Management Darling River Watershed Qld And N S W
Basin futures : water reform in the Murray-Darling basin / edited by Daniel Connell and R. Quentin Gr
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
Management Data Centers Law And Legislation United States : United States.
Data center optimization : continued agency actions needed to meet goals and address prior recommenda
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Data Centers United States : United States.
Data center optimization : continued agency actions needed to meet goals and address prior recommenda
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Data Mining In Law Enforcement United States : United States.
Facial recognition services : federal law enforcement agencies should take actions to implement train
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Data Processing
Analytics in a big data world : the essential guide to data science and its applications / Bart Baese
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The analytics lifecycle toolkit : a practical guide for an effective analytics capability / by Gregor
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Architecting high performing, scalable and available enterprise web applications / Shailesh Kumar Shi
Axe Elsevier ScienceDirect Ebook:Available
Big data, data mining, and machine learning : value creation for business leaders and practitioners /
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
20 additional entries
Management Data Processing Periodicals
Fuzzy approaches to production research and information management. Part two / guest editors, Cengiz
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Data Processing Service Centers
Complex systems and clouds : a self-organization and self-managenent perspective / Dan C. Marinescu.
Axe Elsevier ScienceDirect Ebook:Available
Enterprise applications administration : the definitive guide to implementation and operations / Jere
Axe Elsevier ScienceDirect Ebook:Available
Kooperation von Rechenzentren : Governance und Steuerung : Organisation, Rechtsgrundlagen, Politik /
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Data Processing Service Centers United States : United States.
Data center consolidation [electronic resource] : strengthened oversight needed to achieve cost savin
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Data Protection
Data governance : how to design, deploy and sustain an effective data governance program / John Ladle
Axe Elsevier ScienceDirect Ebook:Available
Data protection for virtual data centers [electronic resource] / Jason Buffington.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The visible employee [electronic resource] : using workplace monitoring and surveillance to protect i
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The visible employee : using workplace monitoring and surveillance to protect information assets--wit
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Management Data Protection Standards : Krausz, Michael,
Information security breaches : avoidance and treatment based on ISO27001 / Michael Krausz.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Data Protection United States
Additional requirement for transferring permanent records to the National Archives of the United Stat
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Availability of electronic records management guidance for PKI digital signature authenticated and se
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Executive guide [electronic resource] : information security management, learning from leading organi
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Information security : agency responses to breaches of personally identifiable information need to be
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
3 additional entries
Management Data Protection United States Evaluation : United States.
Federal information security, agencies need to correct weaknesses and fully implement security progra
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Data Warehousing : Reeves, Laura L.
A manager's guide to data warehousing [electronic resource] / Laura L. Reeves.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Death Valley National Park Calif And Nev : Unrau, Harlan D.
A history of the lands added to Death Valley National Monument by the California Desert Protection Ac
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Debt Financing Corporations United States : United States.
Troubled Asset Relief Program : continued stewardship needed as Treasury develops strategies for moni
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Debt United States
Credit cards and older Americans : field hearing before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions an
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Settling your credit card debts [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Debts External
Debt : management & elimination.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Debts Public
Managing public debt [electronic resource] : from diagnostics to reform implementation.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sound practice in government debt management [electronic resource] / Graeme Wheeler.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Debts Public United States
Debt Management and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2015 : report together with dissenting views (to acc
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Debt Reduction Reconciliation Act of 2000 : report (to accompany H.R. 4601) (including cost estimate
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Savings bonds [electronic resource] : actions needed to increase the reliability of cost-effectivenes
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
U.S. Department of the Treasury's debt buyback proposal [electronic resource] : hearing before the Co
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Decision Making -- See Decision making Here are entered general works on the process of arriving at decisions for action, including the attempts to formulate a general theory based on mathematical analysis and psychological experiment. --subdivision Decision making under topics, e.g. Farm management--Decision making
Management Decisions -- See Decision making Here are entered general works on the process of arriving at decisions for action, including the attempts to formulate a general theory based on mathematical analysis and psychological experiment. --subdivision Decision making under topics, e.g. Farm management--Decision making
Management Deep Sea Corals United States Planning : Coral Reef Conservation Program (U.S.)
NOAA strategic plan for deep-sea coral and sponge ecosystems [electronic resource] : research, manage
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge Idaho And Or : Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge (Agency : U.S.),
Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge : final comprehensive conservation plan and environmental impact s
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Deere And Company : Winston, Paul.
