African Americans In The Motion Picture Industry
Black lenses, Black voices : African American film now / Mark A. Reid.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The complexity and progression of black representation in film and television / David L. Moody.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Contemporary Black American cinema [electronic resource] : race, gender and sexuality at the movies /
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Expanding the Black film canon : race and genre across six decades / Lisa Doris Alexander.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
15 additional entries
African Americans In The Motion Picture Industry Biography Encyclopedias : Berry, Torriano,
Historical dictionary of African American cinema / S. Torriano Berry and Venise T. Berry.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans In The Motion Picture Industry Dictionaries : Berry, Torriano.
The A to Z of African American cinema [electronic resource] / S. Torriano Berry, Venise T. Berry.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans In The Motion Picture Industry History 20th Century
Cinema civil rights : regulation, repression, and race in the classical hollywood era / Ellen C. Scot
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Our gang : a racial history of the little rascals / Julia Lee ; foreword by Henry Louis Gates Jr.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans In The Newspaper Industry : Newkirk, Pamela.
Within the veil [electronic resource] : black journalists, white media / Pamela Newkirk.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts
2 Related Subjects
African Americans In The Performing Arts
African American theater : a cultural companion / Glenda Dicker/sun.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African and African American theatre, past and present [electronic resource] / edited by Rhona Justic
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Black performance theory / Thomas F. DeFrantz and Anita Gonzalez, editors ; foreword by D. Soyini Mad
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
Bodies in dissent : spectacular performances of race and freedom, 1850-1910 / Daphne A. Brooks.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
11 additional entries
African Americans In The Performing Arts 19th Century Poetry : Jess, Tyehimba,
Olio / Tyehimba Jess.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts 20th Century Poetry : Jess, Tyehimba,
Olio / Tyehimba Jess.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts History : McAllister, Marvin Edward,
Whiting up [electronic resource] : whiteface minstrels and stage Europeans in African American perfor
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts History 19th Century : Lee, Josephine,
Oriental, Black, and White: the formation of racial habits in american theater./ Josephine Lee
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts History 20th Century
Oriental, Black, and White: the formation of racial habits in american theater./ Josephine Lee
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
Racing the Great White Way : Black performance, Eugene O'Neill, and the transformation of Broadway /
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
Readying the revolution : African American theater and performance culture from post-World War II to
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts New York State New York History 20th Century
A beautiful pageant : African American theatre, drama, and performance in the Harlem Renaissance, 191
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Black Broadway : African Americans on the great white way / Stewart F. Lane ; foreword by Kenny Leon.
Axe 2nd Floor Oversize Stacks:Available
Bulldaggers, pansies, and chocolate babies : performance, race and sexuality in the Harlem Renaissanc
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Bulldaggers, pansies, and chocolate babies : performance, race, and sexuality in the Harlem Renaissan
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
African Americans In The Performing Arts Vocational Guidance : Hodges Persley, Nicole,
Breaking it down : audition techniques for actors of the global majority / Nicole Hodges Persley, Mon
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans In The Professions : Wingfield, Adia Harvey,
No more invisible man : race and gender in men's work / Adia Harvey Wingfield.
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
African Americans In The Professions Research
Beyond stock stories and folktales [electronic resource] : African Americans' paths to STEM fields /
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Indian Territory Relations With Indians : Littlefield, Daniel F.
The Cherokee freedmen : from emancipation to American citizenship / Daniel F. Littlefield, Jr.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Indiana Biography : Knox, George L.,
Slave and freeman, the autobiography of George L. Knox / edited with an introd. by Willard B. Gatewoo
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Indiana Indianapolis Politics And Government : Fuller, Trevor K.,
Environmental justice and activism in Indianapolis / Trevor K. Fuller.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Indiana Indianapolis Politics And Government 20th Century : Pierce, Richard B.
Polite protest [electronic resource] : the political economy of race in Indianapolis, 1920-1970 / Ric
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Indiana Indianapolis Social Conditions : Fuller, Trevor K.,
Environmental justice and activism in Indianapolis / Trevor K. Fuller.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Indiana Marion Biography : Madison, James H.
A lynching in the heartland : race and memory in America / James H. Madison.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Indiana Marion Social Conditions 20th Century
A lynching in the heartland : race and memory in America / James H. Madison.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Our town : a heartland lynching, a haunted town, and the hidden history of white America / Cynthia Ca
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Indiana Muncie Social Conditions
The other side of Middletown : exploring Muncie's African American community / edited by Luke Eric La
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Indiana Muncie Social Life And Customs
The other side of Middletown : exploring Muncie's African American community / edited by Luke Eric La
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Indiana Social Conditions : Sdunzik, Jennifer,
The Geography of Hate : The Great Migration Through Small-Town America / Jennifer Sdunzik.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life -- See Also African American intellectuals
African Americans Intellectual Life
African American almanac : 400 years of triumph, courage and excellence / Lean'tin Bracks.
Axe Credo Reference E-Book:Available
The African-American century : how Black Americans have shaped our country / Henry Louis Gates, Jr. a
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
African American environmental thought : foundations / Kimberly K. Smith.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African American environmental thought : foundations / Kimberly K. Smith.
