An Old English grammar [microform] / by Eduard Sievers ; translated and edited by Albert S. Cook.
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Chaucer [microform] : a bibliographical manual / by Eleanor Prescott Hammond ...
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A new boke about Shakespeare and Stratford-on-Avon [microform] / by J.O. Halliwell.
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A treatise of morall philosophie [microform] : wherein is contained the worthy sayings of philosopher
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Essaies [microform] : or, Rather imperfect offers, 1607 / by Robert Johnson. A facsimile reproduction
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Selections from the poetry and prose of Thomas Gray [microform] / edited with an introduction and not
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The comic spirit in restoration drama [microform] : studies in the comedy of Etherege, Wycherley, Con
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A short view of the profaneness and immorality of the English stage, &c. [microform] : with the sever
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The tragedies of the last age consider'd and examin'd by the practice of the ancients [microform] : a
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A history of English romanticism in the eighteenth century [microform] / by Henry A. Beers.
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New essays [microform] / by Oliver Goldsmith, now first collected and edited with an introduction and
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Keats, a bibliography and reference guide [microform] : with an essay on Keats' reputation / by J. R.
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The old curiosity shop [microform] : a tale / with illustrations by George Cattermole and Hablot K. B
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Through the looking-glass [microform] : and what Alice found there / by Lewis Carroll ; with fifty il
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The Hellenics of Walter Savage Landor [microform] : comprising Heroic idyls, &c.
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The morality of Shakespeare's drama illustrated [microform] / by Mrs. Griffth.
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Life and death of Mr. Badman and The holy war [microform] / the text edited by John Brown.
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Jonathan Swift [microform] : a biographical and critical study / by John Churton Collins ...
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Rienzi [microform] : the last of the Roman tribunes / by Edward Bulwer Lytton; illustrated by L. W. Z
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Poems, &c. upon several occasions [microform] / by John Milton: both English and Latin, &c. composed
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Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda ; To which is added,
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Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs Katherine Philips, the matchless Orinda [microform] : to whi
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An exposition of the creed [microform] / by John Pearson, revised and corrected by Temple Chevallier.
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Observations vpon Religio medici [microform] / Occasionally written by Sir Kenelome Digby.
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Creation [microform] : a philosophical poem. In seven books / by Sir Richard Blackmore ...
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Reliquiae Wottonianae : or, A collection of lives, letters, poems, with characters of sundry personag
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Mirror for magistrates [microform] / edited from original texts in the Huntington Library by Lily B.
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The discourses of Sir Joshua Reynolds [microform] : to which are added his letters to 'The idler' / w
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The life of Robert Browning [microform] : with notices of his writings, his family, & his friends / b
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The autobiography of Mark Rutherford ; and Mark Rutherford's deliverance [microform] / edited by his
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