Child Development Testing
Advanced pediatric assessment / Ellen M. Chiocca.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Assessing young children / Gayle Mindes.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
The development of the infant and young child : normal and abnormal / R. S. Illingworth.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Developmental diagnosis; normal and abnormal child development, clinical methods and pediatric applic
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
7 additional entries
Child Development Testing Handbooks Manuals Etc
Assessing children's well-being [electronic resource] : a handbook of measures / [edited by] Sylvie N
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Reference range values for pediatric care / Lamia Soghier, editor
Axe EBSCO Medical Collection E-Book:Available
Child Development Textbooks
Child and adolescent development : an advanced course / edited by William Damon, Richard M. Lerner.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Child Development United States
The African American child : development and challenges / Yvette R. Harris and James A. Graham.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
The African American child : development and challenges / Yvette R. Harris, PhD, James A. Graham, PhD
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The African American child [electronic resource] : development and challenges / Yvette R. Harris and
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
All kids are our kids : what communities must do to raise caring and responsible children and adolesc
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
36 additional entries
Child Development United States Case Studies
Children's thinking about cultural universals [electronic resource] / Jere Brophy, Janet Alleman.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Lives across time/growing up [electronic resource] : paths to emotional health and emotional illness
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Development United States Congresses
After-school programs to promote child and adolescent development [electronic resource] : summary of
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Children in poverty : child development and public policy / edited by Aletha C. Huston.
Nettels Professional Collection:Available
Working families and growing kids [electronic resource] : caring for children and adolescents / Commi
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Development United States History 20th Century : Stearns, Peter N.
Anxious parents [electronic resource] : a history of modern child-rearing in America / Peter N. Stear
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Development United States States Finance
Planning for the Child Care and Development Fund : targeted funds for infants and toddlers.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Development United States Testing : United States.
Principles and recommendations for early childhood assessments / submitted to the National Education
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Disaster Victims Fiction : Mitchard, Jacquelyn,
Two if by sea [large print] / Jacquelyn Mitchard.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Large Print :Available
Child Disaster Victims Government Policy United States
2010 report to the President and Congress [electronic resource] / National Commission on Children and
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Children and disasters : a progress report on addressing needs : hearing before the Ad Hoc Subcommitt
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Children and youth task force in disasters [electronic resource] : guidelines for development.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
National Commission on Children and Disasters [electronic resource] : interim report / National Commi
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
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Child Disaster Victims Japan
Children of the Tsunami [videorecording] / Directed by Dan Reed.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Child Disaster Victims Louisiana New Orleans Psychological Aspects : Fothergill, Alice,
Children of Katrina / Alice Fothergill and Lori Peek.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Disaster Victims Louisiana New Orleans Social Conditions : Fothergill, Alice,
Children of Katrina / Alice Fothergill and Lori Peek.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Disaster Victims Mental Health Services : Powell, Joyce C.
Children may experience long term effects of disaster / [Joyce Powell]
Axe Archives Kansas Documents:Available
Child Disaster Victims Services For United States
2010 report to the President and Congress [electronic resource] / National Commission on Children and
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Caring for special needs during disasters : what's being done for vulnerable populations? : hearing b
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Children and disasters : a progress report on addressing needs : hearing before the Ad Hoc Subcommitt
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Children and youth task force in disasters [electronic resource] : guidelines for development.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
5 additional entries
Child Disaster Victims United States
Helping children cope with disaster [electronic resource]
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Managing children in disasters [electronic resource] : planning for their unique needs / Jane A. Bull
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Parent tips for helping preschool-age children after disasters.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Disaster Victims United States Psychological Aspects
Listen, protect, connect- model & teach : Psychological First Aid (PFA) for students and teachers.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Discipline -- See Discipline of children
Child Ego State -- See Inner child
Child Endowment -- See Family allowances Here are entered works on programs to provide financial aid to families with children regardless of eligibility for welfare. Works on government programs to provide public assistance to families of welfare recipients that include children are entered under Aid to families with dependent children programs.
