Cookbooks -- See Also Cooking Here are entered works on the art of cooking, as well as works which consist of collections of recipes. Works on the cookery of special places are entered under Cookery with local subdivision. Works on national cuisines and styles of cooking are entered under headings of the type Cookery, American, [Chinese, etc.], which may be further subdivided to designate regional styles, e.g. Cookery, American--Southern style; Cookery, Chinese--Szechwan style; etc. Works which discuss an individual style in a specific locality are entered under two headings, one for the style and one for the locality, e.g. 1. Cookery, American--Southern style. 2. Cookery--Georgia--Savannah.
Cookery -- See Cooking Here are entered works on the art of cooking, as well as works which consist of collections of recipes. Works on the cookery of special places are entered under Cookery with local subdivision. Works on national cuisines and styles of cooking are entered under headings of the type Cookery, American, [Chinese, etc.], which may be further subdivided to designate regional styles, e.g. Cookery, American--Southern style; Cookery, Chinese--Szechwan style; etc. Works which discuss an individual style in a specific locality are entered under two headings, one for the style and one for the locality, e.g. 1. Cookery, American--Southern style. 2. Cookery--Georgia--Savannah.