Archibald Constable and his literary correspondents [microform] : a memorial / by his son Thomas Cons
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Memoirs of a literary veteran [microform] : including sketches and anecdotes of the most distinguishe
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Macready's reminiscences and selections from his diaries and letters [microform] / edited by Sir Fred
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Woodstock, or, The cavalier [microform] : a tale of the year sixteen hundred and fifty-one / by the a
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Memoirs of Mrs. Inchbald [microform] : including her familiar correspondence with the most distinguis
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The poetical works of William Lisle Bowles [microform] / with memoir, critical dissertation, and expl
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Sir Thomas More, or, Colloquies on the progress and prospects of society / [microform] by Robert Sout
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The real Shelley [microform] : new views of the poet's life / by John Cordy Jeaffreson.
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Harriet Martineau's autobiography [microform] / memorials by Maria Weston Chapman.
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A memoir of Maria Edgeworth [microform] : with a selection from her letters by the late Mrs. Edgewort
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The Paris sketch book [microform] / by Mr. Titmarsh [i.e. W.M. Thackeray] ; with numerous designs by
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Poems by William Wordsworth [microform] : including Lyrical ballads, and the miscellaneous pieces of
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Memoirs of William Hazlitt [microform] : with portions of his correspondence / by W. Carew Hazlitt.
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The life of Jesus [microform] : critically examined / by Dr. David Friedrich Strauss ; translated fro
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Lectures on the philosophy of the human mind [microform] / by the late Thomas Brown.
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The poems of Ossian, &c. [microform] : containing the poetical works of James Macpherson, esq., in pr
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The autobiography of William Jerdan [microform] : with his literary, political and social reminiscenc
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Essays and tales [microform] / by John Sterling, collected and edited, with a memoir of his life, by
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German romance [microform] : specimens of its chief authors / with biographical and critical notices
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Passages of a working life during half a century [microform] : with a prelude of early reminiscences
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Letters and journals of Lord Byron [microform] : with notices of his life / by Thomas Moore ...
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The life and correspondence of Thomas Arnold, D.D. [microform] : late head master of Rugby school, an
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Literary hours, or, Sketches critical and narrative [microform] / by Nathan Drake.
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The life and letters of Maria Edgeworth [microform] / edited by Augustus J. C. Hare.
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The life and letters of the Rev. Richard Harris Barham, author of the Ingoldsby legends [microform] :
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Azemia [microform] : a descriptive and sentimental novel ; interspersed with pieces of poetry / by Ja
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A Sicilian romance [microform] / by the authoress of The castles of Athlin and Dunbayne.
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Italy [microform] : with sketches of Spain and Portugal / by the author of "Vathek".
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Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Carlyle [microform] : with personal reminiscences and sele
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Peveril of the Peak [microform] / by the author of "Waverley, Kenilworth," &c.
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Emma [microform] : a novel ; in three volumes / by the author of "Pride and prejudice", etc.
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Memoirs of the life and correspondence of Mrs. Hannah More [microform] / by William Roberts, esq.
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Shelley [microform] : the man and the poet / from the French of Felix Rabbe ; in two volumes.
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Recollections of literary characters and celebrated places [microform] / by Mrs. Thomson.
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The settlers in Canada [microform] : written for young people / by Captain Marryat.
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Essays, moral and political [microform] / by Robert Southey, now first collected in two volumes.
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