Bible O T Genesis Authorship : Brichto, Herbert Chanan.
The names of God [electronic resource] : poetic readings in biblical beginnings / Herbert Chanan Bric
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Bible O T Genesis Commentaries
Nahmanides in medieval Catalonia [electronic resource] : history, community, & messianism / Nina Capu
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The return of the repressed [electronic resource] : Pirqe de-Rabbi Eliezer and the Pseudepigrapha / b
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Bible O T Genesis Commentaries Early Works To 1800
Secrets of heaven [electronic resource] : Volume 2 / Emanuel Swedenborg ; translated from the Latin b
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On Genesis [electronic resource] : two books : On Genesis against the Manichees ; and, On the literal
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Selected prose works [electronic resource] / St. Ephrem the Syrian ; translated by Edward G. Mathews,
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Bible O T Genesis Criticism Interpretation Etc
The book of Genesis [electronic resource] : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Cr
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A farewell to the Yahwist? [electronic resource] : the composition of the Pentateuch in recent Europe
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From fratricide to forgiveness [electronic resource] : the language and ethics of anger in Genesis /
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From two kingdoms to one nation [electronic resource] : Israel and Judah : studies in division and un
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15 additional entries
Bible O T Genesis Criticism Interpretation Etc Congresses
The exegetical encounter between Jews and Christians in late antiquity [electronic resource] / edited
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Bible O T Genesis Criticism Narrative
Closure in Biblical narrative [electronic resource] / by Susan Zeelander.
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Seeking a homeland [electronic resource] : sojourn and ethnic identity in the ancestral narratives of
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Victim and victimizer [electronic resource] : Joseph's interpretation of his destiny / Yiu-Wing Fung.
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Bible O T Genesis Criticism Redaction
The book of Genesis [electronic resource] : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Cr
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Bible O T Genesis Criticism Textual
The book of Genesis [electronic resource] : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Cr
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Bible O T Genesis I 1 5 Comparative Studies : Giere, S. D.
A new glimpse of Day One [electronic resource] : intertextuality, history of interpretation, and Gene
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Bible O T Genesis I 1 5 Criticism Interpretation Etc History : Giere, S. D.
A new glimpse of Day One [electronic resource] : intertextuality, history of interpretation, and Gene
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Bible O T Genesis I 1 27 Criticism Interpretation Etc History To 1500 : Black, Crofton.
Pico's Heptaplus and biblical hermeneutics [electronic resource] / by Crofton Black.
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Bible O T Genesis I 1 Ii 3 Sermons : Basil,
Exegetic homilies [electronic resource] / [by] Saint Basil ; translated by Agnes Clare Way.
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Bible O T Genesis I 1 Iv 26 Sermons : Ambrose,
Hexameron, Paradise, and Cain and Abel [electronic resource] / Saint Ambrose ; translated by John J.
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Bible O T Genesis I Criticism Interpretation Etc : Walton, John H.,
Genesis 1 as ancient cosmology [electronic resource] / John H. Walton.
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Bible O T Genesis I Criticism Interpretation Etc Congresses
The creation of heaven and earth [electronic resource] : re-interpretation of Genesis I in the contex
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Bible O T Genesis I Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish : Seeskin, Kenneth,
Maimonides on the origin of the world [electronic resource] / Kenneth Seeskin.
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Bible O T Genesis I Iii Criticism Interpretation Etc History Early Church Approximately 30 : Flood, John,
Representations of Eve in antiquity and the English Middle Ages [electronic resource] / John Flood.
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Bible O T Genesis I Iii Criticism Interpretation Etc History Middle Ages 600 1500 : Flood, John,
Representations of Eve in antiquity and the English Middle Ages [electronic resource] / John Flood.
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Bible O T Genesis I V Criticism Interpretation Etc History : Byron, John,
Cain and Abel in text and tradition [electronic resource] : Jewish and Christian interpretations of t
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Bible O T Genesis I V Criticism Interpretation Etc Jewish History : Byron, John,
Cain and Abel in text and tradition [electronic resource] : Jewish and Christian interpretations of t
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Bible O T Genesis I Xi Commentaries
Genesis 1-11 [electronic resource] : tales of the earliest world / a new translation and essays by Ed
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Creation, un-creation, re-creation [electronic resource] : a discursive commentary on Genesis 1-11 /
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Bible O T Genesis I Xi Criticism Interpretation Etc
Grace in the midst of judgment [electronic resource] : grappling with Genesis 1-11 / Johnson T.K. Lim
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Reading Genesis politically [electronic resource] : an introduction to Mosaic political philosophy /
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The world of Genesis [electronic resource] : persons, places, perspectives / edited by Philip R. Davi
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Bible O T Genesis I Xi Criticism Textual : Hendel, Ronald S.
The text of Genesis 1-11 [electronic resource] : textual studies and critical edition / Ronald S. Hen
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Bible O T Genesis I Xi Hermeneutics : Lim, Johnson T. K.
