Sex Customs Japan
Colonizing sex [electronic resource] : sexology and social control in modern Japan / Sabine Frühstück
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
Lovesick Japan [electronic resource] : sex, marriage, romance, law / Mark D. West.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Japan History : Bornoff, Nicholas.
Pink samurai : love, marriage & sex in contemporary Japan / Nicholas Bornoff.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Latin America : Paternostro, Silvana.
In the land of God and man : confronting our sexual culture / Silvana Paternostro.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Louisiana New Orleans History : Schafer, Judith Kelleher,
Brothels, depravity, and abandoned women : illegal sex in antebellum New Orleans / Judith Kelleher Sc
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Louisiana New Orleans History 20th Century : Krist, Gary.
Empire of sin : a story of sex, jazz, murder, and the battle for modern New Orleans / Gary Krist.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
Sex Customs Madagascar
Sex and salvation [electronic resource] : imagining the future in Madagascar / Jennifer Cole.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex and salvation : imagining the future in Madagascar / Jennifer Cole.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Middle East : Zeevi, Dror,
Producing desire [electronic resource] : changing sexual discourse in the Ottoman Middle East, 1500-1
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Middle West History 20th Century
Sex in the heartland / Beth Bailey.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
Sex in the heartland / Beth Bailey.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex in the heartland [electronic resource] / Beth Bailey.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Miscellanea : Schwartz, Pepper,
50 great myths of human sexuality / Pepper Schwartz and Martha Kempner.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs New Mexico History
Coyote nation [electronic resource] : sexuality, race, and conquest in modernizing New Mexico, 1880-1
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Coyote nation [electronic resource] : sexuality, race, and conquest in modernizing New Mexico, 1880-1
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
Sex Customs New York State New York
Beautiful sinners of New York / from the diary of a flesh peddler ; foreword by Louis Berg.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
Sex and the city / Candace Bushnell.
Pittsburg 2nd Fl Non-Fiction:Available
When sex was dirty / Josh Alan Friedman.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs New York State New York Drama
Sex and the city 2 [videorecording] / producer, Michael Patrick King, Sarah Jessica Parker, John Melf
Pittsburg 1st Fl DVD Collection:Available
Sex Customs New York State New York History : Heap, Chad C.,
Slumming : sexual and racial encounters in American nightlife, 1885-1940 / Chad Heap.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs New York State New York History 20th Century : Clement, Elizabeth Alice.
Love for sale [electronic resource] : courting, treating, and prostitution in New York City, 1900-194
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs North America : Dennis, Wendy.
Hot and bothered : sex and love in the Nineties / Wendy Dennis.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs North America History
Sexual revolution in early America / Richard Godbeer.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sexual revolution in early America [electronic resource] / Richard Godbeer.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Papua New Guinea
Anthropology and sexual morality [electronic resource] : a theoretical investigation / Carles Salazar
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
Secrecy & cultural reality [electronic resource] : utopian ideologies of the New Guinea men's house /
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Papua New Guinea Trobriand Islands : Malinowski, Bronislaw,
The sexual life of savages in north-western Melanesia : an ethnographic account of courtship, marriag
Axe Special Collections Reitz:Lib Use Only
Sex Customs Pennsylvania History 18th Century : Manion, Jennifer,
Liberty's prisoners : carceral culture in early America / Jen Manion.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Pennsylvania History 19th Century : Manion, Jennifer,
Liberty's prisoners : carceral culture in early America / Jen Manion.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Personal Narratives
Heavy petting [videorecording] / Docurama Films ; produced and directed by Obie Benz.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Sex Customs Political Aspects United States : Berlant, Lauren Gail,
The queen of America goes to Washington city : essays on sex and citizenship / Lauren Berlant.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Psychology
Sex, attachment, and couple psychotherapy [electronic resource] : psychoanalytic perspectives / edite
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Rome
DESIRE AND DISUNITY [electronic resource] : christian communities and sexual norms in the late antiqu
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
The Graeco-Roman view of youth / by George Ives.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection:Lib Use Only
Sexual life in ancient Rome / by Otto Kiefer.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sexual morality in ancient Rome [electronic resource] / Rebecca Langlands.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The sleep of reason : erotic experience and sexual ethics in ancient Greece and Rome / edited by Mart
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Rome History
Foucault's virginity : ancient erotic fiction and the history of sexuality / Simon Goldhill.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Porneia : on desire and the body in antiquity / Aline Rousselle ; translated by Felicia Pheasant.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Roman vice [videorecording] / History Channel ; written and directed by Peter Swain.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Sex Customs Rome History Textbooks : Skinner, Marilyn B.
