning to date [microform] : Embodying a history of all
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Correspondence of the French ministers to the United States, 1791-1797 [microform] / edited by Freder
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Twenty-five years in the secret service [microform] : the recollections of a spy / by Major Henri Le
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History of Hillsborough County, New Hampshire [microform] / compiled under the supervision of D. Hami
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The higher learning in America [microform] : a memorandum on the conduct of universities by business
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Notices of public libraries in the United States of America [microform] / printed by order of Congres
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A history of the University of Pennsylvania [microform] from its foundation to A.D. 1770, including b
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Manual of public libraries, institutions, and societies [microform] : in the United States, and Briti
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Economic cycles [microform] : their law and cause / by Henry Ludwell Moore.
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The banking & currency problem in the United States [microform] / by Victor Morawetz.
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The people and the railways [microform] : a popular discussion of the railway problem in the United S
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Legislative and documentary history of the banks of the United States [microform] : from the time of
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Report of the case of the trustees of Dartmouth college against William H. Woodward [microform] : Arg
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The district school as it was [microform] : by one who went to it / edited by Clifton Johnson.
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A history of education in Pennsylvania, private and public, elementary and higher [microform] : from
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The improvement of the mind, or, A supplement to the Art of logic [microform] : in two parts, to whic
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The Chautauqua movement [microform] / by John H. Vincent ; with an introduction by Lewis Miller.
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Ralph Waldo Emerson, philosopher & seer [microform] : an estimate of his character and genius in pros
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The theoretical system of Karl Marx in the light of recent criticism [microform]
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Americans in process [microform] : a settlement study / by residents and associates of the South End
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The old brewery, and the new mission house at the Five Points [microform] / by the ladies of the miss
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The history of the old town of Derby, Connecticut, 1642-1880 [microform] : with biographies and genea
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History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877 [microform] : with a genealogical register / by Lucius
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History of Pelham, Mass., from 1738 to 1898 [microform] : including the early history of Prescott / b
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The history of the British plantations in America [microform] : with a chronological account of the m
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Providence in colonial times [microform] / by Gertrude Selwyn Kimball, with an introduction by J. Fra
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