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ElectronicResource GovDoc
Corporate Author United States. Government Accountability Office.

Title Medicare Program Integrity [electronic resource] : greater prepayment control efforts could increase savings and better ensure proper payment : report to congressional requesters.

Imprint [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Govt. Accountability Office, [2012]


Location Call No. OPAC Message Status
 Axe Federal Documents Online  GA 1.13:GAO-13-102    ---  Available
Description 1 online resource (iii, 57 pages) : ill.
Note Title from title caption (viewed on Dec. 31, 2012).
"November 2012."
QR code for online version of document included on title page.
Summary CMS reported an improper payment rate of 8.6 percent ($28.8 billion) in the Medicare fee-for-service program for fiscal year 2011. To help ensure that payments are made properly, CMS uses controls called edits that are programmed into claims processing systems to compare claims data to Medicare requirements in order to approve or deny claims or flag them for further review. GAO was asked to assess the use of prepayment edits in the Medicare program and CMS's oversight of MACs, which process claims and implement some edits. This report examines the extent to which (1) CMS and its contractors employed prepayment edits, (2) CMS has designed adequate processes to determine the need for and to implement edits based on national policies, and (3) CMS provides information, oversight, and incentives to MACs to promote use of effective edits. GAO analyzed Medicare claims for consistency with selected coverage policies, reviewed CMS and contractor documents, and interviewed officials from CMS and selected contractors.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references.
Note "GAO-13-102."
File Type Text in PDF format.
System Details Mode of access: World Wide Web.
System requirements: Adobe Acrobat reader.
Subject Medicare -- Claims administration.
Letting of contracts -- United States -- Evaluation.
Medicare fraud -- Prevention.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (U.S.) -- Appropriations and expenditures.
Waste in government spending -- United States -- Prevention.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (U.S.)
Medicare -- organization & administration.
Fee-for-Service Plans -- economics -- United States.
Added Title Greater prepayment control efforts could increase savings and better ensure proper payment
Running Title Medicare prepayment edits
Gpo Item No. 0546-D (online)
Sudoc No. GA 1.13:GAO-13-102

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