Grace in the midst of judgment [electronic resource] : grappling with Genesis 1-11 / Johnson T.K. Lim
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Bible O T Genesis I Xi Theology : Lim, Johnson T. K.
Grace in the midst of judgment [electronic resource] : grappling with Genesis 1-11 / Johnson T.K. Lim
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Bible O T Genesis Ii 4 Iii 24 Criticism Interpretation Etc : Mettinger, Tryggve N. D.
The Eden narrative [electronic resource] : a literary and religio-historical study of Genesis 2-3 / T
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Bible O T Genesis Ii Iii Criticism Interpretation Etc
A walk in the garden [electronic resource] : biblical, iconographical, and literary images of Eden /
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Bible O T Genesis Ii Iii Influence : Sanders, Theresa,
Approaching Eden [electronic resource] : Adam and Eve in popular culture / Theresa Sanders.
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Bible O T Genesis Ii Iii Language Style : Stratton, Beverly J.
Out of Eden [electronic resource] : reading, rhetoric, and ideology in Genesis 2-3 / Beverly J. Strat
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Bible O T Genesis Iii Criticism Interpretation Etc : Tsumura, David Toshio.
Creation and destruction [electronic resource] : a reappraisal of the Chaoskampf theory in the Old Te
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Bible O T Genesis Iii Criticism Interpretation Etc History
The creation of man and woman [electronic resource] : interpretations of the biblical narratives in J
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Bible O T Genesis Iii Language Style : Tsumura, David Toshio.
Creation and destruction [electronic resource] : a reappraisal of the Chaoskampf theory in the Old Te
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Bible O T Genesis Ix 18 25 Criticism Interpretation Etc : Goldenberg, David M.,
The curse of Ham [electronic resource] : race and slavery in early Judaism, Christianity, and Islam /
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Bible O T Genesis Ix 20 25 Criticism Interpretation Etc : Pinar, William.
Race, religion, and a curriculum of reparation [electronic resource] : teacher education for a multic
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Bible O T Genesis Latin Versions
The book of Genesis [electronic resource] : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Cr
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Bible O T Genesis Relation To Leviticus : Carmichael, Calum M.
Illuminating Leviticus [electronic resource] : a study of its laws and institutions in the light of b
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Bible O T Genesis Relation To Psalms : Granerd, Gard.
Abraham and Melchizedek [electronic resource] : scribal activity of Second Temple times in Genesis 14
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Bible O T Genesis Sermons
Homilies on Genesis 1-17 [electronic resource] / translated by Robert C. Hill.
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Homilies on Genesis 18-45 [electronic resource] / translated by Robert C. Hill.
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Homilies on Genesis 46-67 [electronic resource] / translated by Robert C. Hill.
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Homilies on Genesis and Exodus [electronic resource] / Origen ; translated by Ronald E. Heine.
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Bible O T Genesis Syriac Criticism Textual
The book of Genesis [electronic resource] : composition, reception, and interpretation / edited by Cr
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Bible O T Genesis Textbooks : Kalas, J. Ellsworth,
Genesis [electronic resource] / J. Ellsworth Kalas.
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Bible O T Genesis V Ix Criticism Interpretation Etc
Noah and his book(s) [electronic resource] / edited by Michael E. Stone, Aryeh Amihay, and Vered Hill
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Bible O T Genesis Xi 26 25 10 Criticism Interpretation Etc : Ruiten, J. van
Abraham in the Book of Jubilees [electronic resource] : the rewriting of Genesis 11:26-25:10 in the B
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Bible O T Genesis Xi Criticism Interpretation Etc : Sherman, Phillip Michael.
Babel's Tower translated [electronic resource] : Genesis 11 and ancient Jewish interpretation / by Ph
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Bible O T Genesis Xii L Criticism Interpretation Etc : Moberly, R. W. L.
Genesis 12-50 [electronic resource] / R. W. L. Moberly.
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Bible O T Genesis Xiv Criticism Redaction
Abraham and Melchizedek [electronic resource] : scribal activity of Second Temple times in Genesis 14
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Abram - Abraham [electronic resource] : kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Genesis 14, 15 u
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Bible O T Genesis Xiv Criticism Textual : Ziemer, Benjamin.
Abram - Abraham [electronic resource] : kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Genesis 14, 15 u
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Bible O T Genesis Xix Criticism Interpretation Etc : Fields, Weston W.
Sodom and Gomorrah [electronic resource] : history and motif in biblical narrative / Weston W. Fields
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Bible O T Genesis Xv Criticism Interpretation Etc : Williamson, Paul R.
Abraham, Israel and the nations [electronic resource] : the patriarchal promise and its covenantal de
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Bible O T Genesis Xv Criticism Redaction : Ziemer, Benjamin.
Abram - Abraham [electronic resource] : kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Genesis 14, 15 u
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Bible O T Genesis Xv Criticism Textual : Ziemer, Benjamin.
Abram - Abraham [electronic resource] : kompositionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu Genesis 14, 15 u
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