Government Responsibility -- See Government liability Here are entered works on the liability of the state for wrongful acts of officials. Works on criminal offenses committed by government officials in the performance of their duties are entered under Misconduct in office. Works on offenses against professional ethics or against discipline are entered under names of countries, cities, government departments, etc. with subdivision Officials and employees--Discipline. Works on specific offenses are entered under the name of the offense, e.g. Bribery. Works on the personal liability of government officials to the state or to individuals for wrongful acts committed in office are entered under Administrative responsibility.
Government Salaries -- See Civil service Salaries, etc. Here are entered general works on civil service salaries. Works limited to particular localities or to individual government agencies are entered under the name of the country, city, etc., or under the name of the agency, with subdivision Officials and employees--Salaries, etc.
Government Securities -- See Also the narrower term Municipal bonds Here are entered general works on municipal bonds. Works on bonds of an individual city are entered under Bonds--[local subdivision].
Government Service -- See Civil service Here are entered works on career government service and the laws governing it. Works on government service, including that by political appointment or employment contract, are entered under the name of the country state, or city, with the subdivision Officials and employees. Works on personnel of a specific government agency are entered under the name of that agency, with the subdivision Officials and employees.Works on public sector employment as a counter-cyclical policy measure intended to provide jobs for the unemployed as well as to provide economic assistance to distressed areas and state and local government are entered under Public service employment.