Sexuality in greek and roman culture [electronic resource] Marilyn B. Skinner.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Rome Poetry
Games of Venus [electronic resource] : an anthology of Greek and Roman erotic verse from Sappho to Ov
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Russia : McCabe, Joseph,
Sex life in Russia / Joseph McCabe.
Axe Haldeman-Julius Collection Blue Books:Lib Use Only
Sex Customs Russia Federation : Kon, Igor Semenovich.
The sexual revolution in Russia : from the age of the czars to today / Igor S. Kon ; translated by Ja
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Russia History 19th Century : Engelstein, Laura.
The keys to happiness [electronic resource] : sex and the search for modernity in fin-de-siècle Russi
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Social Aspects Mexico
Sexualidades en México : algunas aproximaciones desde la perspectiva de las ciencias sociales / Ivonn
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
Sex Customs South Asia History 16th Century : Nocentelli, Carmen.
Empires of love [electronic resource] : Europe, Asia, and the making of early modern identity / Carme
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs South Asia History 17th Century : Nocentelli, Carmen.
Empires of love [electronic resource] : Europe, Asia, and the making of early modern identity / Carme
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Soviet Union : Kon, Igor Semenovich.
The sexual revolution in Russia : from the age of the czars to today / Igor S. Kon ; translated by Ja
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Soviet Union History : X, Victor.
The confessions of Victor X / edited by Donald Rayfield.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Spain : Epton, Nina Consuelo.
Love and the Spanish.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Spain Andalusia Folklore : Brandes, Stanley H.,
Metaphors of masculinity : ex and status in Andalusian folklore / Stanley Brandes.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Spain Drama
Belle epoque [videorecording] = the age of beauty / Lola Films ; screenplay, Rafael Azcona ; director
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Sex Customs Spain History : Horswell, Michael J.
Decolonizing the sodomite [electronic resource] : queer tropes of sexuality in colonial Andean cultur
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Spain Vizcaya History Sources : Barahona, Renato,
Sex crimes, honour, and the law in early modern Spain : Vizcaya, 1528-1735 / Renato Barahona.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Sudan
Wombs and alien spirits [electronic resource] : women, men, and the Zar cult in northern Sudan / Jani
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Wombs and alien spirits [electronic resource] : women, men, and the Zr cult in northern Sudan / Janic
Axe ACLS Humanities E-Book:Available
Sex Customs Sweden : Zetterberg, Hans Lennart,
Sexual life in Sweden / Hans L. Zetterberg ; translated with a new introduction by Graham Fennell.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Tajikistan
Control and subversion [electronic resource] : gender relations in Tajikistan / Colette Harris.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Control and subversion : gender relations in Tajikistan / Colette Harris.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Tanzania : Plummer, Mary Louisa.
Young people's lives and sexual relationships in rural Africa [electronic resource] : findings from a
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex Customs United States
AIDS [electronic resource] : sexual behavior and intravenous drug use / Committee on AIDS Research an
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Black sexualities [electronic resource] : probing powers, passions, practices, and policies / edited
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Contemporary perspectives on legal regulation of sexual behavior [electronic resource] : psycholegal
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Sex matters : the sexuality and society reader / [edited by] Mindy Stombler ... [et al.].
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
2 additional entries
Sex Customs United States Case Studies
The sexual state of the union : letters to Penthouse magazine / edited by Edward Springer.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs United States History
Intimate matters : a history of sexuality in America / John D'Emilio and Estelle B. Freedman.
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
Sexual revolution in early America / Richard Godbeer.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sexual revolution in early America [electronic resource] / Richard Godbeer.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
When sex goes to school : warring views on sex--and sex education--since the sixties / Kristin Luker.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs United States History 19th Century
Consuming desire : sexual science and the emergence of a culture of abundance, 1871-1914 / Lawrence B
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Evolutionary rhetoric [electronic resource] : sex, science, and free love in nineteenth-century femin
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
The horrors of the half-known life [electronic resource] : male attitudes toward women and sexuality
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Rereading sex : battles over sexual knowledge and suppression in nineteenth-century America / Helen L
Axe Special Collections Whitehead:Lib Use Only
3 additional entries
Sex Customs United States History 20th Century
Cruising modernism : class and sexuality in American literature and social thought / Michael Trask.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Flapper : a madcap story of sex, style, celebrity, and the women who made America modern / Joshua Zei
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Heavy petting [videorecording] / Docurama Films ; produced and directed by Obie Benz.
Axe DVDs 1st Floor:Available
Make love, not war : the sexual revolution : an unfettered history / David Allyn.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex in crisis : the new sexual revolution and the future of American politics / Dagmar Herzog.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Sex Customs Virginia History : Holloway, Pippa.
Sexuality, politics, and social control in Virginia, 1920-1945 [electronic resource] / Pippa Holloway
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
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