--subdivision Psychology under classes of persons and ethnic groups and under names of individual persons
Personality Type A -- See Type A behavior Here are entered works on a behavior pattern characterized by tenseness, impatience, and competitive drive, associated with a tendency to develop coronary heart disease.
Personification In Literature -- See Also Allegory Here are entered works on allegory as a literary form. Collections of allegories are entered under Allegories. --subdivision Symbolism under names of individual authors, e.g. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616--Symbolism
--subdivision Employees under names of persons and individual nongovernment corporate bodies and under types of industries, services, establishments or institutions; also subdivision Officials and employees under names of countries, cities, etc., and under types of government agencies and names of individual international and governmental agencies; and phrase headings for particular types of employees and workers
Personnel Administration -- See Personnel management Here are entered works on that field of management which has the fundamental responsibility for recruiting, hiring, training, compensating, developing and caring for the general welfare of employees. Works on the managing of employees by their supervisors so that duties are performed according to instructions are entered under Supervision of employees. Works dealing with employer-employee relations in general are entered under Industrial relations. --subdivision Personnel management under names of individual corporate bodies and under types of industries and organizations, e.g. United States. Navy--Personnel management; Construction industry--Personnel management; Hospitals--Personnel management