An analysis of barriers to effective coaching in the John Deere and Company organization / Paul Winst
Axe PSU Archives Thesis/Problems:Lib Use Only, Axe Thesis 3rd Floor :Available
Management Defense Centers Of Excellence For Psychological Health And Traumatic Brain Injury U S : United States.
Defense health [electronic resource] : management weaknesses at Defense Centers of Excellence for Psy
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Defense Contracts Evaluation : United States.
DOD financial management: greater attention and accountability needed over government-furnished prope
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Defense Contracts United States
Army ammunition: actions needed to improve management of procurement and production practices : repor
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Contingency contracting [electronic resource] : improved planning and management oversight needed to
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Contingency contracting [electronic resource] : improvements needed in management of contractors supp
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Contingency contracting : implementing a call for urgent reform / Committee on Armed Services, House
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
21 additional entries
Management Defense Contracts United States Costs : United States.
Acquisition reform [electronic resource] : DOD faces challenges in reducing oversight costs : report
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Defense Contracts United States Evaluation
Contingency contracting : has the call for urgent reform been answered? : hearing before the Oversigh
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Contract management [electronic resource] : opportunities to improve surveillance on Department of De
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Defense acquisitions [electronic resource] : further actions needed to address weaknesses in DOD's ma
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Defense logistics [electronic resource] : high-level DOD coordination is needed to further improve th
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
6 additional entries
Management Defense Contracts United States Examinations Questions Etc : United States.
Defense contracting integrity [electronic resource] : survey on Contractor Ethics Programs (GAO-09-64
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Defense Industries Equipment
Management controls over implementation of the Homeland Defense Equipment Reuse Program [electronic r
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Defense Industries Israel Case Studies : Drori, Israel.
Vision and change in institutional entrepreneurship [electronic resource] : the transformation from s
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Defense Industries United States
Equipping tomorrow's military force [electronic resource] : integration of commercial and military ma
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Defense Industries United States Congresses
Big Data in Materials Research and Development : summary of a workshop / Maureen Mellody, rapporteur
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Materials and manufacturing capabilities for sustaining defense systems : summary of a workshop / Rob
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Defense Industries United States Costs : United States.
Acquisition reform [electronic resource] : DOD faces challenges in reducing oversight costs : report
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Deferred Compensation United States : United States.
Strengthening worker retirement security : hearing before the Committee on Education and Labor, U.S.
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Deferred Compensation United States Periodicals
SARSEP checklist [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
SARSEP, salaried reduction simplified employee pension for small businesses [electronic resource].
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
SARSEP, salaried reduction simplified employee pension, key issues and assistance [electronic resourc
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Defined Benefit Pension Plans United States : United States.
Defined benefit pension plan funding levels and investment advice rules : hearing before the Committe
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Delivery Of Goods
Best practice procurement [electronic resource] : public and private sector perspectives / edited by
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Demand-driven inventory optimization and replenishment : creating a more efficient supply chain / Rob
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Demand-driven inventory optimization and replenishment : creating a more efficient supply chain / Rob
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Dynamic supply chain alignment [electronic resource] : a new business model for peak performance in e
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
7 additional entries
Management Denali National Park And Preserve Alaska : Norris, Frank B.
Crown jewel of the north : an administrative history of Denali National Park and Preserve / Frank Nor
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Dental Offices : Graskemper, Joseph P.,
Leadership and communication in dentistry : a practical guide to your practice, your patients, and yo
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Dentistry Practice : Cole, Charlie,
The same day dentistry revolution : the path to a more profitable, efficient and enjoyable experience
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Department Stores United States : Spector, Robert,
The Nordstrom way to customer experience excellence : creating a values-driven service culture / Robe
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Deposit Insurance United States : United States.
The Federal Deposit Insurance System : hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Af
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Desert Ecology West U S : Thomey, Michell L.,
Review of climate change impacts on future carbon stores and management of warm deserts of the United
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
ElectronicResource GovDoc
Management Design Services
Designing business and management / edited by Sabine Junginger and Jurgen Faust.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Managing the design process : implementing design : an essential manual for the working designer / Te
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Management Design Services Handbooks Manuals Etc : Stewart, Joyce M.,
How to make your design business profitable / Joyce M. Stewart.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Management Detention Of Persons United States : United States.
Moving toward more effective immigration detention management : hearing before the Subcommittee on Bo
Axe Federal Documents Online:Available
Management Developing Countries Economic Policy : Frankel, Ernst G.
Managing development [electronic resource] : measures of success and failure in development / by Erns
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Management Development -- See Executives Training of.
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