Process Engineering -- See Production engineering Here are entered works on the planning and control of the mechanical means of changing the shape, condition, and relationship of materials for greater effectiveness and value. Works on the application of engineering principles and techniques to the design, installation and improvement of integrated systems employing persons, materials, and equipment for a high level of productivity at an optimum cost are entered under Industrial engineering.
Process Engineering Manufactures -- See Manufacturing processes Here are entered works on the special manufacturing methods by which raw materials are converted into usable product forms, including founding, turning, forging, welding, etc.
Processes Manufacturing -- See Manufacturing processes Here are entered works on the special manufacturing methods by which raw materials are converted into usable product forms, including founding, turning, forging, welding, etc.
Processing Agricultural -- See Agricultural processing Here are entered general works on the processing of agricultural products. Works on a specific aspect or method of processing are entered under the heading for the specific process. Works on the processing of food in general and on the marketing of processed food products are entered under Food industry and trade. Works on the processing of specific kinds of food products are entered under the heading for the specific product with the subdivision Processing or under the heading for the industry. --subdivision Processing under individual and types of animals and plants, e.g. Cattle--Processing; Corn--Processing; and subdivision Postharvest technology under individual and types of crops, e.g. Corn--Postharvest technology