Africa Economic Policy Citizen Participation
Social accountability in Africa [electronic resource] : practioners' experiences and lessons / edited
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Africa Economic Policy Congresses
Africa [electronic resource] : adjusting to the challenges of globalization / editor, Laura Wallace.
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African business finance and development policy / Victor Murinde, Atsede Woldie, editors ; cover desi
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Petites entreprises en Afrique [electronic resource] : cles du changement / sous la direction de Phil
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Africa Economic Policy Dictionaries : Seddon, David.
A political and economic dictionary of Africa [electronic resource] / David Seddon with Daniel Seddon
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Africa Economic Policy Information Services
Meeting the information challenge [electronic resource] : the experience of Africa / edited by Margar
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Africa Economic Policy Statistics
African development report. 2005, Africa in the world economy, public sector management, economic and
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Africa Economics
Africa : why economists get it wrong / Morten Jerven.
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Africa yearbook [electronic resource] . Volume 8, Politics, economy and society South of the Sahara i
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African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) / Brock R. Williams, Nicolas Cook.
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African economic outlook. 2010 [electronic resource].
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Africa Economists Education : McIntyre, Di.
Strengthening health-economics capability in Africa [electronic resource] : summary and outcomes of a
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Africa Economists Supply And Demand : McIntyre, Di.
Strengthening health-economics capability in Africa [electronic resource] : summary and outcomes of a
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Africa Ecosystem Services
Wetland management and sustainable livelihoods in Africa [electronic resource] / edited by Adrian Woo
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Africa Ecotourism : Honey, Martha.
Ecotourism and sustainable development [electronic resource] : who owns paradise? / Martha Honey.
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Africa Ecumenical Movement
Trajectories of religion in Africa : essays in honour of John S. Pobee / edited by Cephas N. Omenyo a
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Africa Edible Greens : Gogo, Elisha Otieno,
Pre- and postharvest treatments for the quality assurance of African indigenous leafy vegetables / vo
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Africa Education
L'ancien et le Nouveau : la production du savior dans l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui / sous la direction Pa
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Carrying the vision : Eelin and her missionary friends / by Melusi Sibanda ; foreword by The Rt Revd
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The educated African; a country-by-country survey of educational development in Africa. Edited by Hel
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Education and nation-building in Africa. Edited by L. Gray Cowan, James O'Connell [and] David G. Scan
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Africa Education Aims And Objectives : Raditloaneng, Wapula N.,
Lifelong learning for poverty eradication / Wapula N. Raditloaneng, Morgen Chawawa ; with contributio
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Africa Education And Globalization
Internationalisation of African higher education : towards achieving the MDGs / edited by Chika Sehoo
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Africa Education And State
L'ancien et le Nouveau : la production du savior dans l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui / sous la direction Pa
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Challenging inclusive education policy and practice in Africa / edited by Sulochini Pather and Roger
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Church, state, and education in Africa, edited by David G. Scanlon.
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Developing teaching and learning in Africa : decolonising perspectives / Vuyisile Msila.
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Africa Education And State Case Studies
Abolishing school fees in Africa [electronic resource] : lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi
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Africa Education And State History 20th Century : Kallaway, Peter,
The changing face of colonial education in Africa : education, science and development. / Peter Kalla
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Africa Education And State Research
Advances in research and praxis in special education in Africa, Caribbean, and the Middle East [elect
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Africa Education Bilingual
Local languages as a human right in education : comparative cases from Africa / Zehlia Babaci-Wilhite
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Multilingualism and education in Africa : the state of the state of the art / edited by Daniel O. Orw
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Africa Education Congresses
Sustaining educational and economic momentum in Africa [electronic resource].
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Africa Education Economic Aspects
L'ancien et le Nouveau : la production du savior dans l'Afrique d'aujourd'hui / sous la direction Pa
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Africa Education Elementary Costs Case Studies
Abolishing school fees in Africa [electronic resource] : lessons from Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi
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Africa Education Finance Congresses
Enjeux du financement et de la planification de l'education en Afrique [electronic resource] : ce qui
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Africa Education Higher
The development of higher education in Africa : prospects and challenges / edited by Alexander W. Wis
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Differentiation and articulation in tertiary education systems [electronic resource] : a study of twe
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Higher education financing in East and Southern Africa [electronic resource] / edited by Pundy Pillay
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Higher education in Africa [electronic resource] : crises, reforms, and transformation / N'dri T. Ass
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Africa Education Higher Administration : Sall, Abdou Salam,
La Gouvernance Universitaire : Une experience africaine / Abdou Salam Sall.
