The casual laborer and other essays [microform] / by Carleton H. Parker ; with introduction by Cornel
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The life and diary of John Floyd, governor of Virginia [microform] : an apostle of secession and the
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History of the United States secret service [microform] : by General L.C. Baker.
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Politics for American Christians [microform] : a word upon our example as a nation, our labour, our t
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Andrew Gregg Curtin, his life and services [microform] / Ed. by William H. Egle, M.D.
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The conquest of Kansas, [microform] by Missouri and her allies. A history of the troubles in Kansas,
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The life of young Sir Henry Vane, governor of Massachusetts Bay, and leader of the Long parliament [m
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The Mormons, or, Latter-day saints, in the valley of the Great Salt Lake [microform] : a history of t
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An account of the remarkable occurrences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith [microform] : du
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The practical house carpenter [microform] : being a complete development of the Grecian orders of arc
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Matrimony, as taught by phrenology and physiology [microform] / By Prof. O.S. Fowler.
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Phrenology proved, illustrated, and applied, accompanied by a chart [microform] : together with a vie
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Lowell hydraulic experiments [microform] : being a selection from experiments on hydraulic motors, on
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A history of the Spanish-American war of 1898 [microform] / by Richard H. Titherington.
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A descriptive and historical account of hydraulic and other machines for raising water, ancient and m
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Exploring expedition [microform] : Correspondence between J.N. Reynolds and the Hon. Mahlon Dickerson
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Twelve years a slave [microform] : narrative of Solomon Northrup, citizen of New York, kidnapped in W
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Testimonies concerning slavery [microform] / by M.D. Conway, a native of Virginia.
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"Uncle Tom's cabin" contrasted with Buckingham hall, the planter's home [microform] : or, A fair view
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God in Christ [microform] : Three discourses, delivered at New Haven, Cambridge, and Andover ; with a
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The present state of Great Britain and North America [microform] : with regard to agriculture, popula
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LAC 14198 : Home Insurance Company (New York, N. Y.)
Manual issued by the Home Insurance Company of New York [microform] : containing general rules and in
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Public utility economics [microform] : a series of ten lectures delivered before the west side Young
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LAC 14202. : New York Corresponding Association for the Promotion of Internal Improvements.
Public documents relating to the New-York canals [microform] : which are to connect the western and n
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Report of the Committee on General Laws on the Investigation Relative to Trusts [microform] : transmi
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The organization and history of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company [microform] / by Jo
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Life of Jay Gould [microform] : how he made his millions / By Murat Halstead and J. Frank Beale, Jr.
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A congressional history of railways in the United States to 1850 [microform]
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Memoir of David Hale [microform] : late editor of the Journal of commerce ; with selections from his
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History of insurance in Philadelphia for two centuries (1683-1882) [microform]
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History of the rise and progress of the iron trade of the United States, from 1621 to 1857 [microform
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The history of North Atlantic steam navigation with some account of early ships and shipowners [micro
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The inside history of the Carnegie steel company [microform] : a romance of millions.
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Combination, consolidation and succession of corporations [microform] : principles, rules and leading
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The dark side of the beef trust [microform] : a treatise concerning the "canner" cow, the cold-storag
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The first and second banks of the United States [microform] / by John Thom Holdsworth ... and Davis R
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A brief history of Rocky Mountain exploration [microform] / with especial reference to the expedition
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