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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Author Musial, Walter D.

Title Status of wave and tidal power technologies for the United States [electronic resource] / W. Musial.

Imprint Golden, Colo. : National Renewable Energy Laboratory, [2008]


Location Call No. OPAC Message Status
 Axe Federal Documents Online  E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-43240    ---  Available
Description iv, 10 p. : digital, PDF file
Series Technical report ; NREL/TP-500-43240
NREL/TP ; 500-43240.
System Details Mode of access via the NREL web site.
Note Title from title screen (viewed on August 7, 2008).
"August 2008."
Summary This paper presents the status of marine applications for renewable energy as of 2008 from a U.S. perspective. The technologies examined include wave, tidal, and ocean current energy extraction devices that are currently being demonstrated in at least one ocean project. The paper also examines the resources for each of these technologies, the limitations to the current assessments, and the research and development needs of the marine renewable energy industry.
Subject Tidal power.
Ocean energy resources.
Ocean wave power.
Renewable energy sources.
Added Author National Renewable Energy Laboratory (U.S.)
Gpo Item No. 0430-P-03 (online)
Sudoc No. E 9.16:NREL/TP-500-43240

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