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Africa Education Higher Computer Assisted Instruction Social Aspects Cross Cultural Studies
Cyberspace, distance learning, and higher education in developing countries [electronic resource] : o
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Africa Education Higher Congresses
Higher education in Africa : challenges for development, mobility and cooperation / edited by Anne Go
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Africa Education Higher Curricula
Africanising the Curriculum [electronic resource] : Indigenous Perspectives and Theories.
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Africanising the curriculum : indigenous perspectives and theories / editors, Vuyisile Msila, Mishack
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Africa Education Higher Economic Aspects
Financing higher education in Africa [electronic resource].
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Africa Education Higher Effect Of Technological Innovations On
Higher Education ICT Integration in Africa : Readiness, Implementation and Trajectory / edited by Ke
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Africa Education Higher Information Technology
Higher Education ICT Integration in Africa : Readiness, Implementation and Trajectory / edited by Ke
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Africa Education Higher Social Aspects
Decolonisation of higher education in Africa : perspectives from hybrid knowledge production / edited
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Mediating learning in higher education in Africa : from critical thinking to social justice pedagogie
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Africa Education History : Sifuna, D. N.,
An introductory history of education [electronic resource] / Daniel N. Sifuna, James E. Otiende.
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Africa Education History 20th Century
The changing face of colonial education in Africa : education, science and development. / Peter Kalla
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Close to the sources [electronic resource] : essays on contemporary African culture, politics, and ac
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Youth and higher education in Africa [electronic resource] : the cases of Cameroon, South Africa, Eri
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Africa Education History 21st Century : Zegeye, Abebe.
Close to the sources [electronic resource] : essays on contemporary African culture, politics, and ac
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Africa Education Philosophy : Okrah, K. Asafo-Agyei.
Nyansapo (the wisdom knot) [electronic resource] : toward an African philosophy of education / Kwadwo
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Africa Education Secondary : World Bank.
Governance, management, and accountability in secondary education in Africa [electronic resource] / t
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Africa Education Social Aspects
Indigenist african development and related issues : towards a transdisciplinary perspective / edited
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Teaching for change : essays on pedagogy, gender and theology in Africa / editors, L. Juliana Claasse
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Africa Education Social Aspects History : Bandeira Jeronimo, Miguel,
The 'civilizing mission' of Portuguese colonialism, 1870-1930 / Miguel Bandeira Jeronimo ; translated
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Africa Educational Accountability : World Bank.
Governance, management, and accountability in secondary education in Africa [electronic resource] / t
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Africa Educational Anthropology
Multiculturalism in the age of the mosaic [electronic resource] : essays in honor of Rudolph G. Wilso
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Africa Educational Assistance American : United States.
Higher education in Africa : making the link between intellectual capital and regional development :
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Africa Educational Change
Higher education in the face of a global pandemic / edited by Emnet Tadesse Woldegiorgis and Petronne
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Africa Educational Equalization
ICT and changing mindsets in education [electronic resource] = Repenser l'education a l'aide des TIC
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Africa Educational Evaluation Case Studies : Greaney, Vincent.
Assessing student learning in Africa [electronic resource] / Vincent Greaney, Thomas Kellaghan.
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Africa Educational Leadership Case Studies
Leadership and management : case studies in training in higher education in Africa / edited by Johann
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Africa Educational Planning
Governance and transformations of universities in Africa : a global perspective / edited by Fredrick
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Planning and development in education : African perspectives / J. C. S. Musaazi.
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Africa Educational Planning Congresses
Enjeux du financement et de la planification de l'education en Afrique [electronic resource] : ce qui
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Africa Educational Sociology
Fundamentals of sociology of education [electronic resource] : with reference to Africa / Lucy Wairim
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The heartbeat of indigenous Africa [electronic resource] : a study of the Chagga educational system /
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Lifelong learning for poverty eradication / Wapula N. Raditloaneng, Morgen Chawawa ; with contributio
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