My birthplace, ethnicity and parents -- My birth and customs about childbirth in the Gallinas country -- Life and customs in the Bali (Bari) country of Sierra Leone -- Life and customs in the Vai country of Liberia -- On beauty and aspects of Vai social organization -- Life in Monrovia -- School begins at Julie C. Emery Hall -- More on life at the mission school -- I bid farewell to Liberia -- I arrive in Germany -- I meet a Nazi - and more on the work of the consulate-general -- Hard times, "isms" and school -- Christmas and school trips in Germany -- The "invincibles" and my departure for Switzerland -- L'ecole superieure et secondaire (Switzerland) and rough times on my return to Germany -- Departure for America -- Welcome for a "savage" at Lane College and death of Father -- The Fisk University saga -- Goodbye friends - you shall be hearing from me.