Child Evangelism -- See Children Conversion to Christianity
Child Feeding Behavior -- See Children Nutrition Psychological aspects
Child Guidance Clinics United States History 20th Century : Jones, Kathleen W.
Taming the troublesome child [electronic resource] : American families, child guidance, and the limit
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health -- See Children Health and hygiene
Child Health Behavior -- See Health behavior in children
Child Health Habits -- See Health behavior in children
Child Health Insurance
Focusing on children's health [electronic resource] : community approaches to addressing health dispa
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Insurance Databases United States Congresses : National Research Council (U.S.)
Databases for estimating health insurance coverage for children [electronic resource] : a workshop su
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Insurance Economic Aspects United States : United States.
Children's health insurance [electronic resource] : opportunities exist for improved access to afford
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Insurance Economic Aspects United States States : Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission (U.S.)
Federal CHIP financing [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Insurance Law And Legislation United States : United States.
H.R. 5998, the Protecting Children's Health Coverage Act of 2008 [electronic resource] : hearing befo
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Insurance Montana Finance : United States.
Children's Health Insurance Program in action : a state's perspective on CHIP : hearing before the Co
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Health Insurance Statistics
Children's access to necessary health care, Fall 2001 [electronic resource] / by Frances M. Chevarley
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Children's health care quality, Fall 2000 [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Insurance United States
Child welfare : health care needs of children in foster care and related federal issues / Emilie Stol
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Covering uninsured children : the impact of the August 17th CHIP directive : hearing before the Subco
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Covering uninsured kids [electronic resource] : missed opportunities for moving forward : hearing bef
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Covering uninsured kids [electronic resource] : reversing progress already made : hearing before the
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
9 additional entries
Child Health Insurance United States Evaluation : United States.
Medicaid managed care and EPSDT.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Health Insurance United States Finance : United States.
Medicaid and CHIP [electronic resource] : given the association between parent and child insurance st
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Insurance United States Miscellanea
Qualified medical child support orders.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Health Insurance United States States
Determining if children classified as SCHIP Medicaid expansion meet eligibility criteria / Department
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Determining if children enrolled in separate SCHIPs were eligible for Medicaid / Department of Health
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Fraud and abuse safeguards in separate state children's health insurance programs / Department of Hea
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Separate state children's health insurance program enrollees' eligibility for Medicaid in 2006 / Depa
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
State Children's Health Insurance Program : ensuring Medicaid eligibles are not enrolled in SCHIP / D
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Health Insurance United States States Evaluation
The children's health insurance program : states' application and enrollment processes : an early rep
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
SCHIP : states' progress in reducing the number of uninsured children / Department of Health and Huma
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Child Health Insurance United States Statistics
Children without health insurance [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Women in the United States, a profile [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Insurance United States Statistics Periodicals
Health insurance status of children in America [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Child Health Services
6 Related Subjects
Child Health Services
20 tips to help prevent medical errors in children [electronic resource] / Agency for Healthcare Res
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Atlas [electronic resource] : child and adolescent mental health resources : global concerns, implica
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Beyond rhetoric : a new American agenda for children and families : final report of the National Comm
Axe Archives Fed Docs:Available
Cafeteria Man
Axe Kanopy Streaming Video:Available
27 additional entries
Child Health Services Africa Sub Saharan
Effects of health programs on child mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa [electronic resource] / Douglas C
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Services Australia Brisbane Qld History : Gregory, Helen,
Caring and compassionate : the Mater Children's Hospital 1931-2014 / Helen Gregory.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Services Bangladesh : White, Howard,
Maintaining momentum to 2015? [electronic resource] : an impact evaluation of interventions to improv
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Services Canada History 20th Century : Gleason, Mona.
Small matters [electronic resource] : Canadian children in sickness and health, 1900-1940 / Mona Glea
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Services Congresses
Early identification of children at risk : an international perspective / edited by William K. Franke
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
From early child development to human development [electronic resource] : investing in our children's
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Child Health Services Developing Countries
Healthy expectations : celebrating achievements of the Cairo consensus and highlighting the urgency f
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Mother and child health : delivering the services / Cicely D. Williams, Naomi Baumslag, Derrick B. Je
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
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