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Subjects (1-6 of 6)
Educational Technology
-- See Also the narrower term Audio-visual education

--subdivision Audio-visual aids under educational headings, e.g. Adult education--Audio-visual aids; and subdivision Study and teaching--Audio-visual aids under subjects
-- See Also the narrower term Computer-assisted instruction
Here are entered works on an automated method of instruction in which a student interacts directly with instructional materials stored in a computer. Works on the use of computers to assist teachers and administrators in coordinating the instructional process, e.g. retrieving and summarizing performance records and curriculum files, are entered under Computer managed instruction.

--subdivision Computer-assisted instruction under topical headings, e.g. Chemistry--Computer-assisted instruction
-- See Also the narrower term Educational technology industries
-- See Also the narrower term Media programs (Education)
-- See Also the narrower term Programmed instruction
Here are entered general discussions on, and/or texts for, a step-by-step teaching method, often using a teaching machine, that employs small units of information or learning material and frequent testing and allows students to control the pacing of the learning process.

--subdivision Programmed instruction under subjects, e.g. English language--Programmed instruction
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