Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc History 18th Century Congresses
The Bible and the Enlightenment [electronic resource] : a case study, Dr. Alexander Geddes (1737-1802
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc History 19th Century : Rogerson, J. W.
The Bible and criticism in Victorian Britain [electronic resource] : profiles of F.D. Maurice and Wil
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc History 20th Century
The history of Israel's traditions [electronic resource] : the heritage of Martin Noth / edited by St
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Old Testament theology [electronic resource] : flowering and future / edited by Ben C. Ollenburger.
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc History Early Church Approximately 30 600 : Wendel, Susan J.
Scriptural interpretation and community self-definition in Luke-Acts and the writings of Justin Marty
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc History Early Church Approximately 30 600 Congress
The exegetical encounter between Jews and Christians in late antiquity [electronic resource] / edited
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc History Modern Period 1500 : Knight, Douglas A.,
Rediscovering the traditions of Israel [electronic resource] / by Douglas A. Knight.
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish
Biblical interpretation in ancient Israel [electronic resource] / Michael Fishbane.
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Early Christian literature and intertextuality. Volume 1, Thematic studies [electronic resource] / ed
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Early Christian literature and intertextuality. Volume 2, Exegetical studies [electronic resource] /
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The emergence of semantics in four linguistic traditions [electronic resource] : Hebrew, Sanskrit, Gr
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish Congresses : Societe d'etudes samaritaines.
Samaria, Samarians, Samaritans [electronic resource] : studies on Bible, history and linguistics / ed
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish Germany : Levenson, Alan T.
The making of the modern Jewish Bible [electronic resource] : how scholars in Germany, Israel, and Am
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History
The footprints of God [electronic resource] : divine accommodation in Jewish and Christian thought /
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Rabbinic authority [electronic resource] / Michael S. Berger.
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History 19th Century
The Hebrew Bible reborn [electronic resource] : from Holy Scripture to the Book of Books : a history
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The pillar of Volozhin [electronic resource] : Rabbi Naftali Zevi Yehuda Berlin and the world of nine
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History 20th Century
The Hebrew Bible reborn [electronic resource] : from Holy Scripture to the Book of Books : a history
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Rosenzweig's Bible [electronic resource] : reinventing Scripture for Jewish modernity / Mara H. Benja
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History To 1500
Past renewals [electronic resource] : interpretative authority, renewed revelation, and the quest for
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Search Scripture well [electronic resource] : Karaite exegetes and the origins of the Jewish Bible co
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History To 1500 Congresses
The exegetical encounter between Jews and Christians in late antiquity [electronic resource] / edited
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish Israel : Levenson, Alan T.
The making of the modern Jewish Bible [electronic resource] : how scholars in Germany, Israel, and Am
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Bible O T Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish United States : Levenson, Alan T.
The making of the modern Jewish Bible [electronic resource] : how scholars in Germany, Israel, and Am
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Bible O T Criticism Narrative
Patterns of destiny [electronic resource] : narrative structures of foundation and doom in the Hebrew
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Retelling the Torah [electronic resource] : the Deuteronomistic historian's use of Tetrateuchal narra
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Sodom and Gomorrah [electronic resource] : history and motif in biblical narrative / Weston W. Fields
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Bible O T Criticism Redaction
The Jehu revolution [electronic resource] : a royal tradition of the northern kingdom and its ramific
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From Gods to God [electronic resource] : how the Bible debunked, suppressed, or changed ancient myths
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Textual scholarship and the canon [electronic resource] / edited by Hans Walter Gabler, Peter Robinso
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Bible O T Criticism Textual
Studies in the text of the Old Testament [electronic resource] : an introduction to the Hebrew Old Te
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Early Biblical Hebrew, late Biblical Hebrew, and linguistic variability [electronic resource] : a soc
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Between philology and theology [electronic resource] : contributions to the study of ancient Jewish i
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Multiple originals [electronic resource] : new approaches to Hebrew Bible textual criticism / Gary D.
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Bible O T Criticism Textual Congresses
Deuterocanonical additions to the Old Testament books [electronic resource] : selected studies / edit
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The impact of unit delimitation on exegesis [electronic resource] / edited by Raymond de Hoop, Marjo
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Was ist ein Text? [electronic resource] : Alttestamentliche, agyptologische und altorientalistische P
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Bible O T Daniel Aramaic Language Style : Li, Tarsee.
The verbal system of the Aramaic of Daniel [electronic resource] : an explanation in the context of g
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Bible O T Daniel Aramaic Versions : Meadowcroft, T. J.
Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel [electronic resource] : a literary comparison / T.J. Meadowcroft.
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Bible O T Daniel Commentaries Early Works To 1800 : Theodoret,
Theodoret of Cyrus [electronic resource] : commentary on Daniel / translated with an introduction and
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Bible O T Daniel Criticism Interpretation Etc
The book of Daniel and the apocryphal Daniel literature [electronic resource] / by Lorenzo DiTommaso.
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Daniel [electronic resource] / P.R. Davies.
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The human and the divine in history [electronic resource] : Herodotus and the Book of Daniel / Paul N
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Revealing the mysterion [electronic resource] : the use of mystery in Daniel and Second Temple Judais
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Bible O T Daniel Criticism Textual : Meadowcroft, T. J.
Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel [electronic resource] : a literary comparison / T.J. Meadowcroft.
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Bible O T Daniel Greek Versions Septuagint : Meadowcroft, T. J.
