A check list of American eighteenth century newspapers in the Library of Congress [microform] / origi
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History of Ashburnham, Massachusetts, from the grant of Dorchester Canada to the present time, 1734-1
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A labor catechism of political economy [microform] : a study for the people ; comprising the principa
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Notes on political economy, as applicable to the United States [microform] / by a southern planter.
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True civilization an immediate necessity, and the last ground of hope for mankind [microform] : being
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The psychology of the Salem witchcraft excitement of 1692 [microform] : and its practical application
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Lectures on moral philosophy [microform] / by John Witherspoon ... edited under the auspices of the A
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A census of pensioners for revolutionary or military services [microform] : with their names, ages, a
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Daniel Gookin, 1612-1687, assistant and major general of the Massachusetts Bay Colony [microform] : h
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The history of the American Indians [microform] : particularly those nations adjoining to the Missisi
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Among the Indians [microform] : eight years in the Far West, 1858-1866 / by Henry A. Boller ; edited
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A star in the West [microform] : or, A humble attempt to discover the long lost ten tribes of Israel,
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American antiquities and researches into the origin and history of the red race [microform]
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History of Bath and environs [microform] : Sagadahoc County, Maine, 1607-1894 ... / by Parker McCobb
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American fights and fighters [microform] : stories of the first five wars of the United States, from
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American hero-myths [microform] : a study in the native religions of the western continent.
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The American race [microform] : a linguistic classification and ethnographic description of the nativ
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Adventures in the Apache country [microform] : a tour through Arizona and Sonora, with notes on the s
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Discovery of the Yosemite and the Indian war of 1851 which led to that event [microform]
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Travels in the interior inhabited parts of North America in the years 1791 and 1792 [microform] / by
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The vanishing race, the last great Indian council [microform] : a record in picture and story of the
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Traditions of the Arapaho [microform] / collected under the auspices of the Field Columbian museum an
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Record of engagements with hostile Indians within the Military division of the Missouri from 1868 to
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Conrad Weiser and the Indian policy of colonial Pennsylvania [microform] / by Joseph S. Walton.
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The Indian war of 1864 [microform] : being a fragment of the early history of Kansas, Nebraska, Color
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Reminiscences of the Indians [microform] / by the Rev. Cephas Washburn, A.M., many years superintende
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The substance of a journal during a residence at the Red River Colony, British North America [microfo
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History of medicine in New Jersey [microform] : and of its medical men, from the settlement of the pr
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Life and achievements of Jay Gould, the wizard of Wall Street [microform] : being a complete and grap
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The life and times of Charles Follen McKim [microform] / by Charles Moore.
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The carpenter's new guide [microform] : a complete book of lines for carpentry and joinery, treating
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Villas and cottages [microform] : a series of designs prepared for execution in the United States / b
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Annals of a fortress [microform] / by E. Viollet-Le-Duc ; translated by Benjamin Bucknall.
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Discourses on architecture [microform] / by Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc ... translated with an int
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The story of a house [microform] / translated from the French of Viollet-Le-Duc by George M. Towle ;
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The decoration of houses [microform] / by Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman, Jr.
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Homes for the people in suburb and country [microform] : the villa, the mansion, and the cottage, ada
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Rural homes, or, Sketches of houses suited to American country life, with original plans, designs, &c
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Memoir of Solomon Willard [microform] : architect and superintendent of the Bunker Hill monument.
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Kindergarten chats on architecture, education and democracy [microform] / by Louis H. Sullivan ; edit
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LAC 14320. : National Conference on Industrial Conciliation
Industrial conference [microform] : under the auspices of the National Civic Federation, held at room
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LAC 14321. : National Conference on Industrial Conciliation
National Conference on Industrial Conciliation [microform] : under the auspices of the National Civic
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Letters and papers of Governor John Henry of Maryland, member of Continental Congress, 1777-1788, mem
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State platforms of the two dominant political parties in Indiana, 1850-1900 [microform] / compiled by
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