Speech Defects -- See Speech disorders Here are entered works on disorders of the physiological mechanisms required for the articulation, patterning, or production of speech. Works on disorders of the central neurological function affecting the reception, processing, or expression of language are entered under Language disorders.
Speech Disorders Of -- See Speech disorders Here are entered works on disorders of the physiological mechanisms required for the articulation, patterning, or production of speech. Works on disorders of the central neurological function affecting the reception, processing, or expression of language are entered under Language disorders.
Speech Figures Of -- See Figures of speech Here are entered general works and works on figures of speech in the English language. Works treating of figures of speech in other languages are entered under the name of the language, with subdivision Figures of speech.
Speech Interpretative -- See Oral interpretation Here are entered works on understanding and appreciation of various forms of literature through oral presentation. Works on the art and technical skill of reading aloud are entered under Oral reading.
Speech Pathology -- See Speech disorders Here are entered works on disorders of the physiological mechanisms required for the articulation, patterning, or production of speech. Works on disorders of the central neurological function affecting the reception, processing, or expression of language are entered under Language disorders.