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
108 additional entries
African Americans Intellectual Life 17th Century
The origins of African American literature, 1680-1865 / Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
The origins of African American literature, 1680-1865 [electronic resource] / Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life 18th Century
The origins of African American literature, 1680-1865 / Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
The origins of African American literature, 1680-1865 [electronic resource] / Dickson D. Bruce, Jr.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Setting down the sacred past [electronic resource] : African-American race histories / Laurie F. Maff
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life 19th Century
The African American roots of modernism [electronic resource] : from Reconstruction to the Harlem Ren
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Artistic ambassadors [electronic resource] : literary and international representation of the new neg
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Black girlhood in the nineteenth century / Nazera Sadiq Wright.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Black identity and Black protest in the antebellum North / Patrick Rael.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
17 additional entries
African Americans Intellectual Life 19th Century Literary Collections : Whitfield, James Monroe,
The works of James M. Whitfield [electronic resource] : America and other writings by a nineteenth-ce
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life 20th Century
Abandoning the Black hero [electronic resource] : sympathy and privacy in the postwar African America
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The African American roots of modernism [electronic resource] : from Reconstruction to the Harlem Ren
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African American writers : portraits and visions / Lynda Koolish ; introduction by Cynthia Tucker.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
Afro-American literary study in the 1990s / edited by Houston A. Baker, Jr. and Patricia Redmond.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
75 additional entries
African Americans Intellectual Life 20th Century Dictionaries
Afro-American fiction writers after 1955 [electronic resource] / edited by Thadious M. Davis and Trud
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
Afro-American poets since 1955 [electronic resource] / edited by Trudier Harris and Thadious M. Davis
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
Afro-American writers, 1940-1955 [electronic resource] / edited by Trudier Harris.
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
Afro-American writers after 1955 [electronic resource] : dramatists and prose writers / edited by Tha
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life 20th Century Encyclopedias : Brown, Lois,
The encyclopedia of the Harlem literary renaissance / Lois Brown.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life 20th Century Handbooks Manuals Etc
The Columbia guide to contemporary African American fiction / Darryl Dickson-Carr.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
The Columbia guide to contemporary African American fiction [electronic resource] / Darryl Dickson-Ca
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Intellectual Life 21st Century
Authentically Black : essays for the Black silent majority / John McWhorter.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Distributed blackness : African American cybercultures / Andre Brock, Jr.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Distributed blackness : African American cybercultures / André Brock Jr.
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
Distributed blackness : African American cybercultures / André Brock Jr.
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
2 additional entries
African Americans Intellectual Life Dictionaries
African American dramatists [electronic resource] : an A to Z guide / edited by Emmanuel S. Nelson.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African American writers / Valerie Smith, consulting editor ; Lea Baechler, A. Walton Litz, general e
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Afro-American writers before the Harlem renaissance [electronic resource] / edited by Trudier Harris
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
Afro-American writers from the Harlem Renaissance to 1940 [electronic resource] / edited by Trudier H
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
3 additional entries
African Americans Intellectual Life Encyclopedias
The concise Oxford companion to African American literature [electronic resource] / editors, William
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Encyclopedia of African-American literature / Wilfred Samuels ; Tracie Guzzio [and] Loretta Gilchrist
Axe Credo Reference E-Book:Available
Encyclopedia of African-American writing : five centuries of contribution : trials & triumphs of writ
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Intellectural Life Dictionaries
The concise Oxford companion to African American literature [electronic resource] / editors, William
Axe Oxford Reference E-Book:Available
African Americans Intelligence Levels
Intelligence, race, and genetics : conversations with Arthur R. Jensen / Frank Miele.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
The rising curve : long-term gains in IQ and related measures / edited by Ulric Neisser.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
The testing of Negro intelligence [by] Audrey M. Shuey.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Twins, black and white / R. Travis Osborne.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Interviews
African American miners and migrants [electronic resource] : the Eastern Kentucky Social Club / Thoma
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
America behind the color line : dialogues with African Americans / Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
The Invisible soldier : the experience of the Black soldier, World War II / compiled and edited by Ma
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
I've known rivers : lives of loss and liberation / Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Remembering slavery : African Americans talk about their personal experiences of slavery and freedom
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available, Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
African Americans Interviews Juvenile Literature : Lanier, Shannon.
Jefferson's children : the story of one American family / by Shannon Lanier & Jane Feldman ; with pho
PCMS True Stories:Available
African Americans Iowa Buxton Antiquities : Gradwohl, David M.,
Exploring buried Buxton [electronic resource] : archaeology of an abandoned Iowa coal mining town wit
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Iowa History 19th Century : Schwalm, Leslie A.
Emancipation's diaspora [electronic resource] : race and reconstruction in the upper Midwest / Leslie
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
African Americans Japan Fiction : Yamada, Eimi,
Bedtime eyes / by Amy Yamada ; translated by Yumi Gunji and Marc Jardine.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
African Americans Juvenile Drama
The Patchwork quilt [videorecording] / produced by Lancit Media Productions, Ltd. ; a production of G
Meadowlark AV Material:Available
African Americans Juvenile Fiction
All American boys / Jason Reynolds, Brendan Kiely.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available, PHS Class Sets:Available, PHS Fiction :Available, Pittsburg 1st Fl Young Adult Fiction:Available
The all-I'll-ever-want Christmas doll / written by Patricia C. McKissack ; illustrated by Jerry Pinkn
Lakeside Everybody Book:Available, Nettels Everybody Holiday Book:Available
All the things we never knew / Liara Tamani.
PHS Fiction :Available
Big Papa and the time machine / story by Daniel Bernstrom ; pictures by Shane W. Evans.
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Picture Book:Available
153 additional entries
African Americans Juvenile Fiction Comic Books Strips Etc : Alexander, Kwame
The crossover : graphic novel / by Kwame Alexander ; illustrated by Dawud Anyabwile.
PCMS Graphic Novel:Available
African Americans Juvenile Fiction Sound Recordings : Flake, Sharon.
The skin I'm in [electronic resource] : a novel / by Sharon G. Flake.
PCMS AV Material:Lost and Paid
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