-- See Also the narrower term Buccaneers Here are entered works on sea adventurers who preyed upon Spanish ships and settlements in the Caribbean area from the late 1500's to the early 1700's, but chiefly in the 17th century.
-- See Also the narrower term Overland journeys to the Pacific Here are entered accounts of the crossing of the continent under pioneer conditions, on foot, on horseback, by wagon, etc.
--names of regions explored, e.g. Africa, Central; Antarctica; Arctic regions; also names of expeditions, e.g. Challenger Expedition, 1872-1876; and names of ships
-- See Also Travel Here are entered works on the art of travel, etc. Works on voyages and travels are entered under the heading Voyages and travels. --subdivision Description and travel under names of countries, cities, etc.; and subdivision Travel under classes of persons and ethnic groups
-- See Also the narrower term Voyages to the Pacific coast Here are entered works on sea voyages from the eastern part of the United States, around Cape Horn or across the Isthmus of Panama, primarily from the time of gold discovery until the completion of the transcontinental railroads.