Mass Culture -- See Popular culture Here are entered works on literature, art, music, motion pictures, etc. produced for a mass audience. General works on learning and scholarship, literature, the arts, etc. are entered under Intellectual life.
Mass Feeding -- See Food service Here are entered works on the preparation, delivery, and serving of ready-to-eat foods in large quantities outside of the home. General works solely on the preparation of food in large quantities are entered under Quantity cookery. --subdivision Food service under types of institutions, organized activities, etc., for provisions for meals and food in those enterprises, e.g. Airlines--Food service; Hospitals--Food service
Mass Media And Business -- See Also Public relations Here are entered general works on the actions of organizations, such as corporations, stores, governments, etc., in promoting good will between themselves and the community. Works on the process of securing public notice are entered under Publicity.Subdivided by topic, e.g. Public relations--Agriculture; Public relations--Banks and banking. --subdivision Public relations under names of organizations, e.g. Boy Scouts--Public relations; United States. Army--Public relations