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Fundus autofluorescence / [edited by] Noemi Lois, MD, PhD, FRCS(Ed), FRCOphth, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Centre for Experimental Medicine, Institute for Clinical Sciences, Queen's University belfast, Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom, John V. Forrester, MB, ChB, FRCS(E), MD(Hons), FRCS(G), FRCOphth, FRCP(G)(Hon), FMEDSci, FRSE, FSBiol, FARVO, FRANzCO, Section on Immunology and Infection, Division of Applied Medicine, School of Medicine and Dentistry, The Institute of Medical Scineces, Fosterhill, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom, Ocular Immunology Program, Centre for Ophthalmology and Visual Science, The University of Western Australia, Centre for Experimental Immunology, Lions Eye Institute, Newlands, Western Australia, Australia. |