Forest Fire Forecasting United States
Development of coarse-scale spatial data for wildland fire and fuel management [electronic resource]
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A review of the Forest Service Remote Automated Weather Station (RAWS) network [electronic resource]
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United States Geological Survey fire science [electronic resource] : fire danger monitoring and forec
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
USGS fire science [electronic resource] : fire danger monitoring and forecasting.
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Forest Fire Forecasting United States Computer Programs : Prichard, Susan J.,
Fuel Characteristic Classification System version 3.0 : technical documentation / Susan J. Prichard [
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Forest Fire Forecasting West U S : Johnson, Morris C.,
Guide to fuel treatments in dry forests of the western United States : assessing forest structure and
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Forest Fire Research -- See Forest fires Research
Forest Fires
2 Related Subjects
Forest Fires
Consequences d'un incendie de foret dans le bassin versant du Rimbaud (massif des Maures, Var, France
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Fire in the forest [electronic resource] / Peter A. Thomas and Rob McAlpine ; with contributions from
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Fire management plan [electronic resource] prepared for U.S. Dept. of the Interior Bureau of Land Man
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Fire on earth : an introduction / Andrew C. Scott [and four others].
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Forest Fires Alaska Tanana River Watershed : Manies, Kristen L.,
Soils, vegetation, and woody debris data from the 2001 survey line fire and a comparable unburned sit
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Forest Fires Alberta Chinchaga River : Tymstra, C.
The Chinchaga firestorm : when the moon and sun turned blue / Cordy Tymstra.
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Forest Fires Amazon River Region Prevention And Control : Sheikh, Pervaze A.,
Fire and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon / Pervaze A. Sheikh [and three others].
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Forest Fires Arizona : United States.
Interagency cooperation in wildland firefighting : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Fores
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Forest Fires Australia : Evans, Richard,
Disasters that changed Australia / Richard Evans.
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Forest Fires Australia Prevention And Control
Bushfire safety / edited by Justin Healey.
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Forest Fires Australia South Australia Prevention : Adams, Mark A.
Burning issues [electronic resource] : sustainability and management of Australia's southern forests
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Forest Fires Blue Mountains Or And Wash : Wickman, Boyd E.
Forest health in the Blue Mountains [electronic resource] : the influence of insects and diseases / B
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Forest Fires California Golden Gate National Recreation Area Prevention And Control
Fire management plan, final environmental impact statement [electronic resource] : Golden Gate Nation
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Forest Fires California Marin County Prevention And Control
Final fire management plan, environmental impact statement [electronic resource] : Point Reyes Nation
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Forest Fires Cascade Range : Agee, James K.
Eastside forest ecosystem health assessment. Volume 3. Fire and weather disturbances in terrestrial e
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Forest Fires Computer Simulation
Development of coarse-scale spatial data for wildland fire and fuel management [electronic resource]
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Forest Fires Congresses
Proceedings [electronic resource] : Workshop on Fire, People, and the Central Hardwoods Landscape : M
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Third U.S. Geological Survey Wildland Fire-Science Workshop : Denver, Colorado, November 12-15, 2002
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Forest Fires Control -- See Forest fires Prevention and control
Forest Fires East U S Congresses
Fire in eastern oak forests [electronic resource] : delivering science to land managers : proceedings
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Proceedings of the 4th Fire in Eastern Oak Forests Conference [electronic resource] : May 17-19, 2011
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Forest Fires Economic Aspects : Calkin, David E.,
Assessing post-fire values-at-risk with a new calculation tool / David E. Calkin [and five others].
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Forest Fires Economic Aspects United States : United States.
The impact of catastrophic forest fires and litigation on people and endangered species : time for ra
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects
Assessing post-fire values-at-risk with a new calculation tool / David E. Calkin [and five others].
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Coexisting with fire [electronic resource] : ecosystems, people, and collaboration / [Merrill R. Kauf
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Fire phenomena and the Earth system [electronic resource] : an interdisciplinary guide to fire scienc
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FIREMON : fire effects monitoring and inventory system / technical editor, Duncan C. Lutes.
