History and reminiscences of lower Wall Street and vicinity [microform] / by Abram Wakeman.
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Reveries of a bachelor, or, A book of the heart [microform] / by Ik Marvel.
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Art and scenery in Europe, with other papers [microform] : being chiefly fragments from the port-foli
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The salvation of all men strictly examined [microform] : and the endless punishment of those who die
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Pioneers of religious liberty in America [microform] : being the Great and Thursday lectures delivere
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An essay on transcendentalism, 1842 [microform] / With an introd. by Walter Harding.
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A half-century of the Unitarian controversy, with particular reference to its origin, its course, and
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A historical sketch of Hamilton College, Clinton, New York [microform] / By the Rev. Charles Elmer Al
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Educational history of Illinois [microform] : growth and progress in educational affairs of the state
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The first colored Baptist Church in North America [microform] : constituted at Savannah, Georgia, Jan
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Early history of the Cleveland public schools [microform] / Pub. by order of the Board of Education.
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Problems in modern education [microform] : addresses and essays / by William Seneca Sutton ...
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History of the public school system of California [microform] / John Swett.
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Public education in California [microform] : its origin and development, with personal reminiscences
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Selected articles on woman suffrage : [microform] / compiled by Edith M. Phelps.
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Political economy [microform] : its objects, uses, and primciples, considered with reference to the c
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Statement of some new principles on the subject of political economy [microform] : exposing the falla
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The elements of constitutional law and political economy [microform] / by Daniel Raymond.
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Thoughts on political economy [microform] : in two parts / by Daniel Raymond ...
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Elements of the philosophy of mind [microform] : applied to the development of thought and feeling /
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Lives of the Catholic heroes and heroines of America [microform] / by John O'Kane Murray.
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The British invasion from the north [microform] : the campaigns of generals Carleton and Burgoyne, fr
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History of the Grand Army of the Republic [microform] / by Robert B. Beath ; with an introduction by
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"Boots and saddles" [microform] : or, Life in Dakota with General Custer / With portrait and map.
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Life and campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson, (Stonewall Jackson) [microform]
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Recollections of the civil war [microform] : with the leaders at Washington and in the field in the s
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A history of the foundation of New Orleans (1717-1722) [microform] / by Marc de Villiers ; translated
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Life and correspondence of Henry Knox, major-general in the American revolutionary army [microform]
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The border wars of New England, commonly called King William's and Queen Anne's wars [microform]
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Marching with Gomez [microform] : a war correspondent's field notebook, kept during four months with
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Regimental losses in the American Civil War, 1861-1865 [microform] : a treatise on the extent and nat
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A French volunteer of the War of Independence (the Chevalier de Pontgibaud) [microform] / translated
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History of the War of 1812 between Great Britain and the United States of America [microform]
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Memoirs and adventures of Captain Matthew Phelps [microform] / compiled from the original journal and
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An essay on the life of the Honourable Major General Israel Putnam [microform] / addressed to the sta
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A history of the War department of the United States [microform] : with biographical sketches of the
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Life and letters of General Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson) [microform] / by his wife, Mary Ann
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Army life on the Pacific [microform] : a journal of the expedition against the northern Indians, the
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Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac [microform] : a critical history of operations in Virginia, Mary
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