-- See Also the narrower term Buccaneers Here are entered works on sea adventurers who preyed upon Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean area from the late 1500's to the early 1700's, but chiefly in the 17th century.
--subdivision History, Military under names of countries, cities, etc.; names of particular wars, battles, sieges, etc.; and subdivision History under names of individual armies, e.g. United States. Army--History
-- See Also Sea-power Here are entered works on long term questions of naval strength, including weapons, installations, national resources, etc., allowing a country to maintain control of the sea and the air space above. Works on the strategic and tactical employment of land or sea-based forces of a country at the time its maritime interests are threatened, so as to gain or exploit control of the sea or deny its use to the enemy, are entered under Sea control. --subdivision History, Naval under names of countries; and names of individual navies, e.g. United States. Navy