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3 additional entries
Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Arizona : Ffolliott, Peter F.
Historical wildfire impacts on ponderosa pine tree overstories : an Arizona case study / Peter F. Ffo
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Australia Victoria
Forest phoenix [electronic resource] : how a great forest recovers after wildfire / by David Lindenma
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects California : Foltz, Randy B.,
Effectiveness of post-fire burned area emergency response (BAER) road treatments [electronic resource
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Cascade Range : Brown, Martin John,
Natural tree regeneration and coarse woody debris dynamics after a forest fire in the western Cascade
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Colorado
Rapid-deployment data-collection networks for wildland fire applications [electronic resource] / by
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Streamwater quality data from the 2002 Hayman, Hinman, and Missionary Ridge Wildfires, Colorado, 2003
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Colorado Durango
Mass wasting following the 2002 Missionary Ridge fire near Durango, Colorado, a field trip guidebook
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Computer Simulation : Busing, Richard T.
Modeling the effects of fire frequency and severity on forests in the northwestern United States [ele
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Idaho : Foltz, Randy B.,
Effectiveness of post-fire burned area emergency response (BAER) road treatments [electronic resource
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Montana Glacier View Ranger District
Changes in fire-killed western larch on the Glacier View Ranger District (Flathead National Forest),
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Changes in fire-killed western larch on the Glacier View Ranger District (Flathead National Forest),
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Changes in fire-killed western larch on the Glacier View Ranger District (Flathead National Forest),
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Northwest Pacific : Loomis, John B.
A contingent valuation study of the value of reducing fire hazards to old-growth forests in the Pacif
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Northwest Pacific Bibliography : McIver, James D.
Environmental effects of postfire logging [electronic resource] : literature review and annotated bib
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Northwest Pacific Congresses
Assessing the effects of fire disturbance on ecosystems [electronic resource] : a scientific agenda f
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Northwestern States Computer Simulation : Busing, Richard T.
Modeling the effects of fire frequency and severity on forests in the northwestern United States [ele
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Oregon History : Morrison, Peter H.
Fire history and pattern in a Cascade Range landscape [electronic resource] / Peter H. Morrison and F
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Research United States : Joint Fire Science Program (U.S.),
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Rocky Mountains
Assessing post-fire Douglas-fir mortality and Douglas-fir beetle attacks in the northern Rocky Mounta
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects South Dakota
Rapid-deployment data-collection networks for wildland fire applications [electronic resource] / by
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Southwest New : Haire, Sandra L.
High-severity fire in forests of the southwest, conservation implications [electronic resource] : pro
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects United States
Field guide for mapping post-fire soil burn severity [electronic resource] / Annette Parsons ... [et
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Restoring forests after catastrophic events : oversight hearing before the Subcommittee on Forests an
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects United States Computer Simulation : Drury, Stacy Allen.
The national tree-list layer [electronic resource] : a seamless, spatially explicit tree-list layer f
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Washington State
Effectiveness of post-fire burned area emergency response (BAER) road treatments [electronic resource
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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Using QuickBird imagery to detect cover and spread of post-fire straw mulch after the 2006 Tripod Fir
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Forest Fires Environmental Aspects Yellowstone National Park
After the fires [electronic resource] : the ecology of change in Yellowstone National Park / edited b
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The year Yellowstone burned : a twenty-five-year perspective / Jeff Henry ; foreword by Bob Barbee.
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Forest Fires Extinction -- See Forest fires Prevention and control
Forest Fires Florida History : Pyne, Stephen J.,
Florida : a fire survey / Stephen J. Pyne.
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Forest Fires Florida Prevention And Control History : Pyne, Stephen J.,
Florida : a fire survey / Stephen J. Pyne.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Forest Fires Forecasting -- See Forest fire forecasting
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