Aramaic Daniel and Greek Daniel [electronic resource] : a literary comparison / T.J. Meadowcroft.
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Bible O T Daniel I Vi Social Scientific Criticism : Kirkpatrick, Shane.
Competing for honor [electronic resource] : a social-scientific reading of Daniel 1-6 / by Shane Kirk
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Bible O T Daniel Language Style : Stefanovic, Zdravko.
The Aramaic of Daniel in the light of Old Aramaic [electronic resource] / Zdravko Stefanovic.
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Bible O T Daniel Relation To Epistle Of John 1st : Mihalios, Stefanos.
The Danielic eschatological hour in the Johannine literature [electronic resource] / Stefanos Mihalio
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Bible O T Daniel Relation To John : Mihalios, Stefanos.
The Danielic eschatological hour in the Johannine literature [electronic resource] / Stefanos Mihalio
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Criticism Interpretation Etc
Deuteronomic theology and the significance of Torah [electronic resource] : a reappraisal / Peter T.
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Die deuteronomistischen Geschichtswerke [electronic resource] : Redaktions- und religionsgeschichtlic
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Deuteronomy in the New Testament [electronic resource] / edited by Maarten J.J. Menken and Steve Moyi
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Festive meals in ancient Israel [electronic resource] : Deuteronomy's identity politics in their anci
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14 additional entries
Bible O T Deuteronomy Quotations In The New Testament
Deuteronomy in the New Testament [electronic resource] / edited by Maarten J.J. Menken and Steve Moyi
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Relation To Matthew : Crowe, Brandon D.
The obedient son [electronic resource] : Deuteronomy and christology in the Gospel of Matthew / Brand
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Relation To Romans : Bekken, Per Jarle.
The word is near you [electronic resource] : a study of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 in Paul's Letter to the
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Theology : Vogt, Peter T.,
Deuteronomic theology and the significance of Torah [electronic resource] : a reappraisal / Peter T.
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Xii Xxvi Criticism Interpretation Etc : Levinson, Bernard M.
Deuteronomy and the hermeneutics of legal innovation [electronic resource] / Bernard M. Levinson.
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Xvii 14 20 Relation To Psalms : Grant, Jamie A.
The king as exemplar [electronic resource] : the function of Deuteronomy's kingship law in the shapin
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Bible O T Deuteronomy Xxx 12 14 Criticism Interpretation Etc : Bekken, Per Jarle.
The word is near you [electronic resource] : a study of Deuteronomy 30:12-14 in Paul's Letter to the
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Bible O T Ecclesiastes : Fox, Michael V.,
Qoholeth and his contradictions [electronic resource] / Michael V. Fox.
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Bible O T Ecclesiastes Canonical Criticism : Shields, Martin A.,
The end of wisdom [electronic resource] : a reappraisal of the historical and canonical function of E
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Bible O T Ecclesiastes Commentaries
Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy [electronic resource] : the Arabic translation and
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Ecclesiastes [electronic resource] : the traditional Hebrew text with the new JPS translation / comme
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The end of wisdom [electronic resource] : a reappraisal of the historical and canonical function of E
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Bible O T Ecclesiastes Criticism Interpretation Etc
Determinism in the book of Ecclesiastes [electronic resource] / Dominic Rudman.
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Polar structures in the book of Qohelet [electronic resource] / J.A. Loader.
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Royal autobiography in the book of Qoheleth [electronic resource] / Y.V. Koh.
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Vain rhetoric [electronic resource] : private insight and public debate in Ecclesiastes / Gary D. Sal
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2 additional entries
Bible O T Ecclesiastes Language Style : Salyer, Gary D.
Vain rhetoric [electronic resource] : private insight and public debate in Ecclesiastes / Gary D. Sal
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Bible O T Esther Comic Books Strips Etc : Waldman, J. T.
Megillat Esther [electronic resource] / JT Waldman, original translation, art, calligraphy ; Elisha S
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Bible O T Esther Commentaries Early Works To 1800 : Japheth ben Ali,
The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben Eli the Karaite on the book of Esther [electronic
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Bible O T Esther Criticism Interpretation Etc
The Book of Esther in modern research [electronic resource] / edited by Sidnie White Crawford & Leona
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The books of Esther [electronic resource] : structure, genre, and textual integrity / Charles V. Doro
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Esther [electronic resource] : the outer narrative and the hidden reading / Jonathan Grossman.
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Esther's revenge at Susa [electronic resource] : from Sennacherib to Ahasuerus / Stephanie Dalley.
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Three faces of a queen [electronic resource] : characterization in the Books of Esther / Linda Day.
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Bible O T Esther Criticism Interpretation Etc History Middle Ages 600 1500 : Walfish, Barry.
Esther in medieval garb [electronic resource] : Jewish interpretation of the book of Esther in the Mi
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Bible O T Esther Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History : Walfish, Barry.
Esther in medieval garb [electronic resource] : Jewish interpretation of the book of Esther in the Mi
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Bible O T Esther Criticism Textual
The books of Esther [electronic resource] : structure, genre, and textual integrity / Charles V. Doro
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The Esther scroll [electronic resource] : the story of the story / David J.A. Clines.
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Bible O T Esther History Of Contemporary Events : Dalley, Stephanie.
Esther's revenge at Susa [electronic resource] : from Sennacherib to Ahasuerus / Stephanie Dalley.
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