Spanish Language Noun Congresses
En Torno Al Sustantivo y Adjetivo en el Espanol Actual : Aspectos Cognitivos, Semanticos, (morfo)sint
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Spanish Language Noun Phrase
Implicatures in discourse [electronic resource] : the case of Spanish NP anaphora / Sarah E. Blackwel
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Third person references : forms and functions in two spoken genres of Spanish / Jenny Dumont.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Spanish Language Obsolete Words : Jimenez Rios, Enrique,
Variacion lexica y Diccionario : Los Arcaismos en el Diccionario de la Academia / Enrique Jimenez Rio
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Spanish Language Orthography And Spelling
Diccionario Iter ortografico de la lengua Castellana.
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Write it right : instant spelling dictionary and style manual ; the 20,000 words most frequently used
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Spanish Language Paraguay : Zajicova, Lenka,
El bilinguismo paraguayo : usos y actitudes hacia el guarani y el castellano / Lenka Zajicova.
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Spanish Language Parts Of Speech : Octavio de Toledo, Alvaro S.,
Los relacionantes locativos en la historia del espanol / by Alvaro S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta.
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Spanish Language Periodicals
Ehumanista [electronic resource] : journal of Iberian studies.
Axe Gale Electronic Resource:Available
Axe Basement Current Periodicals :Available
Spanish Language Peru Foreign Elements African : Sessarego, Sandro,
Afro-Peruvian Spanish : Spanish slavery and the legacy of Spanish Creoles / Sandro Sessarego.
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Spanish Language Phonetics
Fonetika a fonologie soucasne -9A;panel-9A;tiny / Petr -10C;ermak.
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Nasals and nasalization in Spanish and Portuguese : perception, phonetics and phonology / C. Elizabet
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Sociofonetica Andaluza y Linguistica Perceptiva de la Variacion : El Espanol Hablado en Jerez de la F
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Spanish phonetics and phonology in contact : studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain / edited by
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Variacion yeista en el mundo hispanico / Rosario Gomez, Isabel Molina Martos (editors).
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Spanish Language Phonology
Studies in Spanish phonology, by Tomas Navarro. Translated by Richard D. Abraham.
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Fonetika a fonologie soucasne -9A;panel-9A;tiny / Petr -10C;ermak.
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Nasals and nasalization in Spanish and Portuguese : perception, phonetics and phonology / C. Elizabet
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Spanish phonetics and phonology in contact : studies from Africa, the Americas, and Spain / edited by
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3 additional entries
Spanish Language Phonology Congresses
Teoría de la optimidad : estudios de sintaxis y fonología / Rodrigo Gutiérrez Bravo, Esther Herrera Z
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Spanish Language Phonology Indexes : Resnick, Melvyn C.
Phonological variants and dialect identification in Latin American Spanish [electronic resource] / by
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Spanish Language Phrasebooks -- See Spanish language Conversation and phrase books
Spanish Language Phraseology
Estudios de Fraseologia y Fraseografia Del Espanol Actual / Gerd Wotjak, editor.
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Spanish Language Political Aspects
El espanol en contacto con otras lenguas [electronic resource] / Carol A. Klee y Andrew Lynch.
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Spanish in contact [electronic resource] : policy, social and linguistic inquiries / edited by Kim Po
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Spanish Language Political Aspects History
A political history of Spanish [electronic resource] the making of a language / edited by Jose del Va
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Spanish Language Political Aspects Latin America : Prieto, Julio,
La Escritura Errante : Ilegibilidad y Politicas Del Estilo en Latinoamerica / Julio Prieto.
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Spanish Language Political Aspects Mexican American Border Region : Velez-Ibanez, Carlos G.,
Hegemonies of language and their discontents : the Southwest North American region since 1540 / Carlo
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Spanish Language Political Aspects Rio De La Plata Viceroyalty History : Verdo, Geneviève.
Lenguaje y política [electronic resource] : conceptos claves en el Río de la Plata II : 1780-1870.
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Spanish Language Political Aspects Spain
La Lengua, ¿patria Comun? : Ideas e Ideologias Del Espanol / Jose del Valle (editor).
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Spanish Language Political Aspects United States : Herlihy-Mera, Jeffrey,
Decolonizing American Spanish : Eurocentrism and the Limits of Foreignness in the Imperial Ecosystem
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Spanish Language Prepositions
Prepositional clauses in Spanish : a diachronic and comparative syntactic study / by Manuel Delicado
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Spanish pronouns and prepositions / Dorothy Richmond.
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Spanish Language Problems Exercises Etc : Bey, Vivienne.
Spanish verb drills / by Vivienne Bey, in collaboration with Beatrice Concheff.
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Spanish Language Pronominals : Peskova, Andrea,
Sujetos pronominales en el espanol porteno : implicaciones pragmaticas en la interfaz sintactico-fono
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Spanish Language Pronoun
Forms of address in the Spanish of the Americas / edited by Maria Irene Moyna, Susana Rivera-Mills.
Axe ProQuest E-Book:Available
Spanish pronouns and prepositions / Dorothy Richmond.
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Spanish Language Pronouns : Lubbers Quesada, Margaret,
The L2 acquisition of Spanish subjects : multiple perspectives / Margaret Lubbers Quesada.
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Spanish Language Pronunciation
Patterns of Spanish pronunciation, a drillbook, by J. Donald Bowen and Robert P. Stockwell.
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Variacion yeista en el mundo hispanico / Rosario Gomez, Isabel Molina Martos (editors).
