Surviving Skills -- See Survival Here are entered works on the skills necessary to survive in a hazardous environment usually stressing self-reliance and economic self-sufficiency.
Survivors Benefits Old Age Pensions -- See Old age pensions Here are entered works on regular payments of money to individuals who have retired from employment because of age, including payments to survivors upon the death of the retiree. Works on benefits from any source, public or private, made to survivors, are entered under Survivors' benefits. --subdivision Pensions under classes of persons and ethnic groups
Survivors Holocaust -- See Holocaust survivors Here are entered works on Jews who survived the Jewish Holocaust of 1939-1945, with emphasis on their lives since 1945. Works consisting of personal accounts of the Jewish Holocaust are entered under Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Personal narratives.
Survivors Insurance -- See Survivors' benefits Here are entered works on benefits from any source, public or private, made to survivors. Works on regular payments of money to individuals who have retired from employment because of age, including payments to survivors, upon the death of the retiree, are entered under Old age pensions.