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Music Sound

Title Songs of the Nootka and Quileute. [sound recording]

Publication Info. Library of Congress, Division of Music, Recording Laboratory AAFS L32. [1952]


Location Call No. OPAC Message Status
 Axe Special Collections  782.42162 So58n    ---  Lib Use Only
Description 1 disc. 33 1/3 rpm. 12 in.
Series Folk music of the United States
Note Analytical notes by the editor, including English translations of the texts and an introd. by Duncan Emrich (20 p.) inserted in slipcase.
Contents Potlach songs -- Songs with contest of physical strength at a potlach -- Klokali songs -- Songs of social dances -- Songs of social gatherings -- Song of a social custom -- Game songs -- Dream songs --Songs used in the treatment of the sick -- Songs connected with stories -- Songs for children -- Miscellaneous songs.
Event Copied from cylinders, recorded 1923 and 1926 by the editor, in the Smithsonian-Densmore Collection of the Archive of American Folk Song.
Subject Indians of North America -- Washington (State) -- Music.
Nootka Indians -- Music.
Quileute Indians -- Music.
Added Author Densmore, Frances, 1867-1957.
Archive of American Folk Song.
Library of Congress. Recording Laboratory.
Music No. AAFS L32 Library of Congress Recording Laboratory

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