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Spanish Language Provincialisms
Linguistica, lexicografia, vocabulario dialectal : el Vocabulario andaluz de A. Alcala Venceslada / F
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Un mundo en retazos lexicos : ambientes linguisticos en la literatura oral de Jaen / Agueda Moreno Mo
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Variación del español en los medios / Raúl Ávila, editor ; con la colaboración de Rodrigo Muñoz y la
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Argentina
El col Rioplatense : Lengua, Literaturas, Expresiones Culturales / Angela Di Tullio, Rolf Kailuweit (
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Argentina Buenos Aires
Preterit expansion and perfect demise in Porteño Spanish and beyond : a critical perspective on cogni
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Sujetos pronominales en el espanol porteno : implicaciones pragmaticas en la interfaz sintactico-fono
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Canary Islands
El espanol de Canarias hoy : analisis y perspectivas / Javier Medina Lopez, Dolores Corbella Diaz (ed
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Latin America Dictionaries
Multicultural Spanish dictionary : how everyday Spanish differs from country to country / edited by A
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Multicultural Spanish dictionary : how everyday Spanish differs from country to country / Morry Sofer
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NTC's dictionary of Latin American Spanish / Rafael A. Olivares.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
Random House Latin-American Spanish dictionary / David L. Gold ; revised and updated by Kathleen O'Co
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Mexico
Diccionario de aztequismos / Luis Cabrera ; [puesto en orden y revisado por J. Ignacio Dávila Garibi]
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Herencia cultural del mundo náhuatl a través de la lengua / Birgitta Leander.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
El léxico indígena en el español de México / Juan M. Lope Blanch
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Mexico Dictionaries
Diccionario básico del español de México / [dirigido por Luis Fernando Lara].
Axe JSTOR Open Ebooks:Available
Diccionario de mejicanismos : razonado, comprobado con citas de autoridades, comparado con el de amer
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Diccionario del español usual en México / dirigido por Luis Fernando Lara.
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Spanish Language Provincialisms Texas : Galván, Roberto A.
El diccionario del español chicano = The dictionary of Chicano Spanish / compiled by Roberto A. Galvá
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Spanish Language Provincialisms United States Dictionaries : Galvan, Roberto A.
The dictionary of Chicano Spanish = El diccionario del español chicano / originally compiled by Rober
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Spanish Language Provincialisms Venezuela : Rosenblat, Angel.
Buenas y malas palabras en el castellano de Venezuela / Angel Rosenblat.
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Spanish Language Qualifiers : Verveckken, Katrien Dora,
Binominal quantifiers in Spanish : conceptually-driven analogy in diachrony and synchrony / Katrien D
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Spanish Language Readers
1, 2, 3: tres dramas mexicanos en un acto / [edited by] Jeanine Gaucher-Shultz and Alfredo O. Morales
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
3 novelas cortas : 3 piezas teatrales / Homero Castillo, Audrey G. Castillo.
Axe 2nd Floor Stacks:Available
500 palabras nuevas para ti = 500 words to grow on / illustrated by Harry McNaught ; translated into
Pittsburg 1st Fl Juvenile Spanish Non-Fiction:Claims Retd
Autorretratos y espejos / Gloria Durán, Manuel Durán.
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36 additional entries
Spanish Language Readers Civilization : Burnett, Jane.
Muchas facetas de Mexico.
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Spanish Language Readers Economics : Knapp, Nieves Perez,
Mastering Spanish Through Global Debate = Dominio del espanol a traves del debate global / Nieves Per
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Spanish Language Readers Geography
Cuentos de la Metropoli : quince narraciones porteñas / edited by Donald A. Yates.
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Spanish Language Readers Hispanic Americans : Marshall, Karen.
Los Estados Unidos hispanicos : a cultural reader / Karen Marshall, Neal A. Wiegman.
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Spanish Language Readers Legends
Leyendas de España = Legends reflecting the history of Spain / Genevieve Barlow, William N. Stivers ;
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Leyendas mexicanas : a collection of Mexican legends / Genevieve Barlow. William N. Stivers ; ill. by
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Spanish Language Readers Political Science : Knapp, Nieves Perez,
Mastering Spanish Through Global Debate = Dominio del espanol a traves del debate global / Nieves Per
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Spanish Language Readers Short Stories Spanish
El cuento hispánico : a graded literary anthology / edited by Edward J. Mullen, John F. Garganigo.
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Spanish Language Readers Short Stories Spanish American
Al tanto : catorce cuentos contemporáneos / Gene S. Kupferschmid.
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Al tanto : catorce cuentos contemporáneos / Gene S. Kupferschmid.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Al tanto : catorce cuentos contemporáneos / Gene S. Kupferschmid.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
El cuento hispánico : a graded literary anthology / edited by Edward J. Mullen, John F. Garganigo.
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Spanish Language Readers Spanish American Literature
Contemporary Latin-American literature : original selections from the literary giants for intermediat
Axe 3rd Floor Stacks:Available
Huellas de las literaturas hispanoamericanas / John F. Garganigo [and others].
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Spanish Language Reference : Haverkate, Henk.
Speech acts, speakers, and hearers [electronic resource] : reference and referential strategies in Sp
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Spanish Language Relative Clauses
Bilingual sentence processing [electronic resource] : relative clause attachment in English and Spani
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La estandarizacion linguistica de los relativos en el mundo hispanico : una aproximacion empirica / C
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