The life and letters of Charles Darwin [microform] : including an autobiographical chapter / edited b
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
George Eliot's life as related in her letters and journals [microform] / arranged and edited by her h
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History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in Europe [microform] / by W.E.H. Leck
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The collected works of William Morris [microform] / with introductions by his daughter May Morris ...
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Reminiscences [microform] : chiefly of Oriel College and the Oxford Movement/ by T. Mozley.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Fors clavigera [microform] : letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain / by John Ruskin.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
A history of European thought in the nineteenth century [microform] / by John Theordore Merz.
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A system of logic, ratiocinative and inductive [microform] : being a connected view of the principles
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
The Ashley library [microform] : a catalogue of printed books, manuscripts and autograph letters / co
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The Saga library [microform] : done into English out of the Icelandic / by William Morris and Eirikr
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Henry the leper = [microform] (Der arme Heinrich) / paraphrased by Dante Gabriel Rossetti ; with an
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The girlhood of Shakespeare's heroines [microform] : in a series of tales / by Mary Cowden Clarke ; w
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The clever woman of the family [microform] / by the author of "The heir of Redclyffe."
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Dissertations and discussions political, philosophical, and historical [microform] : reprinted chiefl
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C. H. Spurgeon's autobiography [microform] / compiled from his diary, letters, and records by his wif
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Horae sabbaticae [microform] : reprint of articles contributed to the Saturday Review / by Sir James
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The golden bough [microform] : a study in magic and religion / by J.G. Frazer.
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The life of Walter Pater [microform] / by Thomas Wright ; with seventy-eight plates.
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Principles of political economy [microform] : with some of their applications to social philosophy /
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History of English thought in the eighteenth century [microform] / by Leslie Stephen.
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Life & correspondence of John Duke Lord Coleridge [microform] : Lord chief justice of England / writt
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Catalogue of the collection of autograph letters and historical documents formed ... by Alfred Morris
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Death's duell, or, A consolation of the soule, against the dying life, and liuing death of the body [
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First sermon preached to King Charles, at Saint James [microform] : 3d. April, 1625 / by Iohn Donne.
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Skialetheia of Edward Guilpin, 1598 [microform] / Edited with introduction and notes and illustration
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Ivvenilia, or, Certaine paradoxes and problemes [microform] / written by I. Donne.
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Britannia's pastorals [microform] : a third book / now first edited from the original manuscript pres
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The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy [microform] : and how she married King Henry the Seventh, of the
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A fig for fortune [microform] / by Anthonie Copley.
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Thirteen psalms and the first chapter of Ecclesiastes [microform] / translated into English verse by
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Poetical miscellanies from a manuscript collection of the time of James I [microform] / edited by Jam
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The harmony of the church [microform] / by Michael Drayton ; edited by the Rev. Alexander Dyce.
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The king and a poor northern man, or, Too good to be true [microform] : from the edition of 1640 / at
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Maroccus extaticus, or, Bankes' bay horse in a trance [microform] : from the original tracts printed
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A treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes [microform] : shewing that it is not lawfull for a
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
The tenure of kings and magistrates [microform] : proving, that it is lawfull, and hath been held so
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The readie & easie vvay to establish a free commonwealth [microform] : and the excellence therof comp
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
The reason of church-governement urg'd against prelaty [microform] / by Mr. John Milton.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Greenes tu-quoque, or, The city gallant [microform] / by Io. Cooke, 1614.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
The Tragicomoedi of the vertuous Octauia [microform] / done by Samvel Brandon ; 1598 ; London, Printe
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Anthony Brewer's The love-sick king [microform] / edited from the quarto of 1655, by A.E.H. Swaen.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
A search for money, or, The lamentable complaint for the loss of the wandering knight, Monsieur l'Arg
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A pleasant comedie of faire Em, the millers daughter of Manchester [microform] : with the loue of Wil
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
The lamentable and trve tragedie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent [microform] : who was most wickedly
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A new enterlude of Godly Queene Hester [microform] / edited from the quarto of 1561 by W.W. Greg.
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The king and qveenes entertainement at Richmond [microform] : nach der Q 1636 in Neudruck / hrsg. von
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Richard the Third [microform] / by William Shakespeare, the third quarto, 1602, a facsimile in photo-
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King Richard the Second [microform] / by William Shakespeare, the first quarto, 1597, a facsimile in
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
King Richard the Second [microform] / by William Shakespeare, the first quarto, 1597, a facsimile in
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Richard the Third [microform] / by William Shakespeare, the sixth quarto, 1622, a facsimile in photo-
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Songs for the lute, viol and voice [microform] : (1606.)
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Songs included in Michael Cavendish's Booke of ayres and madrigalles, 1598 [microform] / Transcribed,
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
First booke of ayres [microform] : 1622.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Airs to the lute from Musicke of sundrie kindes [microform] : 1607 / Thomas Ford.
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The Lamentable tragedie of Locrine, the eldest sonne of King Brutus [microform] : discoursing the war
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
Grim the Collier of Croyden [microform] : 1662.
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
English-men for my money, or, A pleasant Comedy, called, A Woman will haue her Will [microform] / imp
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The Pvritaine, or, The VVidovv of Watling-streete, acted by the Children of Paules [microform] / writ
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Damon and Pithias [microform] : 1571.
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Histrio-Mastix, or, The player whipt [microform].
Axe Basement Library of English Literature Microfiche Cabinets:Available
A very mery and pythie commedie called The longer thou liuest, the more foole thou art [microform] :
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When you see me, you know me, or, The famous chronicle historie of King Henrie the Eight [microform]
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