Ocean Law -- See Law of the sea Here are entered works on the system of public international law relating to jurisdiction over the oceans and exploitation of marine resources. Works on the system of law relating to marine commerce, including carriage of passengers or property by sea, maritime social insurance, liability for marine accidents, average, and marine insurance, are entered under Maritime law.
Ocean Law And Legislation -- See Law of the sea Here are entered works on the system of public international law relating to jurisdiction over the oceans and exploitation of marine resources. Works on the system of law relating to marine commerce, including carriage of passengers or property by sea, maritime social insurance, liability for marine accidents, average, and marine insurance, are entered under Maritime law.
Ocean Research -- See Oceanography Research This heading may be subdivided by the geographical area investigated, e.g. Oceanography--Research--Pacific Ocean. Where applicable, also make a second subject entry for the country conducting the research, .e.g. Oceanography--Research--Denmark.